I do really like just “spotty”, like @spotty@cubhub.social. It’s simple, applies to both my main fursonas, it’s kind of diminutive in a cute and little way
28.11.2023 02:08I do really like just “spotty”, like @spotty@cubhub.social. It’s simple, applies to both my main fursonas, it’s kind of diminutive...I think part of what makes me want to get it in one is the fact that I also kind of want it to be my main account in a way. Having the ability to post more pictures and WAY more characters is really exciting. I want to kind of use it as my SFW-free unfiltered kinky/thought debris account
Unfiltered me. Not in the way that Facebook boomers use it, as a euphemism for posting rancid stuff. More in the “this is my very personal space and I’m not worried about other people seeing/interpreting it” kind of way
28.11.2023 02:07I think part of what makes me want to get it in one is the fact that I also kind of want it to be my main account in a way. Having the...Heavily considering moving this account back to cubhub.social seeing as I'm basically only ever posting and talking about ABDL stuff, with the occasional rubber and pooltoy stuff as a brief intermission.
The thing is I don't know which one of my previous handles I want to revive. I have these three:
@batbits@cubhub.social , @kiddo@cubhub.social , and @yellow_spots@cubhub.social
I like all three, but none of them feel suitably little IMO. Kiddo is fine...ish
I want something that whenever I see it, it makes me feel small.
Suggestions are welcome!
28.11.2023 01:50Heavily considering moving this account back to cubhub.social seeing as I'm basically only ever posting and talking about ABDL stuff,...I want a “child’s writing” Unicode character set that makes the letters kind of all over the place with some of the letters backwards and stuff
27.11.2023 19:55I want a “child’s writing” Unicode character set that makes the letters kind of all over the place with some of the letters backwards...How do I encourage the bedwetting allegations
27.11.2023 15:49How do I encourage the bedwetting allegationsI want like five rubber catsuits with different entries and I want to wear em all at once. Alas the top layer should have built in ball mitts and then someone should lock my dog hood and paw mitts on over top
27.11.2023 15:43I want like five rubber catsuits with different entries and I want to wear em all at once. Alas the top layer should have built in ball...Diapered December
Hadn’t considered that
26.11.2023 21:17Diapered December……Hadn’t considered thatI made a potty license!
Check it out here:
Is it being cucked if you’re the camera operator?
🐕 https://bsky.app/profile/foxholes.bsky.social
📷 @lupomancer
#spottyshots #snapjaw #petplay
5.11.2023 08:54Is it being cucked if you’re the camera operator?🐕 https://bsky.app/profile/foxholes.bsky.social📷 @lupomancer #spottyshots #snapjaw...ABDL
Sweet comfy lil fella!!!
A little re-colour of out-of-date art that a friend did for me.
This was originally a really old version of werewolf sig, so it’s nice to have it applicable again :3
Smooth, soft, pillowy, null
If I could give up my junk to just have this all the time, I think I would
4.11.2023 01:23DiaperSmooth, soft, pillowy, nullIf I could give up my junk to just have this all the time, I think I wouldno nut november and nullvember being the same month is no coincidence, I think. I'm honoring it by covering my lame junk up with big thick diapers >:3 basically the same as being null
3.11.2023 15:26no nut november and nullvember being the same month is no coincidence, I think. I'm honoring it by covering my lame junk up with big...I think I want to get some art of me being wayyyyy overfed with eggnog
31.10.2023 00:02I think I want to get some art of me being wayyyyy overfed with eggnogABDL
Dogbed vibes 💛
30.10.2023 20:27ABDLDogbed vibes 💛It’s really nice just having this stuff out casually now. It’s part of my life that I don’t need to hide in my own home anymore
30.10.2023 20:25It’s really nice just having this stuff out casually now. It’s part of my life that I don’t need to hide in my own home anymoreYknow, I haven’t really worn underwear for days. Besides something like going to the gym, it’s been just diapers. My roommates got over the kinda tease-y aspect whenever they hear or see me in one so now it’s just casual.
Of course I LOVE the teasing, but having that all the time isn’t exactly sustainable. Just yesterday I got out of the shower and was having a conversation with my roommate that just naturally continued as we walked to my room and I started getting my clothes ready, spreading out and powdering a diaper, taping it on, and then getting dressed. The conversation didn’t skip a beat.
That kind of casual treatment of my wearing diapers is exactly what I’m looking for, I think. It’s not a weird thing, it doesn’t warrant a celebration every time. Sig just wears diapers and that’s a fact that doesn’t need any more attention than someone else wearing underwear
Plus having it be so casual like that makes me feel like I need diapers and that feels really good >.>
30.10.2023 16:30Yknow, I haven’t really worn underwear for days. Besides something like going to the gym, it’s been just diapers. My roommates got over...You never realize how much heat you shed from your groin until you put a diaper on and feel how much you sweat
22.10.2023 05:21You never realize how much heat you shed from your groin until you put a diaper on and feel how much you sweatABDL
Basically totally moved in now. Got to spend this morning in my dog bed all snuggled with plushies and playing switch. It was so comfy.
I really needed the ability to do this in my life. Casually, without shame or needing to hide it. I can just be myself and wear and do what I want. It feels very, very good https://furries.club/@lupomancer/111264485820061871
22.10.2023 02:36ABDLBasically totally moved in now. Got to spend this morning in my dog bed all snuggled with plushies and playing switch. It was so comfy.I...ABDL thought debris
The trouble with this is I need to find a partner, or caretaker, or whatever that is okay with this. Finding someone to live this alternative lifestyle is…tough. Often people are down to indulge momentarily in my being little. They can do it for a couple hours, or a night. I’ve yet to meet someone in person who is can even entertain the idea of living the lifestyle. Someone who is okay with just me, or even both of us, wearing all the time, having being little be the default.
Even finding someone that’s just okay with me wearing diapers all the time is hard, let alone being okay with me dressing up, LET ALONE someone who’s down to treat me little, give me bedtimes, scold me for swearing, etc etc etc. It’s a LOT to ask of someone, but I know there’s people out there who get as much out of being the big as I would being the little
27.8.2023 02:38ABDL thought debrisThe trouble with this is I need to find a partner, or caretaker, or whatever that is okay with this. Finding someone to...ABDL thought debris
Sometimes I’ll get really in my own head about diapers. Usually I’ll focus on if I’m really that into ABDL as a kink, if I really want to push this kink to the forefront of my after-dark identity.
ABDL and diapers are SO divisive. Either someone is chill with it, or they treat you like you’re radioactive. It’s a big risk to attach all this to my main online identity. Do I really love being little THAT much?
I’ll run through this thought spiral for hours or days or whatever…
…right up until I put a diaper on and wet it, or dress up little, or see my paci out of the corner of my eye, or have a really good conversation with a stuffie. THEN I’ll think “yeah, this IS me”.
I truly think being ABDL, being little, is more than a kink to me. It’s part of my identity. I’m not just someone who roleplays as a little critter sometimes, I AM a little critter. This is a lifestyle I want to lean in to. I don’t want to just play the part occasionally, I want to live it, if I can
27.8.2023 02:18ABDL thought debrisSometimes I’ll get really in my own head about diapers. Usually I’ll focus on if I’m really that into ABDL as a...