Hey my lovely followers. Given I’m both here and on Bluesky, I’m struggling to keep up, so I’m having a bit of a tidy up.
So if any of you are mutuals with me here and I’ve unfollowed you, it’ll only be because I’m also following you on Bluesky - so if im following you there and you haven’t yet followed me back, please do!
25.9.2023 22:26Hey my lovely followers. Given I’m both here and on Bluesky, I’m struggling to keep up, so I’m having a bit of a tidy up.So if any of...Health update: CT scan results.
So overall, nothing that I need to worry about too much, I just have to look after myself a bit more! (4/4)
11.9.2023 22:34Health update: CT scan results.So overall, nothing that I need to worry about too much, I just have to look after myself a bit more! (4/4)Health update: CT scan results.
So I am going to be taking a statin which should help, but I do need to make a few lifestyle changes - make sure to get a bit more exercise (I’ve really been bad for that the last few years), and make some adjustments to what I eat (fewer potatoes, brown rice instead of white, make carbs generally a smaller part of meals and increase protein instead, that sort of thing), but no drastic changes. Just taking a bit more care of myself. (3/4)
11.9.2023 22:34Health update: CT scan results.So I am going to be taking a statin which should help, but I do need to make a few lifestyle changes - make...Health update: CT scan results.
Apparently no-one knows exactly what causes it. Often it doesn’t need treatment. But this is the most likely culprit for the weird chest feelings I’ve been having. My GP has suggested upping my Amitriptyline dose, which might help with the symptoms.
Also, I have a small amount of plaque built up on one of tubes into the heart (I didn’t quite work which one!); no immediate cause for concern, but it does increase the chance of me having heart problems later (2/4)
11.9.2023 22:34Health update: CT scan results.Apparently no-one knows exactly what causes it. Often it doesn’t need treatment. But this is the most...Health update: CT scan results.
So some of you may remember that I was due to have a CT scan on my heart and related areas to see if there was anything to account for my occasional chest discomfort.
Today I finally got to talk to my GP about the results. The good news is that there’s nothing that is an immediate cause for concern.
Firstly I have a small hiatus hernia. This is when a part of your stomach pushes into your chest. It’s very common in people over 50. (1/4)
11.9.2023 22:34Health update: CT scan results.So some of you may remember that I was due to have a CT scan on my heart and related areas to see if there...The pyracantha next to th library is now starting to fruit. The berries aren't ripe yet, but that doesn't mean that the local sparrow population isn't taking advantage!
And as you can see in the last photo below, we have fledglings! This made me very excited. (tagging @mishellbaker as you expressed interest in seeing photos of any birds on the pyracantha!)
We're having a spot of lunch, then we're off to see Back to the Future: The Musical! I have no idea what to expect...
19.8.2023 12:15We're having a spot of lunch, then we're off to see Back to the Future: The Musical! I have no idea what to expect...Today I have been married to the wonderful Penny for 33 years!
18.8.2023 08:17Today I have been married to the wonderful Penny for 33 years!Despite my earlier post, I have joined BlueSky, as the only way of keeping track of some people I want to keep track of. And I have to say, I'm rather liking it so far.
I'm not going anywhere, though! There's a few overlaps, but on the whole there's little overlap between Mastadon and BlueSky, and they fulfil slightly different needs.
If anyone wants give BlueSky a go, I've got an invite key. DM me if you're interested.
8.8.2023 10:36Despite my earlier post, I have joined BlueSky, as the only way of keeping track of some people I want to keep track of. And I have to say,...Tomorrow morning I finally have the CT scan I’ve been waiting for to check for ant heart problems that might account for weird feeling I keep getting in my chest.
It’ll be good to get it done, but I’d honestly be surprised if they find anything. If they don’t find anything then it’s back to the drawing board for diagnosis.
Ah the joys of growing older…
27.7.2023 23:13Tomorrow morning I finally have the CT scan I’ve been waiting for to check for ant heart problems that might account for weird feeling I...5 Move the tallboy from the kitchen to the space in the guest room that previously had the chest of drawers (a tallboy is basically a tall chest of drawers, although this one - which we inherited from Penny’s family - has a cupboard section as well)
6. (Finally) Get a chest freezer to go in the space where the tallboy and the wine fridge were
If this makes it sound like we have a huge house, we really don’t! We just have got very good at making use of what space we have.
24.7.2023 21:395 Move the tallboy from the kitchen to the space in the guest room that previously had the chest of drawers (a tallboy is basically a tall...So, we want to get a chest freezer, but our house has very little spare wall space, and to fit the freezer into the kitchen, these are the steps we worked out (deep breath)
1 Clear enough space in the kitchen cupboard to put the wine freezer in it
2 Move the rocking chair in the library into the living room
3 Move the bookcase in our bedroom into the library
4 Move the chest of drawers in the guest bedroom into our bedroom where the bookcase was (cont)
Re the US actors & writers strikes, we can’t be the only people whose reaction to almost no new shows/episodes of shows for a while is ‘Great, we can catch up on some of the stuff we’ve not got around to watching yet!’
(Not our only reaction, obviously. The CEOs of these companies really need a good slap.)
16.7.2023 22:50Re the US actors & writers strikes, we can’t be the only people whose reaction to almost no new shows/episodes of shows for a while is...Stitch is comfortable #caturday #catsofmastodon
15.7.2023 21:06Stitch is comfortable #caturday #catsofmastodonWe’ve just come back from seeing the new Indiana Jones movie at the cinema, and you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed it!
It’s not perfect - for a start it could have done with 15 minutes shaved off the running time - but it had humour, fun (if ridiculous!) set pieces, and heart.
And most of all it’s refreshing to see a modern movie that knows that what you do to Nazis is punch them!
Oh, and if they don’t have plans for a Phoebe Waller-Bridge led spin-off…
14.7.2023 23:17We’ve just come back from seeing the new Indiana Jones movie at the cinema, and you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed it!It’s not perfect...It was only when I recommended Scott Westerfeld’s ‘The Risen Empire’ to someone a few minutes ago that I remembered that I reviewed it for Interzone back in the day.
I’d completely forgotten that I’d ever reviewed for Interzone. It was only a couple of times, but still…
12.7.2023 22:05It was only when I recommended Scott Westerfeld’s ‘The Risen Empire’ to someone a few minutes ago that I remembered that I reviewed it...I’ve not had any success finding a source so far, eBook or hard copy (before someone mentions it, Weightless Books don’t sell to the UK.)
It’s really frustrating; I’ve got a complete run from the 1949 first issue, so I don’t want to break the run! And I’m also really enjoying Sheree Renée Thomas’ editorial direction
11.7.2023 22:53I’ve not had any success finding a source so far, eBook or hard copy (before someone mentions it, Weightless Books don’t sell to the...A question primarily for UK based folks: I’m having a lot of problems with my Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction subscription (the sub is directly with the magazine) I’ve not received an issue since the Jan/Feb 2023 and (unusually, to be fair), I can’t seem to got any response to any of my queries over the last couple of months.
So if the worst happens & I have to find another source, does anyone know if there’s anywhere I can reliably get issues in the UK? (cont)
11.7.2023 22:53A question primarily for UK based folks: I’m having a lot of problems with my Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction subscription (the...OK, brain, I've got more books to read and video games to play than I know what to do with, I've got a Gordon Giltrap Signature edition guitar that I've not picked up for a while...
...and today you start suggesting what an amazing idea it would be to learn to play the drums
You know, I honestly don’t have another social media platform in me right now.
I know that by not having a finger in every pie I’m going to lose track of people I enjoy reading, but that’s how it goes sometimes.
(I know there are absolutely issues with Mastodon, particularly in the way some people gatekeep new joiners, but I’m comfortable here. Also, nowhere else could possibly have as many cat photos 😄)
6.7.2023 22:40You know, I honestly don’t have another social media platform in me right now. I know that by not having a finger in every pie I’m going...