Judging from today's running pace, I fully recovered from last week's COVID 👍
29.8.2023 20:37Judging from today's running pace, I fully recovered from last week's COVID 👍mission accomplished! #tattoo
13.6.2023 18:13mission accomplished! #tattoosave the Date!
Falls ihr an dem Tag noch nichts vor habt, wie wäre es mit Bier? und zwar Live Coding
würde mich freuen euch in den heiligen Hallen der DATEV Kegelbahn begrüßen zu können
5.5.2023 15:24save the Date!Falls ihr an dem Tag noch nichts vor habt, wie wäre es mit Bier? und zwar Live Codinghttps://meetu.ps/e/M68Lp/z9S4X/iwürde...New Stickers for a good cause from saintjavelin.com ,🇺🇦♥️🥰
Cool Session about his experiences with chat gpt with Oli Roth at #hackerkegeln #nuernberg. Next event will take place in 23.05 and be about Mob Programming a web service in rust!
Stay tuned!
Or join our group at meetup.com Hackerkegeln https://meetu.ps/c/52YHx/z9S4X/d auf Meetup an
finally managed to finished my docker setup for my rust CRUD application+SvelteKit Frontend. Check it out at
rust looks pretty much like Haskell:
27.2.2023 20:02rust looks pretty much like Haskell:Trying chat gpt is a very fascinating experience. Definitely a good tool to get a gist of common problems. However, confronting it with more specialized topics is more like a hit or miss.
For instance, it had a very good explanation of the practical uses of a reader monad but could not explain to me why nub >>= (==) works 😁.