Everything is binary and nothing is binary. I'll explain. At the level of individual choice, everything is binary. If you're not faced with a binary decision, you haven't drilled down far enough. At the level of any complete system, tendency, or trend, nothing is binary. Every macro phenomenon creates a gradient. Or, can only be properly understood when viewed as a gradient.
10.11.2023 04:02Everything is binary and nothing is binary. I'll explain. At the level of individual choice, everything is binary. If you're not..."Both what you run from and what you yearn for are within you."
Pretty sure this is an article about AI art, written by AI. The loop is complete. We are redundant.
28.10.2023 03:43Pretty sure this is an article about AI art, written by AI. The loop is complete. We are...The best way to change the subject, is to change the subject.
21.10.2023 03:31The best way to change the subject, is to change the subject."Don't let anyone define you, you define yourself."
"An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself."
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
"Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that - thoughts."
Haven't been somewhere this green in quite some time. Made for a beautiful run this morning too... (Hotel room view @ Midwest Peering Summit 2023)
17.7.2023 16:13Haven't been somewhere this green in quite some time. Made for a beautiful run this morning too... (Hotel room view @ Midwest Peering...Values are principles or standards of behavior that you choose to live by based on what you judge important in life. When you consistently live by your values, you have integrity. When you, on the other hand, attempt to enforce your values on others, you're just an asshole. It's a form of violence. Like colonialism or crusades.
15.7.2023 16:22Values are principles or standards of behavior that you choose to live by based on what you judge important in life. When you consistently...Next week I'll be in Iowa, talking interconnection and automation.
11.7.2023 12:57Next week I'll be in Iowa, talking interconnection and automation.https://www.eventcreate.com/e/mwps2023"Make deep connections, not deep attachments."
My eldest and I are about to finish reading the sixth and final Dune book (Chapterhouse) and we've decided to dive into The Count of Monte Cristo together next.
After a bit of research we decided on the Robin Buss translation (modern English yet unabridged) from Penguin Classics and I'm digging the clothbound hardcover design/format.
24.6.2023 14:40My eldest and I are about to finish reading the sixth and final Dune book (Chapterhouse) and we've decided to dive into The Count of...Spoiler: "mindfulness meditation can help to strengthen attention and improve psychological well-being."
#mindfulness #meditation #peakperformance #mentalhealth
17.1.2023 21:33Spoiler: "mindfulness meditation can help to strengthen attention and improve psychological...New ISN episode dropped today.
It's @networkingnerd week!
Tune in to learn all about being a "wedding planner for tech events."
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS8yMDE2ODMyLnJzcw/episode/QnV6enNwcm91dC0xMTgxMDE5NA
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tom-hollingsworth/id1638201811?i=1000593366184
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0rWbLl0RxbCFObLpIKLnQl
Web & Other: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2016832/11810194
#techcareers #careeradvice #imposternetwork
10.1.2023 14:39New ISN episode dropped today.It's @networkingnerd week!Tune in to learn all about being a "wedding planner for tech...Progress!
Remember kids, if you can't repair it, you don't own it.
9.1.2023 22:53Progress!https://www.engadget.com/john-deere-right-to-repair-agreement-143035364.htmlRemember kids, if you can't repair it, you...For 2023, my three words are: Learn, Teach, Wait. What's your intention for this new year? New goals? New endeavors?
#HappyNewYear #goals #GoalSetting #threewords
9.1.2023 16:03For 2023, my three words are: Learn, Teach, Wait. What's your intention for this new year? New goals? New...Setting my intention for 2023!
#happynewyear #intention #goals
6.1.2023 18:32Setting my intention for 2023!https://chrisgrundemann.com/index.php/2023/strap-in-for-2023/#happynewyear #intention #goalsIn episode 23 of the Imposter Syndrome Network Podcast, Dr. Stefani Goerlich, sex therapist, talks to the #imposternetwork about building better relationships at work, and makes a key point: "Humans are not programmable, but we are teachable. And the only way we learn is if somebody is willing to take the time to say:
'This is what I need.'"
5.1.2023 15:01In episode 23 of the Imposter Syndrome Network Podcast, Dr. Stefani Goerlich, sex therapist, talks to the #imposternetwork about building...More rigorous science backing "intermittent fasting" aka time boxing your eating each day.
I am pretty good about sticking to an 8 hour window each day, outside of which I eat nothing.
5.1.2023 12:18More rigorous science backing "intermittent fasting" aka time boxing your eating each day.I am pretty good about sticking to an 8...