"Look at the online preachers of seduction, productivity, wellness, cryptocurrency, and the rest, and you will find extremophiles everywhere, filling online spaces with a cacophony of certainty," @helenlewis@twitter.com writes: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/internet-youtube-podcast-guru-influencers-andrew-tate/672867/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share
31.1.2023 16:14"Look at the online preachers of seduction, productivity, wellness, cryptocurrency, and the rest, and you will find extremophiles...If we really want affordable housing, we need great public spaces.
Thank you
@globeandmail@twitter.com https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-if-we-really-want-affordable-housing-we-need-great-public-spaces/?utm_medium=Referrer:+Social+Network+/+Media&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links
This is the definition of crisis:
Metro Vancouver’s rental vacancy rate drops to near 1% causing rents to soar.
https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/real-estate/metro-vancouvers-rental-vacancy-rate-drops-as-demand-prices-soar-cmhc-6440408 via @viawesome@twitter.com
the new social media site Post offers a new algorithm to score users' trust. Will it be effective? Is it trust-worthy?
@metaviv@twitter.com @RaviDataIyer@twitter.com @elipariser@twitter.com
This is incredibly good news! Lisa Helps is named housing advisor for province of BC.
Vancouver Mayor @KenSimCity@twitter.com aims to make the city 'swagger' again — what does that mean?
I say “swagger”= being bold enough to launch experiments to tackle the biggest challenges of our time, like housing!
Thanks for calling, @fumano@twitter.com
26.1.2023 01:42Vancouver Mayor @KenSimCity@twitter.com aims to make the city 'swagger' again — what does that mean?I say “swagger”= being...What happens when free speech advocacy and auto sales ambitions collide?
“Free-speech absolutist” @ElonMusk@twitter.com is now censoring Twitter content for Indian government. https://interc.pt/3XsVHyN by @mazmhussain@twitter.com, @ryangrim@twitter.com
Twitter’s new verification system “puts rocket boosters on disinformation.”
Climate change misinformation has risen 300% on Twitter https://www.fastcompany.com/90839371/climate-change-misinformation-has-risen-300-on-twitter
24.1.2023 20:28Twitter’s new verification system “puts rocket boosters on disinformation.”Climate change misinformation has risen 300% on Twitter...RT @DavidZipper@twitter.com
Today's F-150 owners like to describe their vehicle as "powerful" and "rugged" -- while using it mostly for "shopping/errands" and "pleasure driving." (The vast majority don't tow anything all year.)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DavidZipper/status/1617511883271028737
23.1.2023 16:21RT @DavidZipper@twitter.comToday's F-150 owners like to describe their vehicle as "powerful" and "rugged" -- while...RT @davidfrum@twitter.com
I'm doing an experiment. On my computer, I am checking the latest tweets by people I follow. On my phone, I'm checking whether their most recent tweets are showing up in the "Following" column. I'm just getting started, but even in the first dozen cases, Twitter failed to show me
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/davidfrum/status/1616892096434012160
21.1.2023 21:33RT @davidfrum@twitter.comI'm doing an experiment. On my computer, I am checking the latest tweets by people I follow. On my phone,...I’m seeing a lot of criticism about @DailyHiveVan@twitter.com these days.
If you were able to give good faith journalism advice to the outlet, what would you say?
RT @elfred@twitter.com
Vancouverites, I highly suggest blocking @DailyHiveVan@twitter.com from your feed. Muting is not enough.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/elfred/status/1616860317828673536
21.1.2023 21:33I’m seeing a lot of criticism about @DailyHiveVan@twitter.com these days.If you were able to give good faith journalism advice to the...This might be the wisest thing any of us will read today:
RT @johannhari101@twitter.com
If your primary explanation for why people disagree with you is that they are evil/ purely bigoted/ crazy, then your mind has been narrowed & shut down by the dysfunctional window of social media, & you need to spend far more time offline.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/johannhari101/status/1616760072348045315
21.1.2023 19:57This might be the wisest thing any of us will read today:RT @johannhari101@twitter.comIf your primary explanation for why people disagree...Dear @SecretaryPete@twitter.com, please listen to everything this brilliant and caring local politician says!
RT @GleamDavis@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GleamDavis/status/1616538707418390528
20.1.2023 23:19Dear @SecretaryPete@twitter.com, please listen to everything this brilliant and caring local politician says!RT...This is the kind of dystopia we get when we don’t allow moderate sized apartments everywhere
RT @uytaelee@twitter.com
The 'missing middle' effect in Toronto's North York is on another level. Just wow...
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uytaelee/status/1615810844918677504
19.1.2023 17:27This is the kind of dystopia we get when we don’t allow moderate sized apartments everywhereRT @uytaelee@twitter.comThe 'missing...RT @BrentToderian@twitter.com
Today Vancouver City Staff gave the new Council an update on allowing more #MissingMiddle (aka #GentleDensity) Housing in low density zones. Where Vancouver was once a clear leader, it’s reasonable to ask why we aren’t going further, faster.
Presentation: https://council.vancouver.ca/20230118/documents/pspc2presentation.pdf
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1615953617751805953
19.1.2023 06:26RT @BrentToderian@twitter.comToday Vancouver City Staff gave the new Council an update on allowing more #MissingMiddle (aka #GentleDensity)...I love, love, love gentle density, but those who build affordable housing say that Vancouver’s proposal simply won’t produce anything affordable. For that we would need to allow 6 stories.
19.1.2023 06:09I love, love, love gentle density, but those who build affordable housing say that Vancouver’s proposal simply won’t produce anything...RT @HelenLW_@twitter.com
Having done some proforma work on typical SFD sites with @Lanefab@twitter.com and @notalberth@twitter.com I can say with quite a lot of confidence that nothing below market will ever pencil out at anything under 6 storeys unless a gracious SFD overlord decided to gift us a free house
1/ https://twitter.com/pwaldkirch/status/1615845384756301838
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HelenLW_/status/1615921771181674497
19.1.2023 06:09RT @HelenLW_@twitter.comHaving done some proforma work on typical SFD sites with @Lanefab@twitter.com and @notalberth@twitter.com I can say...Do folks who actually develop housing think that this gentle density plan will make a difference? @HelenLW_@twitter.com
RT @iamkennethchan@twitter.com
HUGE gentle densification plan for all residential lots in City of Vancouver.
All lots could see a density gain to 1.0 FAR, allowing a multiplex up to 3 storeys & 6 units.
9 existing types of RS zones could be consolidated to just 1 or 2. #vanpoli #vanre
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/iamkennethchan/status/1615918963489386496
19.1.2023 06:00Do folks who actually develop housing think that this gentle density plan will make a difference? @HelenLW_@twitter.comRT...Hey friends on the left: if you want support for important equity policies (like universal basic income), learn how to reframe them to appeal to folks with values other than your own.
15.1.2023 20:43Hey friends on the left: if you want support for important equity policies (like universal basic income), learn how to reframe them to...RT @jayvanbavel@twitter.com
When universal basic income was described as advancing financial freedom, conservatives perceived the policy as more aligned with their values + were less opposed to the policy
This suggests moral reframing can mitigate partisanship and social prejudice https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022103122001433?dgcid=raven_sd_via_email
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jayvanbavel/status/1614710175075602432
15.1.2023 20:43RT @jayvanbavel@twitter.comWhen universal basic income was described as advancing financial freedom, conservatives perceived the policy as...