Here's what happened when affirmative action ended in California : Black and Brown students were less likely to attend UC schools and attended lower-ranked universities at higher rates. UC schools were never able to have graduating classes that reflected the racial diversity of high school graduation classes. #AffirmativeAction #Race #EconomicMobility #npr
3.7.2023 15:09Here's what happened when affirmative action ended in California : Black and Brown students were less likely to attend UC schools and...What a pleasure to read Tillery’s feedback on this topic…With affirmative action gutted for college, race-conscious work programs may be next - #affirmativeaction #employment #race-conscious #DEI
3.7.2023 15:03What a pleasure to read Tillery’s feedback on this topic…With affirmative action gutted for college, race-conscious work programs may be...Democrats want the young North Carolina vote, but Gen Z's feelings are complicated - #NCvotes #NC #elections #2024Elections
3.7.2023 14:57Democrats want the young North Carolina vote, but Gen Z's feelings are complicated -...A strong #NewYorkTimes opinion piece by Maureen Dowd “We can’t deal with artificial intelligence unless we cultivate and educate the non-artificial intelligence that we already possess.” #AI #artificial #intelligence #humanities #SupportHumanities
28.5.2023 09:54A strong #NewYorkTimes opinion piece by Maureen Dowd “We can’t deal with artificial intelligence unless we cultivate and educate the...**ANNOUNCEMENT**
#PSJournal is excited to announce a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Forecasting the 2024 US Election. Submissions are due July 17th, 2024.
Read more here:
#USelection #2024Election #politicalforecasting
Looking forward to the Race Inequality Policy Initiative Spring Speaker event on The Effects of #NorthCarolina #Environmental #Injustices featuring scholars and community representatives. If you are in Winston, join us tomorrow at 4pm in #wakeforestuniversity’s library
17.4.2023 12:48Looking forward to the Race Inequality Policy Initiative Spring Speaker event on The Effects of #NorthCarolina #Environmental #Injustices...So proud of my #wakeforestuniversity #politics students for their work as #undergraduate #research assistants and appreciative of their faculty advisors. This year we had a record number of students! #GoDeacs
17.4.2023 12:44So proud of my #wakeforestuniversity #politics students for their work as #undergraduate #research assistants and appreciative of their...Reminder to check out #PSJournal’s calls for papers - one on #AI and the other on #ClimateChange and #Vulnerable #Populations @politicalscience
Check out the latest #PSJournal article on #undergraduate #research in a #minority serving #lab by @dadakim and others
"Multiple RAs noted how their DPERL had changed their perception about what research looks like" @politicalscience #PoliSci #politicalscience
2.4.2023 14:45Check out the latest #PSJournal article on #undergraduate #research in a #minority serving #lab by @dadakim and others "Multiple RAs...Check out the latest #PSJournal article on #research based #learning on FirstView by Mahmoud Farag!
"The restructuring of the course highlights the need for flexibility...It also signifies the need to structure the course from the beginning along two tracks: one devoted to research and one to theory."
31.3.2023 12:08Check out the latest #PSJournal article on #research based #learning on FirstView by Mahmoud Farag! "The restructuring of the course...Another #PSJournal study on integrating #undergraduate #students in #research out on #FirstView #TheLab as a #Classroom
"Some aspects of our proposed approach challenge conventional academic norms and assumptions"
Read it here:
28.3.2023 11:53Another #PSJournal study on integrating #undergraduate #students in #research out on #FirstView #TheLab as a #Classroom"Some aspects of...Check out the latest #PSJournal #firstview article on engaging #undergraduate #students in #research in #SouthKorea
"The resource constraint reinforces a Confucian hierarchy, which prioritizes higher-rank members who have patiently worked their way up the ladder."
28.3.2023 11:50Check out the latest #PSJournal #firstview article on engaging #undergraduate #students in #research in #SouthKorea"The resource...Ramadan: What to say (or not say) to your Muslim friends - #Ramadan #WhatNotToSay #Muslims
23.3.2023 16:11Ramadan: What to say (or not say) to your Muslim friends -...Today, in honor of #WomensHistoryMonth, check out Angela L. Bos, @Prof_Mirya, Jill Greenlee, Zoe M. Oxley, & Celeste Lay’s work titled "100 Years of Suffrage and Girls Still Struggle to Find their “Fit” in Politics" here:
Now Free Access at #PSJournal #polisci #women #suffrage #politics @politicalscience
23.3.2023 11:53Today, in honor of #WomensHistoryMonth, check out Angela L. Bos, @Prof_Mirya, Jill Greenlee, Zoe M. Oxley, & Celeste Lay’s work titled...Today, for #WomensHistoryMonth, check out Pearl Ford Dowe’s work titled "Resisting #Marginalization: #Black #Women’s #Political #Ambition and #Agency" here:
Now Free Access from #PSJournal! @politicalscience #PoliSci #PoliticalScience
17.3.2023 13:12Today, for #WomensHistoryMonth, check out Pearl Ford Dowe’s work titled "Resisting #Marginalization: #Black #Women’s #Political...This week, check out Rosalyn Cooperman and Melody Crowder Meyer’s work titled "Standing on Their Shoulders: #Suffragists, Women’s #PACs, and Demands for #Women’s #Representation." Now Free Access at #PSJournal
#WomensHistoryMonth #politicalscience
16.3.2023 11:44This week, check out Rosalyn Cooperman and Melody Crowder Meyer’s work titled "Standing on Their Shoulders: #Suffragists, Women’s...Now on FirstView at #PSJournal a study on creating, implementing and experiencing #research #opportunities for #undergraduates with a focus on #diversity #equity and #inclusion by Rosalee Clawson, Natasha T. Duncan, Pablo Balcazar, Daniella Gonzalez, & Meron Tamene!
"Administrators and faculty have important roles to play in creating an environment in which marginalized and minoritized students can thrive." #PoliticalScience
15.3.2023 12:00Now on FirstView at #PSJournal a study on creating, implementing and experiencing #research #opportunities for #undergraduates with a focus...Now on FirstView at #PSJournal a study on Creating New #Knowledge with #Undergraduate #Students by Kelly Zvobgo, Paula M. Pickering, Jaime E. Settle and Mike Tierney
" our university, we believe that undergraduate students are exceedingly capable of contributing to scholarship & serving as collaborators."
#PoliticalScience #UndergraduateResearch
Check out the latest #PSJournal article on #GraduateSchool and #harassment #exploitation by Dana Kurd and Calla Hummel
"…students who reported any form of exploitation or harassment reported less satisfaction in their program...students who reported one form of harassment or exploitation were more likely to report another." #politicalscience #PoliSci @politicalscience
11.3.2023 13:36Check out the latest #PSJournal article on #GraduateSchool and #harassment #exploitation by Dana Kurd and Calla Hummel"…students who...Check out the #PSJournal Symposium on #Freedom of #Expression in an Age of #Social #Media, #Misinformation, and #Political #Polarization -
Free access until the end of March @politicalscience