The Missouri State Legislature:
1. Setting the bar for women's
rights lower than the hemline.
2. Progressing backwards one
dress code for women at a time
3. Making the Taliban look like
4. Where women’s bare arms is
perceived more dangerous than
fire arms
#Satire #Politics #Absurd #hopepunk
14.1.2023 19:23The Missouri State Legislature:1. Setting the bar for women's rights lower than the hemline.2. Progressing backwards one dress...Ah, the age-old debate of 'bear arms' versus the 'right to bare arms.'
"The Republican-dominated Missouri House of Reps. has decided to focus their efforts on a new target, the dress code for female legislators. Ignoring pressing issues such as healthcare, education & the economy, they've deemed it necessary to dictate the appropriate attire for the women. They only care about the right to bear arms when it comes to firearms, not when it comes to the arms of women.
14.1.2023 18:27Ah, the age-old debate of 'bear arms' versus the 'right to bare arms.' "The Republican-dominated Missouri House of...Women's Bare Arms Legislated
Prior to the mid terms GOP went silent on Women’s Rights but here back at it again On Wednesday, the Republican-dominated Missouri House of Representatives decided to spend its one wild and precious legislative life focusing, laser-like, on the issues that matter most to the people of the state: the dress code for female legislators. (WP Alexandra Petri}
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Vonnegut's style is often characterized by its dark humor, irony and sarcasm, and his use of irreverent, offbeat, and unconventional narrative techniques. His writing is often described as biting and satirical, and often employs a dry, deadpan tone, which makes it more effective in delivering its intended message. Even though he passed away in 2007, his writing still resonates with readers and is studied as a classic example of satire in literature.
13.1.2023 12:40Vonnegut's style is often characterized by its dark humor, irony and sarcasm, and his use of irreverent, offbeat, and unconventional...Kurt Vonnegut was known for writing a style of satire that is often described as dark, absurdist, and black comedy. He often used his novels and short stories to comment on the darker aspects of human nature, including war, death, and technological progress.
His style of satire often used exaggeration and non-sequiturs to make a point. He was also known for using elements of science fiction to create alternative realities that mirror the issues of his time.
13.1.2023 12:39Kurt Vonnegut was known for writing a style of satire that is often described as dark, absurdist, and black comedy. He often used his novels...“Hello, Babies. Welcome to Earth” - Kurt Vonnegut
“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies - God damn it, you've got to be kind." (God Bless you Mr. Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut)
13.1.2023 12:38“Hello, Babies. Welcome to Earth” - Kurt Vonnegut“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter....Types Of #satire
Political satire uses humor & irony to criticize political figures & policies.
Social satire critiques societal norms and values.
Satirical news uses a news format to present fictional & exaggerated events.
Parody imitates the style and tone of a particular work or genre to mock it.
Black comedy uses humor to address dark or taboo subjects.
Sarcasm uses irony & mock to express contempt or ridicule.
Absurdism uses exaggeration and non-sequiturs to make a point.
13.1.2023 12:14Types Of #satire Political satire uses humor & irony to criticize political figures & policies.Social satire critiques societal...Ah, the Missouri state legislature, ever on the cutting edge of progress and enlightenment.
They've truly outdone themselves this time, folks. While the rest of the world is grappling with the pressing issues of our time, they've decided to focus their efforts on a truly pressing matter: the bare arms of women. That's right, you heard it here first, folks. The Missouri state legislature is considering a ban on clothing that exposes a woman's bare arms
12.1.2023 14:53Ah, the Missouri state legislature, ever on the cutting edge of progress and enlightenment. They've truly outdone themselves this time,...Late for the School Bus
Oh, the angst and fretful mind, that doth torment the soul,
when first day back from holiday, doth make the young one whole.
The anxious parent's heart doth race, with fear of being late,
for the bus that bears their offspring, doth not for tardiness wait
Play on Overuse of Unprecedented”
"To be presidented, or not to be presidented: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The unpresidented chaos and shock of insurrection,
Or to take arms against a sea of violence and destruction,
And, by opposing, end the attack. To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That an unpresidented situation might bring.
'Tis a consummation devoutly not to be wish'd!"
Lucian of Samosata: The Pioneering Satirist and Science Fiction Writer
Lucian of Samosata's "True History" is a satirical novel written in the 2nd century AD. The story describes a voyage to the moon, a trip to the underworld, and a battle with giant ants, among other fantastical elements.
Lucian's story is not only an example of an early science fiction but also a great example of satire, as it mocks traditional tales of the gods and heroes, and the current beliefs of the time.
Let us come together, in unity,
And work towards a better future, free from hate.
For only then, shall our country be
A shining beacon, to the world, a true estate."
And so, with his power and base in decline,
He doth cling to the baseless notion of fraud.
But the truth, it doth shine, like the light divine,
And his downfall, it is not to be deferred.
And so, let us bid farewell to the man,
Who sought to tear our nation apart.
But let us not forget, as time doth span,
That we must play our part, to heal the heart.
Imagine that Shakespeare wrote a speech for Liz Cheney
"Oh, fair citizens of the land, lend me your ears,
For I come bearing news of grave import.
Hark! The Tragic Fall of Trump doth near,
His demise, a bitter and sorrowful sort.
He came to power with much fanfare and noise,
Promising to make America great again.
But alas, his promises were but mere toys,
For his reign was filled with division and pain.
"Incompetent politicians who want to take away women's reproductive rights are like bad doctors: they want to operate without a patient's consent"
10.1.2023 16:06"Incompetent politicians who want to take away women's reproductive rights are like bad doctors: they want to operate without a...Conmen need Jobs Too, Elect Them to Congress
Warning! the following may (or not) contain satire
A congressman who lied about his entire life and financial history then passed rules to eliminate the Congressional Ethics Committee was quoted as saying:
“'I may have scammed a few people in the past, but now I'm scamming the American people for their vote, isn't that what politics is all about?
#Politics #Satire #Draintheswamp #ethics #Congress #News
10.1.2023 14:21Conmen need Jobs Too, Elect Them to CongressWarning! the following may (or not) contain satireA congressman who lied about his entire life...Emily Dickinson – Transcending Traditional Gender Roles
Maria Popova has written about the way that Emily Dickinson played with gender and identity in her work. Dickinson was known to frequently reassign gender pronouns for herself and her loved ones, and often referred to herself using masculine terms. Popova is also interested in how Dickinson's use of masculine pronouns may have been a way for her to transcend traditional gender roles.
10.1.2023 00:19Emily Dickinson – Transcending Traditional Gender RolesMaria Popova has written about the way that Emily Dickinson played with gender and...It's been so long since the media used a different word to describe something extraordinary that I've forgotten what 'unprecedented' even means.
The media's overuse of the word 'unprecedented' is almost as unprecedented as the events they're describing."
10.1.2023 00:03It's been so long since the media used a different word to describe something extraordinary that I've forgotten what...If the media could go a whole week without resorting to using the word 'unprecedented,' it would be a miracle of epic proportions.
It would be a shocking deviation from the norm if they managed to go a week without using it.
10.1.2023 00:01If the media could go a whole week without resorting to using the word 'unprecedented,' it would be a miracle of epic proportions....The media's use of the word 'unprecedented' has reached such heights that it's practically a synonym for 'Tuesday.'
It would be truly ground-breaking if the media could go just one week without using the word 'unprecedented' in a headline.
9.1.2023 23:58The media's use of the word 'unprecedented' has reached such heights that it's practically a synonym for...