Le programme de travail HORIZON-INFRA-EOSC pour 2025, qui investira 103 millions d'euros dans l'EOSC, vous intéresse ? Regardez l'enregistrement et les PDF des présentations de l'atelier de mardi : https://infraeosc2025.sciencesconf.org
13.3.2025 11:45Le programme de travail HORIZON-INFRA-EOSC pour 2025, qui investira 103 millions d'euros dans l'EOSC, vous intéresse ? Regardez...All great things come to an end: From 2025-03-04 at 12:08:04 UT, data from the INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) will not be transmitted anymore to the INTEGRAL science data centre (ISDC) owing to the end of scientific operations, more than 22 years after its launch.
I am happy to have been part of this journey, as I worked for INTEGRAL at the ISDC in Geneva (2001-2003 & 2007-2009), at NASA/GSFC (2003-2007), and at CNRS.
Appel à projets du Fonds national pour la science ouverte (FNSO) concernant l’édition scientifique ouverte. Vous avez jusqu’au 21 mai 2025 pour répondre !
European Health Data Space (EHDS): Council adopts new regulation improving cross-border access to EU health data.
The EHDS aims to improve individuals’ access to and control over their personal electronic health data, while also enabling data to be reused for research and innovation purposes for the benefit of European patients. It provides for a health-specific data environment that will ensure cross-border access to digital health services and products within the EU.
The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern invites proposals for establishing international teams to conduct research in Space Sciences. To be eligible, research projects must involve the interdisciplinary analysis and evaluation of space mission data. Deadline: March 13, 2025.
The Call for International Team proposals is available on the ISSI web site: http://www.issibern.ch/docs/ISSI_ISSI-BJ_annual_call2025.pdf
15.1.2025 16:14The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern invites proposals for establishing international teams to conduct research in Space...What’s on the agenda for European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in 2025?
- Building the EOSC Federation
- Determining the EOSC financial and governance model for the future under FP10 (i.e. after 2027)
- The HORIZON-INFRA-EOSC work programme will offer in 2025 financial support (around 100 M€)
- The EOSC Association will elect a new president.
- EOSC Symposium 2025 on November 3-5 in Bruxelles
Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7282425981645029376/
7.1.2025 16:21What’s on the agenda for European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in 2025?- Building the EOSC Federation- Determining the EOSC financial and...CNRS organised an open science day on November 2024. I had the opportunity to report about the latest development of EOSC, specifically on the construction of the EOSC Federation. Summary of the event: https://www.cnrs.fr/en/update/france-forefront-open-science
And here you find all PDFs of the presentations: https://jso-cnrs-2024.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/1
JCAD 2024, Journées Calcul Données, 4 au 6 novembre 2024 à Talence : Rencontres scientifiques et techniques autour du calcul et des données. Et, certainement, j'ai fait le point sur #EOSC, l'European Open Science Cloud.
Les vidéos et les transparents sont accessibles depuis la page du programme : https://jcad2024.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/11
12.12.2024 10:33JCAD 2024, Journées Calcul Données, 4 au 6 novembre 2024 à Talence : Rencontres scientifiques et techniques autour du calcul et des...Arvind Parmar and collaborators published a book on "ESA Science Programme Missions - Contributions and Exploitation" with a focus on their impact, payload provision and on the #ESA Observing Time Proposal programs of #XMM-Newton, #INTEGRAL and Herschel. This work got its start by trying to answer the question "how do you evaluate the scientific performance of the ESA's Science Programme missions?".
The book is openly available for free under: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-69004-4
The #EOSC Association had its General Assembly today, electing 4 board members: Sara Garavelli (who was re-elected), Kamran Naim (CERN) and Roxanne Wyns (KU Leuven LIBIS) for a 3-year term on the board and Licia Florio (NORDUnet) for one year as director. Looking forward to work with the new board members as well as with those who continue as directors. And thanks to the outgoing board members, Bob Jones and Wilhelm Widmark for their engagement and contributions in the past 4 years.
22.11.2024 12:28The #EOSC Association had its General Assembly today, electing 4 board members: Sara Garavelli (who was re-elected), Kamran Naim (CERN) and...Participez à l'enquête “Contributions à l’ecosystème des logiciels “Open Source” dans l’Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche”. Il est destiné à la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (ESR) française. Le but de ce sondage est de mettre en évidence les contributions de l’ESR à l’ecosystème OSS.
You can answer the survey also in English : https://gricad-limesurvey.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/index.php/943547
The ESFRI-EOSC Task Force workshop about “Prototyping The EOSC Federation: Nodes And Linkages” took place this week in Milano. Read a short summary about it here:
Last week, November 6-7, the meeting of the European Open Science Cloud (#EOSC) Steering Board and of the EOSC Tripartite Governance took place in Budapest. Main points of the discussions were the building up of the EOSC Federation and the road towards EOSC under the next European Framework Programme.
Read more here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7263566056936423424/
16.11.2024 15:12Last week, November 6-7, the meeting of the European Open Science Cloud (#EOSC) Steering Board and of the EOSC Tripartite Governance took...Journée "Repousser les limites" du Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie (CCRT) le 3 décembre au TGCC du CEA (Bruyères-le-Châtel). HPC, calcul exascale, calcul quantique, cas d'utilisation. Inscrivez-vous avant le 20 novembre : https://www-ccrt.cea.fr/fr/ccrt-day-2024.htm
15.11.2024 15:12Journée "Repousser les limites" du Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie (CCRT) le 3 décembre au TGCC du CEA...Become a project scientist for the ESCAPE project, to help advance the cutting edge research in astrophysics and particle physics in terms of FAIR data and services productivity. Apply now for the position at the LAPP (@CNRS_IN2P3) in Annecy :