A bit early but here are my finds for #WildflowerHour this week! A bit soggy as we have had so much rain, but still looking beautiful, Musk Mallow, Malva moschata, on the left and on the right Bush Vetch, Vicia sepium. #wildflowers #botany #florespondence
27.11.2022 19:09A bit early but here are my finds for #WildflowerHour this week! A bit soggy as we have had so much rain, but still looking beautiful, Musk...I thought the Parrot Waxcaps were over for the year, so a lovely surprise to see these beauties yesterday! Hidden amongst the autumn leaves they glowed vividly in a sudden shaft of sunlight! 🦜🍁🍂 #Gliophoruspsittacinus #fungi #mushtodon #sporespondence #mushrooms #waxcaps #GrasslandFungi #FungiFriday #mycology
26.11.2022 09:42I thought the Parrot Waxcaps were over for the year, so a lovely surprise to see these beauties yesterday! Hidden amongst the autumn leaves...After the rain, down in the woods, there are some fine examples of Yellow Brain fungus, Tremella mesenterica. It is parasitic on another species of fungi, Peniophora, a pinkish purple crust fungus which you can also see growing on the Oak trunk in the pic for #FungiFriday #fungi 🧠 #sporespondence #mushtodon
25.11.2022 16:39After the rain, down in the woods, there are some fine examples of Yellow Brain fungus, Tremella mesenterica. It is parasitic on another...Really happy to spot these fab Earthtongues at my favourite local #excolliery! Deceptive Earthtongue, Geoglossum fallax I think but very happy to be corrected! 🖤
#MushroomMonday #fungi #CoalSpoil #GrasslandFungi #Sporespondence #mushtodon
Popped out for a very rainy walk earlier, flower hunting for #WildFlowerHour. I didn’t hold much hope as it’s been pretty chilly here this week but sure enough there they were! Providing spots of colour, the odd hardy bloom peeping out from the undergrowth! #wildflower #wildflowers #botany #NatureConnection #florespondence
20.11.2022 20:51Popped out for a very rainy walk earlier, flower hunting for #WildFlowerHour. I didn’t hold much hope as it’s been pretty chilly here...Thank you very much for the follows. I’m really loving this fab, gentle space! As a newbie I thought I would just introduce myself. I’ve always been very passionate about the natural world & became a #ForestSchool practitioner for this reason. In my spare time I am obsessed with #fungi #wildflowers & #NativeOrchids & try to recreate them in wool felt ( see pic) I love our wild flora, the bedrock upon which so much of our wildlife depends & I am proud to lead #WildFlowerHour every Sunday 8-9pm 🌿🌸
19.11.2022 11:38Thank you very much for the follows. I’m really loving this fab, gentle space! As a newbie I thought I would just introduce myself. I’ve...My first post and for #FungiFriday this lovely bit of very wobbly Amber Jelly Fungus, Exidia recisa. Well named, as it glowed a beautiful amber when the sun shone through it briefly! 🤎#fungi
18.11.2022 15:39My first post and for #FungiFriday this lovely bit of very wobbly Amber Jelly Fungus, Exidia recisa. Well named, as it glowed a beautiful...