Why are the CEOs of the flashiest companies in their corner of tech who go to Washington getting friendly with lawmakers and asking to be regulated named Sam?
19.5.2023 15:55Why are the CEOs of the flashiest companies in their corner of tech who go to Washington getting friendly with lawmakers and asking to be...hm, I see the tweet I linked to at the top of this thread is now deleted and there is this update on the subject
26.2.2023 04:18hm, I see the tweet I linked to at the top of this thread is now deleted and there is this update on the...ugh, nope again, now getting 429 responses :(
26.2.2023 03:41ugh, nope again, now getting 429 responses :(oh hey it's working for me again 🤞
26.2.2023 03:34oh hey it's working for me again 🤞I see Jason Scott aka textfiles has a fediverse presence at @textfiles with activity earlier today but his posts on this situation are on twitter and not here :(
26.2.2023 03:30I see Jason Scott aka textfiles has a fediverse presence at @textfiles with activity earlier today but his posts on this situation are on...googled "mschf" and I guess it's an "art collective"? No idea why that would be connected to a denial of service attack on internet archive.
26.2.2023 03:27googled "mschf" and I guess it's an "art collective"? No idea why that would be connected to a denial of service...I don't know how/if I can use mastodon/fediverse for this particular use case ("a major site appears down, let's see what's being said about that").
Or can I? Any tips on that kind of thing appreciated.
26.2.2023 03:25I don't know how/if I can use mastodon/fediverse for this particular use case ("a major site appears down, let's see what's...Unable to use the internet archive wayback machine right now and apparently this is the reason why
26.2.2023 03:23Unable to use the internet archive wayback machine right now and apparently this is the reason...SMS 2FA is often worse than having no 2FA at all, since it is a vector for sim swapping attacks
18.2.2023 04:55SMS 2FA is often worse than having no 2FA at all, since it is a vector for sim swapping...I kinda love the fact of somebody named "Gedanken" publishing a very hands-on expeirment, with nice data and charts and everything
17.2.2023 05:27I kinda love the fact of somebody named "Gedanken" publishing a very hands-on expeirment, with nice data and charts and...Why do I bring this up 28 years later? I don't know, I guess something just reminded me.
14.2.2023 21:19Why do I bring this up 28 years later? I don't know, I guess something just reminded...what catches Sid 6.7's interest amid his path of destruction and mayhem? Broadcast media. The prospect of capturing massive amounts of attention!
14.2.2023 21:18what catches Sid 6.7's interest amid his path of destruction and mayhem? Broadcast media. The prospect of capturing massive amounts of...The year is 1995. The silly sci-fi movie is Virtuosity. The villain is Sid 6.7, an artificial intelligence created via an evolutionary algorithm combining and battle royale-ing psychological profiles of 183 criminals. Sid 6.7 has managed to escape the virtual world and is on a tear through meatspace in the shape of Russell Crowe.
14.2.2023 21:11The year is 1995. The silly sci-fi movie is Virtuosity. The villain is Sid 6.7, an artificial intelligence created via an evolutionary...The supurb owl thing makes me think of the shaggy dog thing.
A boy owned an owl that was uncommonly supurb. Many people remarked upon its considerable supurbness. When the boy learned that there are contests for supurb owls, he entered his owl. The owl won first prize for supurbness in both the local and the regional competitions. The boy entered the owl in ever-larger contests, until finally he entered it in the world championship for supurb owls.
12.2.2023 21:09The supurb owl thing makes me think of the shaggy dog thing.e.g.A boy owned an owl that was uncommonly supurb. Many people remarked upon its...Quite the thorough FTX recap here from Financial Times
Tyre Nichols
8.2.2023 02:38Tyre Nicholshttps://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/us/tyre-nichols-photo-memphis-demetrius-haley.htmlI'm pretty interested in the summarization capabilities of these new large language models. Having that built into a browser seems super useful. How many giant walls of text are we all confronted with every day that there is just no time to do anything with, but we'd at least take a minute for a quick paragraph if we could?
7.2.2023 21:29I'm pretty interested in the summarization capabilities of these new large language models. Having that built into a browser seems super...We only just got chatbots that can start to carry an interesting conversation and now we're mad if they fail to be politically neutral. Is political neutrality even a real thing?
4.2.2023 20:06We only just got chatbots that can start to carry an interesting conversation and now we're mad if they fail to be politically neutral....https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/26/us/politics/durham-trump-russia-barr.html
26.1.2023 21:28https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/26/us/politics/durham-trump-russia-barr.html