If you are interested to learn more about recent technology breakthroughs in #Geothermal Energy, this is a great podcast by @drvolts.
#geothermalenergy, #renewableenergy, #geothermie, #ErneuerbareEnergien
17.2.2025 17:00If you are interested to learn more about recent technology breakthroughs in #Geothermal Energy, this is a great podcast by...This is a great NYT article on oil and gas talent moving to renewable energy companies. Many of the most talented oil and gas employees have switched or are looking to switch to clean energy or other industries.
#renewables #energytransition, #geothermal
80% of the energy required for direct air capture (DAC) is in the form of relatively low-grade (100 deg C) heat. This temperature is similar to the outlet temps of many geothermal plant making co-development of #DAC and #geothermal a great opportunity to add clean power to the grid and remove carbon from the atmosphere.