Chico mío telling me to go to bed #goodnight 👋✨⭐️
11.12.2024 22:45Chico mío telling me to go to bed #goodnight 👋✨⭐️Also possible: two-in-one package, my boss (area head infosec, deep knowledge of cloud and infrastructure, too) is also on the hunt now.
14.10.2024 21:23Also possible: two-in-one package, my boss (area head infosec, deep knowledge of cloud and infrastructure, too) is also on the hunt now.Ok, now that my current employer doesn’t seem to (want to) become any better in the near future, I might need to look out for a new job. Anything 100% remote (from Germany), no travelling included, scope cyber security management, not yet CISSP certified, currently principal role at a highly regulated financial institute. #jobsearch #jobs #infosec
(picture AI created for attention)
I filmed these chickens today which happen to be on my favorite bike route (the one with the most horse stables along the way). I „fed“ them before, the cock never became this „outrageous“ before. (And yes, it’s just grass.) Such amazing animals!
7.9.2024 19:44I filmed these chickens today which happen to be on my favorite bike route (the one with the most horse stables along the way). I „fed“...Does anyone know if there are „bootcamps“ for Blue Team people, especially for SOC analysts level 1? #blueteam #soc #bootcamp
6.9.2024 13:31Does anyone know if there are „bootcamps“ for Blue Team people, especially for SOC analysts level 1? #blueteam #soc #bootcampMaybe @manicode?
4.9.2024 15:17Maybe @manicode?Who has experience with or would like to have that with Security Champions in an organisation? #SecurityChampions #OWASP #SecurityCulture #infosec
Shout out to @4enzikat0r who has an absolutely fabulous DFIR course on SANS, even for free! #ff #WomenInSecurity
2.8.2024 18:18Shout out to @4enzikat0r who has an absolutely fabulous DFIR course on SANS, even for free! #ff #WomenInSecurity“The study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.” John McCarthy‘s key statement on #AI when planning Dartmouth workshop. John McCarthy (1927-2011) - often referred to as the Father of AI - coined the term Artificial Intelligence when chosen as the topic for the Dartmouth conference, which he and others planned in 1956 at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. McCarthy‘s statement means that any element of intelligence can be broken down into small steps so that each of the steps is as such so simple and “mechanical” that it can be written down as a computer program. This statement can’t be proven to be true. With his statement, McCarthy could bypass any arguments similar to John Seale‘s „Chinese Room“ (1980), where a system implementing intelligence is just a computer that mechanically follows a program. Fun fact: Gottfried Leibnitz already had developed a similar argument in 1714.
27.5.2024 20:47“The study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in... Rats eating (or actually smoking?) weed in the old police station in New Orleans. Here’s a picture of the live stream the head of rats set up.
13.3.2024 20:26 Rats eating (or...What’s the best, free mindmapping tool in your opinion?
3.1.2024 13:12What’s the best, free mindmapping tool in your opinion?Be like Charlie and never get caught #intrusion #redteam
6.9.2023 20:46Be like Charlie and never get caught #intrusion #redteamI just bought a #kitchen for the first time in my life 🥳 so far there has always been one. It was fun to decide on all the little details and look forward to the new home, but my bank account is not so happy now 🤣 how are your experiences with buying a kitchen, especially for a rented place?
29.7.2023 07:30I just bought a #kitchen for the first time in my life 🥳 so far there has always been one. It was fun to decide on all the little details...Can anybody recommend a self-cleaning #cat #litterbox? #caturday #catsofmastodon
23.7.2023 09:28Can anybody recommend a self-cleaning #cat #litterbox? #caturday #catsofmastodonCompare this to your CISO and tell me, is there any resemblance or not?
5.7.2023 21:50Compare this to your CISO and tell me, is there any resemblance or not?...Pflasterverwaltung dann natürlich richtigerweise! 👆
25.6.2023 11:28Pflasterverwaltung dann natürlich richtigerweise! 👆Wieso nennt das BSI „Patchmanagement“ eigentlich nicht Pflastermanagement, oder Flickenmanagement, wenn sonst schon alles übersetzt wird? 🤪 /jj
25.6.2023 11:27Wieso nennt das BSI „Patchmanagement“ eigentlich nicht Pflastermanagement, oder Flickenmanagement, wenn sonst schon alles übersetzt...The NL now automatically add hacking victims to their scope if there’s a warrant against the hacking group. “Enlarging the warrant in this way is an administrative addition which involves no further approval process, not internally, nor externally. This in contrast to the original warrant which had to go past internal review, the head of service and the minister.” “A warrant on ‘organization X’ may now administratively also be enlarged to target internet subscriptions or devices from entirely unrelated people. This creates the fiction that organization X now extends to random other people.” “However, any non-targets now no longer benefit from an elevated standard. The non-targets in fact benefit from no standards at all anymore.” “An ‘automated work’ in this specific Dutch law has an extremely broad interpretation and includes such things as phones, computers, servers, websites, databases and mailboxes.” Thoughts?
#nytsb #queenbee #spellingbee 🥳
7.5.2023 19:37#nytsb #queenbee #spellingbee 🥳First week in new job finished (officially). It’s great, nice and competent colleagues, fun topics. I ❤️ my job! 😊 #security
6.4.2023 17:14First week in new job finished (officially). It’s great, nice and competent colleagues, fun topics. I ❤️ my job! 😊 #security