Nah, it wasn’t 15 kids it was 20
3.12.2023 16:46Nah, it wasn’t 15 kids it was 20It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without watching this clip. Happy Thanksgiving.
23.11.2023 15:13It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without watching this clip. Happy Thanksgiving. lady doth protest too much methinks:
VOTE as if your life depends upon it, because it does
15.11.2023 17:12VOTE as if your life depends upon it, because it does
12.7.2023 14:02Guilty.A much better connection than your wi-fi.
10.7.2023 13:57A much better connection than your wi-fi.Daily Reflection
24.4.2023 16:12Daily ReflectionDaily Reflection #meditation #spirituality #silence #paradox
11.3.2023 02:36Daily Reflection #meditation #spirituality #silence #paradoxWords of Wisdom
7.2.2023 15:29Words of WisdomHear Hear!!!
6.2.2023 14:45Hear Hear!!!Daily Reflection
19.1.2023 19:51Daily ReflectionIn these times:
29.12.2022 01:13In these times:The ground substance of the universe is consciousness, not matter.
28.12.2022 02:08The ground substance of the universe is consciousness, not matter.A seasonal reminder.
25.12.2022 02:10A seasonal reminder.Wishing everyone a very happy solstice #solstice
20.12.2022 21:40Wishing everyone a very happy solstice #solsticeSilence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech. — Plutarch. #solstice #plutarch
20.12.2022 21:18Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech. — Plutarch. #solstice #plutarch