Instance is shutting down in April, which I’ve known for a long time, so I guess I have to finally make the move. I have an account over at, seems like good folks and they block threads and other assholes so that’s good! Just gotta pull that trigger and migrate over but I’m a-scared.
23.1.2025 01:30Instance is shutting down in April, which I’ve known for a long time, so I guess I have to finally make the move. I have an account over...Is there an app like Untappd but for coffee? Only finding garbagey looking things on the App Store.
#beer #coffee #untappd #app
blockity block block mute
From: @bgm
Awful American awfulness gets muted/blocked from this point on, I guess. Got my word filters on but that shit is still getting through.
20.1.2025 18:19Awful American awfulness gets muted/blocked from this point on, I guess. Got my word filters on but that shit is still getting through.Yesterday I went to a funeral for an elderly family member. It was likely the last religious funeral I’ll go to, just based on demographics of people I know. Typical Anglican affair with lots of sitting and standing in an old small town Ontario church. I sang the one hymn because it’s a Cat Stevens song but I generally don’t read along with the prayers because it feels like I might burst into flames or something. Then you go downstairs for those funeral sandwiches and chat with the people who five minutes ago were “amen”-ing about loving your neighbour but are now complaining about homeless encampments in parks.
19.1.2025 17:26Yesterday I went to a funeral for an elderly family member. It was likely the last religious funeral I’ll go to, just based on...things can get odd when I’m working out words/rhymes/shapes for a song sketch.
#songwriting #rhymes #Najimy
Don’t know what I’m doing wrong on #Bandwagon ?
I signed up last week and uploaded an album but every song I try to play just stops playing when it's about 80% finished and starts again. Thought it was a dumb me thing but I checked out 3 or 4 different artists and the same thing; song plays about 3/4 of the way through and stops. Tried 2 different browsers? I’m on an M4 Mac?
I dunno.
Happy Bday David.
Deleting old stuff from my phone and I have no memory of making this weird cover of the "Eight Is Enough” themesong nor this video that mashes the intro up with scenes from Carrie.
#bgm #EightIsEnough #Carrie #BettyBuckley #TheyreAllGoingToLaughAtYou
woohoo Siri, gimme that sweet class action 20 bucks, I can add it to the $7.65 settlement I got from LifeLabs leaking the data from everytime I dropped off my pee or had blood drawn.
4.1.2025 18:44woohoo Siri, gimme that sweet class action 20 bucks, I can add it to the $7.65 settlement I got from LifeLabs leaking the data from...Just got this email and I feel like they already know what I think since they’re listening to me?
#mac #siri
That end-of-year anxiety-inducing Universal Audio plug-in sale where you can bundle several hundred dollars worth of plug-ins for $79 minus the $25 coupon they give you. It’s great but $54 US is still north of $80 Canadian and I am tapped out after Christmas!
Then if you buy it they give you another $25 thank you coupon and it starts all over again...
Sadly deleting my bookmark for #RadioFreeFedi
End of an era.
Thank you so much for everything, @radiofreefedi
3.1.2025 17:02Sadly deleting my bookmark for #RadioFreeFedi End of an era. Thank you so much for everything, @radiofreefedi ...Fairly or unfairly, I guess it's become the anthem for sad nerds...but Janis lan's signature tune At Seventeen is actually really biting and it's got a great arrangement that's fun to play.
Who knew.
Here’s the song from the Island of Misfit Toys part of Rudolph that I made my kids participate in many years ago.
Merry Christmas!
#IslandOfMisfitToys #music #bgm #Christmas #Rudolph #jelly
Today is the Disability Collective Holiday Market at #WychwoodBarns in Toronto. My daughter makes fantastic stained glass art and jewelry and AMAZING one of a kind bongs converted from vintage vases which you should totally go check out! St. Clair and Christie until 5pm! Go support disabled artists and score some very cool stuff.
#Toronto #art #artists #DisabilityCollective #StainedGlass #jewelry #bong
I know today is a lot, especially during this time of BUY BUY BUY and with all the awfulness everywhere, but genuinely thanks so much to people for buyin’ my stuff.
After all these years it’s still weird to me that I put music out there that anyone can hear--I swear if anything of mine comes on accidentally at home or in the car and there’s people around I DIVE for the stop button—so even though I cringe a bit at the thought of people listening to ME it means the world to me that they do. Just don’t tell me if you think it sucks. Thanks again for the support.
I’m bgm, speaking to you from a tiny room in downtown Toronto.
On this, the most Decembery of #BandcampFriday days, please take 10% off any of my stuff, if you’re so inclined, by using the discount code: fudge
Lots of homemade indie-folky-pop-rock with harmonies and guitars.
Thank you.
#bgm #Toronto #music #pop
The beer is just meh but I feel like I’m about 3% more man after drinking BIG RIG ALPHA BOMB IPA.
30.11.2024 03:13The beer is just meh but I feel like I’m about 3% more man after drinking BIG RIG ALPHA BOMB IPA.Rules of the game:
- Grab the nearest book.
- Turn to page 42
- Find the 2nd sentence
- Post the sentence in a toot with the hashtag & write the rules as a comment to it
- Don't look for your favourite, coolest or wittiest book. Go for the closest.