hey ✌️ I’m now open to contract and full-time product design roles!! portfolio → http://brittanyforks.com
15.4.2024 15:53hey ✌️ I’m now open to contract and full-time product design roles!! portfolio → http://brittanyforks.comall the media consumed in **2023** → https://brittanyforks.com/posts/media-2023/
27.12.2023 00:17all the media consumed in **2023** → https://brittanyforks.com/posts/media-2023/been watching tons of mary beard's fantastic documentaries on the roman empire. is there anything in a similar vein i should check out?
26.11.2023 19:21been watching tons of mary beard's fantastic documentaries on the roman empire. is there anything in a similar vein i should check out?Do you floss before brushing your teeth or floss after brushing...
to all my tomodachis taking the JLPT today… 頑張ってね〜💪✨
4.12.2022 18:46to all my tomodachis taking the JLPT today… 頑張ってね〜💪✨2週間前に東京に戻る〜〜
3.12.2022 03:212週間前に東京に戻る〜〜my kingdom for proper threading on the 🐘 site
2.12.2022 19:20my kingdom for proper threading on the 🐘 sitenew set 💅✨
22.11.2022 18:57new set 💅✨Rainy Cleveland Evening ☔️
12.11.2022 19:17Rainy Cleveland Evening ☔️afternoon brew 🍵
8.11.2022 00:34afternoon brew 🍵