this mayor was strong on transit
22.3.2023 16:14this mayor was strong on transitgoogle glass is going to change everything
20.3.2023 07:57google glass is going to change everythingshoutout to bridge district staff for being super at tonights BPAC meeting
16.3.2023 03:26shoutout to bridge district staff for being super at tonights BPAC meetingin a face of a fiscal cliff, BART will be increasing police presence on trains, instead of running more service, upgrading its aging infrastructure or investing in real programs to improve safety, like unarmed ambassadors and mental health specialists. more guns on trains will not make us safer, it will do the opposite, at the cost of people of color and the poor. fuck BART
15.3.2023 06:17in a face of a fiscal cliff, BART will be increasing police presence on trains, instead of running more service, upgrading its aging...cops ≠ safety. fuck bart. fuck bartpd. fuck all cops
15.3.2023 06:14cops ≠ safety. fuck bart. fuck bartpd. fuck all copswhy does bart get absolutely destroyed by rain while other trains, even in the bay area, seem to be fine
11.3.2023 22:55why does bart get absolutely destroyed by rain while other trains, even in the bay area, seem to be finewhy does bart get absolutely destroyed by rain while other trains, even in the bay area, seem to be fine
11.3.2023 22:55why does bart get absolutely destroyed by rain while other trains, even in the bay area, seem to be finecapitalism gonna eat itself 🤭💅
10.3.2023 18:13capitalism gonna eat itself 🤭💅any good #newyork #vancouver #montreal urbanist/bike/streets/transit people i should follow?
6.3.2023 06:33any good #newyork #vancouver #montreal urbanist/bike/streets/transit people i should follow?need weyes blood on an odesza track
6.3.2023 06:31need weyes blood on an odesza trackvan ness brt should have continued down lombard st into a highway 101 bus lane to at least san rafael
2.3.2023 01:11van ness brt should have continued down lombard st into a highway 101 bus lane to at least san rafaelgot to figure out how the bike coalition appointment thing works
1.3.2023 00:27got to figure out how the bike coalition appointment thing worksi think i’m going to apply for bart’s bike advisory task force
1.3.2023 00:27i think i’m going to apply for bart’s bike advisory task forcefucking hell
27.2.2023 21:08fucking hellgetting back into minecraft (again) recently has been awesome. play fun open ended games with your friends!
27.2.2023 02:42getting back into minecraft (again) recently has been awesome. play fun open ended games with your friends!if i ran the transgender cultural district, i would not openly welcome the racist cop loving mayor or her incarcerator in chief
24.2.2023 16:39if i ran the transgender cultural district, i would not openly welcome the racist cop loving mayor or her incarcerator in chiefthe 43 could definitely support 8 min headways both ways, at least during rush hour
24.2.2023 16:12the 43 could definitely support 8 min headways both ways, at least during rush hourmorning! @rollovereasy not out of bed yet so here’s a pretty pic from yesterday, and a reminder that we have a slow ride this sunday, ghirardelli square sunday at 1! bring your wheels bring your joy bring your self!
23.2.2023 16:04morning! @rollovereasy not out of bed yet so here’s a pretty pic from yesterday, and a reminder that we have a slow ride this sunday,...any interesting san francisco or bike or transit accounts on here i should be following? my feed is a little plain right now
23.2.2023 05:09any interesting san francisco or bike or transit accounts on here i should be following? my feed is a little plain right nowby end of summer i would like to have ridden on every street in san francisco
23.2.2023 03:37by end of summer i would like to have ridden on every street in san francisco