13.1.2024 00:01subscribe: tell me that the Willy Wonka origin movie starts off with him as a child witnessing his parents getting flossed to death in the middle of Listerine Alley, then later he sees a chocolate bar fly around his living room and he realizes what would strike fear in the hearts of 4 out of 5 dentists
11.8.2023 04:31please tell me that the Willy Wonka origin movie starts off with him as a child witnessing his parents getting flossed to death in the...American Horror Story: What Isn’t, Really
9.8.2023 17:37American Horror Story: What Isn’t, ReallyAmerica: where a fetus is considered a human being, but a homeless person is not
9.8.2023 01:29America: where a fetus is considered a human being, but a homeless person is notbe the folding chair you wish to see in the world
8.8.2023 19:40be the folding chair you wish to see in the worldin a fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, I hope a giant meteor takes out both of them
8.8.2023 16:00in a fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, I hope a giant meteor takes out both of them[Elon Musk wakes up, realizes he’s been strapped to the giant fucking X]
30.7.2023 21:37[Elon Musk wakes up, realizes he’s been strapped to the giant fucking X]Matt Walsh hates this photo of him standing inside a life-size Barbie box, so don't repost it or else he will be upset
27.7.2023 21:04Matt Walsh hates this photo of him standing inside a life-size Barbie box, so don't repost it or else he will be upsetPICTURED:Ben Shapiro, actual size
27.7.2023 19:46PICTURED:Ben Shapiro, actual size"well Clarice... have the Barbies stopped screaming?"
27.7.2023 06:11"well Clarice... have the Barbies stopped screaming?"if you can’t say anything nice about Mitch McConnell, say it anyway because fuck Mitch McConnell
26.7.2023 21:41if you can’t say anything nice about Mitch McConnell, say it anyway because fuck Mitch McConnellif Elaine Chao was capable of doing one good deed in her life, she would put Mitch McConnell in a shoebox and seal it shut without any holes
26.7.2023 21:31if Elaine Chao was capable of doing one good deed in her life, she would put Mitch McConnell in a shoebox and seal it shut without any holesSinead O’ Connor is dead while Mitch McConnell lives; there is no God
26.7.2023 19:39Sinead O’ Connor is dead while Mitch McConnell lives; there is no GodBREAKING: Florida’s Ocean Temperature Tops 100 Degrees, Perfect For Boiling Ron DeSantis Alive
26.7.2023 01:55BREAKING: Florida’s Ocean Temperature Tops 100 Degrees, Perfect For Boiling Ron DeSantis Alivepersonally I would have renamed Twitter "The Piece of Shit Social Media Platform That Coddles Neo-Nazis, TERFs, Misogynists, Incels, and White Nationalists Thanks to an Apartheid Era South African Billionaire Deadbeat Dumb Motherfucker Who Hates His Kids" but that's just me
24.7.2023 07:00personally I would have renamed Twitter "The Piece of Shit Social Media Platform That Coddles Neo-Nazis, TERFs, Misogynists, Incels, proposed design for the X logo
24.7.2023 04:36my proposed design for the X logothis is Arby’s. we have the meats. give in to our demands within 24 hours or else the meats get it. do you think we’re joking? we are Arby’s, home of the roast beef sandwich. we don’t fuck around
24.7.2023 02:11this is Arby’s. we have the meats. give in to our demands within 24 hours or else the meats get it. do you think we’re joking? we...