Struggling with my 2025 goals. Dreaming of being a full-time Professional GM & #TTRPG Creator seems out of reach due to living costs.
How about you? Any progress on your #2025goals? Share your #NewYear updates!
As we near the end of the year and think about the next, I want to celebrate completing my Get Published goal. I worked with great folks on 2 projects:
How many of your goals did you reach last year? How did you celebrate them?
My Number One GM Tip!
Though the pictures reference #D&D this is true for any #TTRPGs, in fact it's a mechanic in some of them!
or if TikTok is your thing #dmtips #gmtips
This month on Thirsty Thursday we're singing the Last Love Songs on Earth!
You are chosen to fight for the heart of the world, but this time the enemy is someone you love(d). Can you save them? Or will you be dueling to the Last Love Songs on Earth?
Get Sigil's Secret Menu for 30% off during the Planescape Anniversary Sale! Containing 32 Planar Themed magic items, a union of *Totally Legal* magic item vendors & more for your #Planescape adventure!
Only 48 hours left of the sale!
#dnd5e #dmsguild
This month on Thirsty Thursday we're singing the Last Love Songs on Earth!
You are chosen to fight for the heart of the world, but this time the enemy is someone you love(d). Can you save them? Or will you be dueling to the Last Love Songs on Earth?
Sigil's Secret Menu is part of the Planescape Anniversary Sale! If you haven't checked it out yet, now is a great time! Containing 32 Planar Themed magic items with a union of Totally Legal magic item vendors & more for your #Planescape adventure!
I love using one shots and prewritten adventures to enhance or add to my campaigns. Even in my homebrew game where the story revolves around PCs choices!
The key is that the module needs to be vague enough to easily adapt, but evocative enough to inspire me and my players!
This month on Thirsty Thursday we're singing the Last Love Songs on Earth!
You are chosen to fight for the heart of the world, but this time the enemy is someone you love(d). Can you save them? Or will you be dueling to the Last Love Songs on Earth?
Sigil's Secret Menu is part of the Planescape Anniversary Sale! If you haven't checked it out yet, now is a great time! Containing 32 Planar Themed magic items with a union of Totally Legal magic item vendors & more for your #Planescape adventure!
I don't understand Adversarial DMing. I'm not trying to kill the PCs every encounter. The more often they succeed the longer the campaign lasts and the cooler stuff I can create. It's a win-win.
CHALLENGING the PCs is different & integral to the game being fun long term
As we're calculating all that sweet fireball damage the sorcerer pulls out the clutch Counterspell. It was a ton of fun!
I don't understand why so many DMs have problems with the spell. It was a cool moment! They're using their resources & the rules of the game.
No Dragonlance today due to travels :(
Last week's session was great w the PCs exploring an enemy tower disguised as the enemy. They ran into 3Flaming Skulls. 2 fireballed right off the bat, but the third held it until it was surrounded then fireballed everyone, inc itself.
Today is Trans Visibility Day.
Today is also a religious and (usually) family centric holiday.
In case you haven't heard it yet today :
You are Valid. You are Valued and You are Loved
Never underestimate the value of local customer service. I literally did a little dance this am when I learned the contract for our printer services was going to a local vendor who has been super helpful and always followed through. Local Matters #Alaska
28.3.2024 16:33Never underestimate the value of local customer service. I literally did a little dance this am when I learned the contract for our printer...Looking for players to join my Dragonlance campaign! This game has equal parts roleplay and combat. The PCs are level 8 and are traversing a ruined city looking for answers, but so is the Red Dragon Army!
Looking for players to join my Dragonlance campaign! This game has equal parts roleplay and combat. The PCs are level 8 and are traversing a ruined city looking for answers, but so is the Red Dragon Army!
I know one of my pet peeves as a DM is flavor text that takes up half a page. The writing should be evocative-but concise. Especially at a Con game. Ain't no one got time to read your novella. Players will tune out faster than my childhood TV when the tinfoil fell off
I was asked to help write an #DDAL adventure for #DragonCon and I am looking for some of the plots/twists/concepts you really loved in an AL adventure & the things that fell flat.
The sort of things that really stood out either as a GM or as a player.
Looking for players to join my Dragonlance campaign! This game has equal parts roleplay and combat. The PCs are level 8 and are traversing a ruined city looking for answers, but so is the Red Dragon Army!