tldr, looking for inspiration for a submission for a game jam
Got my mind on the #ironsworn jam 1...
I enjoyed rolling random scenario hooks for #starforged and I might just do the same again.
Would be folks be interested in a community and a nearby delve location, a few NPCs, for when you're not sure what's at the next way point?
9.4.2023 20:48tldr, looking for inspiration for a submission for a game jam Got my mind on the #ironsworn jam 1...I enjoyed rolling random scenario hooks...Alright, also signed up to the #SSSGameJam and no idea what to start with.
My initial feeling is something with flowers since I'm feeling drawn towards spring.
Any suggestions?
5.4.2023 23:20Alright, also signed up to the #SSSGameJam and no idea what to start with.My initial feeling is something with flowers since I'm feeling...OK so here's my submission for the #TinyKeepsakeJam, an adversarial cooperative game that helps you generate an artifact with a story you did not expect at the start.
Uses a dice pool system to assign turns and has a little random table to get you going.
Signed up to the #TinyKeepsakeJam without knowing a single thing about it..
So now my thoughts are that it should be a cooperative yet antagonistic telling of the story of that keep sake where both payers compete for different outcomes.
The point is not to win but to create something you both didn't expect. I like to be surprised by the outcomes of my #ttrpgs
#caturday with powdered donut lips
1.4.2023 23:02#caturday with powdered donut lipsJust ran a session of #bladesinthedark and it was amazing. I love being a player when I'm GMing, to not know how the game will unfold.
Let's hope I can actually get through a whole season 😂
1.4.2023 22:44Just ran a session of #bladesinthedark and it was amazing. I love being a player when I'm GMing, to not know how the game will...One of the #gamejams is about keepsakes, and I thought about a simple co-op item generator where the two players have different goals.
That way you create something unique instead of just a slightly randomised Version of what you already want.
Not sure yet how to gamify it
31.3.2023 09:46One of the #gamejams is about keepsakes, and I thought about a simple co-op item generator where the two players have different goals.That...I've now signed up to three #gamejams on itch for February, let's see if I can finish them all!
30.3.2023 17:23I've now signed up to three #gamejams on itch for February, let's see if I can finish them all!Been working on a few new #troikarpg #troika backgrounds to supplement work done for YALT that you can find on my itch page.
Basically mash up any two or more themes and think of archetypes that inspire you and take it from there.
29.3.2023 22:03Been working on a few new #troikarpg #troika backgrounds to supplement work done for YALT that you can find on my itch page.Basically mash...Just watched the latest video of @dthaumavore about how he ran #VaesenRPG and loved it!
I need more videos about running a game and how that game in particular runs differently not just reads differently.
Why aren't video tutorials, by bigger name brands at least, the gold standard?
29.3.2023 11:01Just watched the latest video of @dthaumavore about how he ran #VaesenRPG and loved it!I need more videos about running a game and how that...