So my son (11) is currently playing Through the Darkest of Times. It‘s a great #historicgame and he learns a lot. However, when he shouts out happily, „Hitler is dead!“ that‘s sort of strange on Christmas 🤣. @histodons
25.12.2022 16:53So my son (11) is currently playing Through the Darkest of Times. It‘s a great #historicgame and he learns a lot. However, when he shouts...So the garden around 1900 was a profoundly political space. Nature, aesthetics, and imperialism reinforced each other. But, unfortunately, garden historians often ignore politics while historians forget about the space representing Yamagata.
16.12.2022 13:29So the garden around 1900 was a profoundly political space. Nature, aesthetics, and imperialism reinforced each other. But, unfortunately,...My course "Introduction to Japanese History" is heading towards #imperialism. So let's see a #JapaneseGarden of the times.
In 1894/96, Yamagata Aritomo built #MurinAn in #Kyoto using a reward for his role in the Sino-Japanese war. The garden's Western building also served for a conference in which 4 elder statesmen prepared for the Russo-Japanese war.
Newspapers presented Murin-an as a political site. In a caricature of 1899, you can see #Yamagata pondering a railway project in China.
16.12.2022 13:20My course "Introduction to Japanese History" is heading towards #imperialism. So let's see a #JapaneseGarden of the times. has brought excellent news! The #MuséeAlbertKahn has made its fantastic collection of early color photos public! Here is Serena's link to the archive:
This BBC docu explored Kahn's great effort in 2008:
And best of all: there are even two #JapaneseGardens at the musée in #BoulogneBillancourt (close to Paris). A historical one from Kahn's times and a fascinating, playful postmodern one by #TeamZoo!
10.12.2022 has brought excellent news! The #MuséeAlbertKahn has made its fantastic collection of early color photos public!...This spring, I visited the magnificent #ParcOriental of #Maulévrier in the Loire Valley for a conference and saw the site. Many #JapaneseGardens in the West claim to be the largest, but this probably *is* the biggest in Europe.
Alexandre Marcel laid out the initial Japanese garden for a prosperous local industrialist. M. became famous in 1900 for building the #TourDuMonde and the Cambodian pavilion at the #ExpositionUniverselle in #Paris. He even brought parts of the pavilion to Maulévrier!
6.12.2022 12:23This spring, I visited the magnificent #ParcOriental of #Maulévrier in the Loire Valley for a conference and saw the site. Many...In 2006, fans could send prefabricated #SamuraiBlue postcards to the #Japan Football Association with motivational messages for the team. The team delegation pinned these cards to a wall next to the locker room of the training ground. This is a typical strategy by the #JFA to connect to their fans which I have seen a couple of times in various forms. #WorldCup #JPNCRO
5.12.2022 13:25In 2006, fans could send prefabricated #SamuraiBlue postcards to the #Japan Football Association with motivational messages for the team....Well, I did not want to watch the #WordCup because of Qatar. But now, #Japan has advanced, and Germany is done. I have some history of being with Japanese national squads as a team liaison officer, so I am really happy for my friends at the JFA! This is fantastic and absolutely well-deserved! Nearly as good as when the 2011 women kicked out Germany in the quarter-finals (and went on to win the #WorldCup)! Let's see the men's team go as far!!!
1.12.2022 21:06Well, I did not want to watch the #WordCup because of Qatar. But now, #Japan has advanced, and Germany is done. I have some history of being...Hey, #Histodons, @JCzierpka has joined Mastodon. She is doing excellent research and teaching on coal, iron, and steel history in Germany. Follow her for industrial history from where the German heart of steel and coal once beat.
1.12.2022 19:30Hey, #Histodons, @JCzierpka has joined Mastodon. She is doing excellent research and teaching on coal, iron, and steel history in Germany....Man merkt, es geht immer mehr auf Weihnachten zu - heute Abend haben wir schon die Hälfte der Achtelfinalisten!
30.11.2022 17:35Man merkt, es geht immer mehr auf Weihnachten zu - heute Abend haben wir schon die Hälfte der Achtelfinalisten!Thanks to the #WorldsFairs in the second half of the 19th century, #Japan had infiltrated Western popular culture. For example, this is a postcard from a charity bazaar in T(h)iengen in Southwest Germany in 1902. Setting up a Japonist booth helped sell stuff in the middle of nowhere in rural Germany!
The postcard is only hand-drawn, and maybe there was no such elaborated booth with kanji. Nevertheless, it is still fascinating that the #FarEast sparked local imagination!
29.11.2022 16:36Thanks to the #WorldsFairs in the second half of the 19th century, #Japan had infiltrated Western popular culture. For example, this is a...One of the most intriguing football stadiums I know is Leipzig. The venue was built for the #FIFAWorldCup 2006. But #Leipzig had an arena at that site before, the Zentralstadium. With a capacity of 100.000, it was the largest in East Germany. Opened in 1956, The old stadium had a Stalinist touch to it.
Luckily, Leipzig did not dismantle the old site but built the new one *within* the remains of the old one! You pass through the old architecture into the new arena, which is completely stunning!
29.11.2022 11:31One of the most intriguing football stadiums I know is Leipzig. The venue was built for the #FIFAWorldCup 2006. But #Leipzig had an arena at...In 1910, the Japanese government staged the #JapanBritishExhibition in #London. Two #JapaneseGardens were part of the fair. A statement from the Jap. organizers is interesting: "The gardens are not purely Japanese. They manifest the good feeling existing between the horticulturalists of England and Japan; equally they symbolize the alliance between our two countries…"
However, visitors, without a doubt, assumed that these gardens were fully authentic and not just a tool of #CulturalDiplomacy.
28.11.2022 10:58In 1910, the Japanese government staged the #JapanBritishExhibition in #London. Two #JapaneseGardens were part of the fair. A statement from...A very unusual #JapaneseGarden today. Some years ago, I went to #Stockholm + visited #Bagarmossen, a 1950s suburb. Citizens are allowed to create community gardens on public lots.
When I arrived at the garden, the “owner” was working the ground, and I got to interview him. He told me that he had never been to Japan but had always been fascinated with bonsai. So he decided to apply for a lot and turn it into a Japanese garden! The garden showed a lot of dedication and was built on a low budget.
25.11.2022 10:52A very unusual #JapaneseGarden today. Some years ago, I went to #Stockholm + visited #Bagarmossen, a 1950s suburb. Citizens are allowed to...And another #list in the making: @M_M_R_21 is working on something for #GermanStudies. #Germanist:innen unite here:
Apparently, Google Docs did not work, but Maike might move the list there later! However, a list at Heinrich Heine University seems to be very apt for the purpose. Heine! Think about Germany at night!!
23.11.2022 20:17And another #list in the making: @M_M_R_21 is working on something for #GermanStudies. #Germanist:innen unite here:...Yet another #football fail for Germany. Public television ARD used the wrong logo for the #JapanFootballAssociation post-game analysis! The current logo is white. They used the last but one logo from 2006 (yellow, different shape) #GERJPN #FIFAWorldCup A football nation in decline!!!
23.11.2022 15:44Yet another #football fail for Germany. Public television ARD used the wrong logo for the #JapanFootballAssociation post-game analysis! The...How do journalists get post-game quotes from coaches and players during the #football #WorldCup? Teams must pass through the #MixedZone to get from their locker room to the bus.
The zone separates players and journalists with a small barrier, so they do not really mix. But #journalists can ask questions. Players are not obliged to answer but usually do. Here is the mixed zone Frankfurt 2006 (a maze!) and #FIFA women's world cup after the final 2011. You can see my hand sustaining the barrier!
23.11.2022 14:02How do journalists get post-game quotes from coaches and players during the #football #WorldCup? Teams must pass through the #MixedZone to...If you have ever wondered why sports commentators know so much, even about #football teams like #Japan: Teams hand out media guides containing all relevant information. Commentators can look up everything, and teams can do some agenda-setting.
This was Japan's media guide from 2006, when I accompanied the team during the #WorldCup as a team liaison officer.
23.11.2022 13:16If you have ever wondered why sports commentators know so much, even about #football teams like #Japan: Teams hand out media guides...One of our students, currently a guest student in Japan, just reported that many #JapaneseUniversities had received #BombThreats! The threats seem to be unspecific, but still, people are worried. Does anyone know more?
22.11.2022 12:06One of our students, currently a guest student in Japan, just reported that many #JapaneseUniversities had received #BombThreats! The...Generational-Teaching-Shock. I played Marcy Playground's "Poppies" to talk about the #OpiumWars (I had wanted to do this two weeks ago but had to shift it). The students liked the song, and we had a great discussion on #opium + #imperialism, so the #didactics worked well.
BUT: I have used this song several times, and students never knew it until now. Today *two* told me their parents always had listened to Marcy, so they had heard Poppies before. Feeling VERY old!
21.11.2022 13:52Generational-Teaching-Shock. I played Marcy Playground's "Poppies" to talk about the #OpiumWars (I had wanted to do this two...One of 3 #Philly #JapaneseGardens is part of the #MorrisArboretum. John Morris had made a fortune in iron and steel. He + his sister Lydia built the estate.
In 1905 they added a JGarden. Thanks to the world’s fairs, JGardens were the latest fad. Today the garden is less pretentious than many JG – and that’s why I like it! Just a tiny patch with a #Buddha in the shadows.
In 1913 the Japanese Overlook was added to another part of the Arboretum. It features the famous 3 wise monkeys 🙉🙊🙈.
20.11.2022 15:17One of 3 #Philly #JapaneseGardens is part of the #MorrisArboretum. John Morris had made a fortune in iron and steel. He + his sister Lydia...