Ayer vi este genial documental de arte, lo súper recomiendo: Breaking Social https://youtube.com/watch?v=yF_VLX3ruWc&si=qSs94oWwfRSe_Ilv
30.1.2025 09:06Ayer vi este genial documental de arte, lo súper recomiendo: Breaking Social...https://youtube.com/watch?v=_zfnlkiPCVA&feature=share
11.5.2023 07:22https://youtube.com/watch?v=_zfnlkiPCVA&feature=share😊 Good morning #language learners! Here's a playlist of #music with #german lyrics:
#LangToot #LanguageLearning #deutsch #DeutschLerner
Die Besten! ❤✊ Hoffentlich halten sie noch ein bisschen durch! #lützerath #luzerath #rwe #klimakrise
Räumung von Lützerath schreitet voran: Klimaaktivisten in Tunnel versteckt? https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/raeumung-von-luetzerath-schreitet-voran-klimaaktivisten-in-tunnel-versteckt-a-9ad68efb-6af0-49a2-891b-eedd709f8cb5?sara_ecid=soci_upd_wbMbjhOSvViISjc8RPU89NcCvtlFcJ
Feliz día de reyes! 👑👑👑
6.1.2023 13:04Feliz día de reyes! 👑👑👑Goodbye 2022! 🎉👋
#2022 #2023 #NewYear #happynewyear #happy2023 #goodbye2022
#Christmas #dragon, covered market Oxford, #UK
30.12.2022 13:52#Christmas #dragon, covered market Oxford, #UKI may or may not have just eaten a whole box of cookies while watching the Lindsay Lohan Christmas movie. No one will ever know 🤷♀️
15.12.2022 22:42I may or may not have just eaten a whole box of cookies while watching the Lindsay Lohan Christmas movie. No one will ever know...So, it's the time of the year where I can finally use my only superpower, which is gift giving! In laws? Grumpy teen nephew? No problem! I know there is sth out there that'll make them happy and I WILL find it!
#adhd #adhdlife #adhs #tdah #christmas
The Hidden Drug
"Solo en los últimos 5 años este fenómeno que genera división, enfado y enfrentamiento en la sociedad ha crecido hasta un 40%. Sus cientos de millones de mensajes incendiarios generan en nuestro organismo – como algunas drogas – la activación de sustancias como dopamina o endorfinas, que activan los receptores opioides de nuestro cuerpo y nos hacen adictos a su consumo."
Good morning! Hacking #adhd with #music Bab L'Bluz, Folamour
When I was walking my dog I found these pretty glasses in a box on the street. I took them home and left them on the kitchen counter. Then I left and went on with my day. When I came back home and found them, it was such a nice surprise - I had completely forgotten about them! 😁 Sometimes #ADHD can be fun. 🤪 #ADHS #TDAH #neurodiverse
29.11.2022 12:10When I was walking my dog I found these pretty glasses in a box on the street. I took them home and left them on the kitchen counter. Then I...Mudslides in Ischia, Italy
This is just horrible, 6 victims so far and many others lost their homes in Casamicciola. #Ischia #Italy is such a beautiful place and I'm so sorry for the people who live there.
Also in #Naples it has been raining for 15 days in a row now while in #Spain there's yet another #drought.
😳 Wow, I just read this article about #billionaire #space #cult #longtermism and #utilitarianism #philosophy, I had heard about it before but didn't know it was THAT bonkers. And to think that people with money and influence support this sh*t...WTF!
So has anyone here finished the first season of #1899series and wants to discuss theories? Any ideas what it's really about?
#1899 #1899Netflix #Netflix #mystery #SienceFiction #SciFi #SerienJunkie #Serien
I think it was until 2017 that this space belonged to cars that would pass through here at 60 or 70km/h, with tiny sidewalks left and right. Now it belongs to walkers, musicians, readers, chess players, dogs, children...The #SuperBlock really changed the neighbourhood and especially during the pandemic it made a huge difference. This really is human friendly #CityPlanning
#Barcelona #SuperBlocks #SuperIlla
TV Stuff
So in a different timeline Chris did actually become a successful movie producer. I'm happy for him. #TheWhiteLotus #TheSopranos
25.11.2022 14:24TV StuffSo in a different timeline Chris did actually become a successful movie producer. I'm happy for him. #TheWhiteLotus #TheSopranos#Klimakleber. Das einzige, was mich daran wirklich aufregt: das hätten WIR vor 20/30 Jahren machen müssen. Haben wir aber nicht, obwohl #Klimawandel längst bekannt war. Ich glaube wir haben einfach naiv darauf vertraut, dass Menscheit/Politik/Wirtschaft schlau genug sind, sich irgendwann darum zu kümmern. Riesenfehler. #KlimaProtest #LastGen #LetzteGeneration
25.11.2022 14:10#Klimakleber. Das einzige, was mich daran wirklich aufregt: das hätten WIR vor 20/30 Jahren machen müssen. Haben wir aber nicht, obwohl...