Trump is mentally incompetent to do his job he was elected to do.
12.3.2025 04:05Trump is mentally incompetent to do his job he was elected to do. B.C. Forest service helicopters, water bombers fire fighters, N.D.P. quick response to this fire extremely high winds. Hopefully tomorrow be out save Bold Point Quadra Island
Fire Number
Fire Centre
Coastal Fire Centre
Last Updated
Thursday, August 17, 2023, 7:37:44 PM
Discovered On
Thursday, August 17, 2023, 3:36:31 PM
Suspected Cause
3 Hectares
Fire size is based on most current information available.
Response Type
E Village Bay Lake
Trump probably makes this guy look good.
5.6.2023 21:17Trump probably makes this guy look good. to Mastodon
More twitter problems
Well guess when your running out of ideas to get bigots, racists, bullies etc. on side with the Republicans hate club 🙄 Guess it’s time beat up 🇺🇸 ally 🇨🇦 🙄 How much lower can they go 🤔
Gordon Pinsent passes away at 92 🇨🇦
🤔Guess that’s one way of ridding trump types from 🇺🇸 Wouldn’t want bet on how many would come back alive after the Ukraines got finished with them. 🤞
Abandoned underground mines could be repurposed to store vast amounts of energy using gravity batteries
17.1.2023 22:40Abandoned underground mines could be repurposed to store vast amounts of energy using gravity...Blue Herron Quadra Island B.C. 🇨🇦
14.1.2023 03:17Blue Herron Quadra Island B.C. 🇨🇦Green Tree Swallow Quadra Island B.C. 🇨🇦
14.1.2023 03:08Green Tree Swallow Quadra Island B.C. 🇨🇦If there were a plurality vote today, Kevin McCarthy, the Republican frontrunner, would lose to Democrat Hakeem Jeffrie
6.1.2023 02:39If there were a plurality vote today, Kevin McCarthy, the Republican frontrunner, would lose to Democrat Hakeem...Beach in Bay of Plenty 🇳🇿
4.1.2023 02:50Beach in Bay of Plenty 🇳🇿Volkswagen🤓 will see soon at least in Europe how Musks Tesla’s hold up against Volkswagen competition 😎
Paparoa National Park 🇳🇿
3.1.2023 01:31Paparoa National Park 🇳🇿Marlborough beach 🇳🇿
3.1.2023 01:13Marlborough beach 🇳🇿Lake Pearson 🇳🇿
3.1.2023 00:54Lake Pearson 🇳🇿Whangaruru area 🇳🇿 A day in the bay.
1.1.2023 17:47Whangaruru area 🇳🇿 A day in the bay.A day in the hot springs. Can somebody tell me if I’m using this #alttex Thing right. #New Zealand.
1.1.2023 17:09A day in the hot springs. Can somebody tell me if I’m using this #alttex Thing right. #New Zealand.Peddle Bike Snow plough.
Eagle, Moresby Island Haida Gwaii 🇨🇦
2.12.2022 03:12Eagle, Moresby Island Haida Gwaii 🇨🇦