Tonight (Jan 1st) at 20:00 CET, we'll have a RetroNetCall with some reports from the #38C3 #ISDN network operations. Everyone interested is invited to join us. Details at #retronetworking
1.1.2025 10:20Tonight (Jan 1st) at 20:00 CET, we'll have a RetroNetCall with some reports from the #38C3 #ISDN network operations. Everyone interested...c3isdn says goodbye for #38c3 - it was an amazing event, and a lot of work. Technically the network worked fine at least on day2/3/4. We've had some problems with PPP services and lots of ideas of what and how to improve next time. Reach out if you want to get involved. Thanks to the tireless helping hands, specifically jolly, crx, gruetzkopf, xent, kolloid, dreieck, the @eventphone team and @c3noc as well as all our users #retronetworking
31.12.2024 07:41c3isdn says goodbye for #38c3 - it was an amazing event, and a lot of work. Technically the network worked fine at least on day2/3/4....Everyone helping the c3isdn team at #38c3 is invited to meet at 15:00 today for a group picture in front of the #EWSD #retronetworking
30.12.2024 10:03Everyone helping the c3isdn team at #38c3 is invited to meet at 15:00 today for a group picture in front of the #EWSD #retronetworkingThis sticker showed up next to our EWSD exchange at #38C3 earlier today... @c3fax
28.12.2024 01:26This sticker showed up next to our EWSD exchange at #38C3 earlier today... @c3faxAs we have built a #SDH network with Add-Drop Multiplexers across the entire CCH building complex, we can also offer E1 trunking services unrelated to ISDN. This means you can e.g. connect two retro cisco routers located at different parts of CCH via frame relay over E1 [carried over our SDH backbone]. #retronetworking #38c3
27.12.2024 19:59As we have built a #SDH network with Add-Drop Multiplexers across the entire CCH building complex, we can also offer E1 trunking services...FYI: Our #ISDN PRI, BRI and analog POTS ports are also available in the YoloColo server co-location. This means you can bring your server or other communications gear and hook it up to our network there. @c3noc #38C3
27.12.2024 19:56FYI: Our #ISDN PRI, BRI and analog POTS ports are also available in the YoloColo server co-location. This means you can bring your server or...Hi @c3nav - is there a way to get the location of our ISDN/POTS and SDH points of presence noted in the map, e.g. on an extra layer? Right now we have an external wiki page with links to c3nav "share" URLs, but of course that's not like seeing it directly in c3nav. Thanks in advance!
27.12.2024 15:55Hi @c3nav - is there a way to get the location of our ISDN/POTS and SDH points of presence noted in the map, e.g. on an extra layer? Right...The locations of [almost all] of our eight ISDN / POTS points of presence at #38C3 are now noted at - you need to route a cable there if you want to get your phone, fax, ISDN-device, PBX or other equipment connected.
27.12.2024 15:36The locations of [almost all] of our eight ISDN / POTS points of presence at #38C3 are now noted at...Modem and internet dialup into BBSs like @c3bbs at #38C3 is currently still brocken, we expect to be able to fix it before noon of day 1. The problem is that the Livingston Portmaster 4 does not appear to implement support for receiving calls with overlap Dialing from the EWSD. Stay tuned.
27.12.2024 01:43Modem and internet dialup into BBSs like @c3bbs at #38C3 is currently still brocken, we expect to be able to fix it before noon of day 1....We proudly present the #38C3 #telefax service has just been put into production! Infodesk [9110], Späti [9123], Chaospost [9125], PoC [9106] as well as the public Fax next to PoC helpdesk are all operation. You can use fax polling at 919983 to get the current list of fax subscribers. @c3fax #retronetworking Also check out other fax polling options
26.12.2024 20:20We proudly present the #38C3 #telefax service has just been put into production! Infodesk [9110], Späti [9123], Chaospost [9125], PoC...@c3infodesk can from now on be reached via #telefax at #38c3 (extension 9110) @c3fax
25.12.2024 18:24@c3infodesk can from now on be reached via #telefax at #38c3 (extension 9110) @c3faxWhat would #retronetworking with Modems, fax machines, ISDN, SDH and more be without the contemporary marketing materials... now reprinted as post cards, at the retronetworking assembly, part of the vintage cluster #38c3. Close to @ChaosPost with other post cards...
25.12.2024 00:19What would #retronetworking with Modems, fax machines, ISDN, SDH and more be without the contemporary marketing materials... now reprinted...Today (well, yesterday by now) we managed to further complete our #38c3 SDH network consisting of STM1 add-drop-miltiplexers that carry the E1 based V5 interface from access networks to the EWSD #aufbauleaks #ISDN #retronetworking
25.12.2024 00:13Today (well, yesterday by now) we managed to further complete our #38c3 SDH network consisting of STM1 add-drop-miltiplexers that carry the...Thanks to gruetzkopf we now already have 6 SDH ADM (add-drop multiplexers, specifically Ericsson/Marconi OMS860) deployed. We're using a SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) backbone to transport the V5 interface of our #isdn between #EWSD and Access Multiplexers. See
#retronetworking #aufbauleaks
We now have a "ISDN/POTS subscriber" badge at #38C3 - you will get the token to redeem the badge when you connect your ISDN or analog telephone line to our network.
22.12.2024 14:37We now have a "ISDN/POTS subscriber" badge at #38C3 - you will get the token to redeem the badge when you connect your ISDN or...The #38C3 c3isdn phonebook is made available via fax polling. Once we're operational on-site, you can poll the phonebook from your fax machine or faxmodem from extension number 919982 @c3fax
17.12.2024 20:26The #38C3 c3isdn phonebook is made available via fax polling. Once we're operational on-site, you can poll the phonebook from your fax...Our custom RJ45 break out boards for bringing out subscriber line ports [Uk0, ab] from the EKSOS V5 access multiplexers now have a custom laser face plate. They fit nicely into the shelf and reduce the need for manual wiring like before, see - this is where subscribers at #38C3 will connect to.
13.12.2024 22:44Our custom RJ45 break out boards for bringing out subscriber line ports [Uk0, ab] from the EKSOS V5 access multiplexers now have a custom...Zum Einstimmen auf das ISDN-Netz auf dem #38C3 hier ein paar ISDN-Nachrichten von vor 34 Jahren. #retronetworking #ISDN
10.12.2024 21:46Zum Einstimmen auf das ISDN-Netz auf dem #38C3 hier ein paar ISDN-Nachrichten von vor 34 Jahren. #retronetworking #ISDNSagt mal @c3infodesk - sollen wir Euch eigentlich auch ein Faxgerät hinstellen, so wie der @ChaosPost ? Damit HackerInnen sich über das @c3isdn Netz per Fax an Euch wenden können? Oder ist das zu viel Schnickschnack / Ablenkung für Euch?
6.12.2024 12:16Sagt mal @c3infodesk - sollen wir Euch eigentlich auch ein Faxgerät hinstellen, so wie der @ChaosPost ? Damit HackerInnen sich über das...Ihr kommt zum #38c3 aber habt kein Zeitgenössisches Endgerät (Analoges Modem, Telefon, ISDN-Terminaladapter, Faxgerät) mehr, um Euch am @c3isdn #ISDN + Analogtelefon-Netz anzuschliessen? Deutschlandweit werden Faxgeräte gegen Abholung verschenkt. Schaut mal auf oder anderen Kleinanzeigenbörsen und holt euch eines. Viel Spass am Faxgerät!
5.12.2024 16:53Ihr kommt zum #38c3 aber habt kein Zeitgenössisches Endgerät (Analoges Modem, Telefon, ISDN-Terminaladapter, Faxgerät) mehr, um Euch am...