Watching lost gem of Oz Music behind the scenes drama series Sweet and Sour - which aired on ABC Tv in 1984 - on youtube with spot the 80s music stars: within a minute Renee Geyer appears, please remaster and re-release somehow, someone, though seems unlikely-
Soundtrack featuring Deborah Conway was a memorable hitfest “Sweet and Sour”, “Glam to Wham”. Great performances by Tracy Mann, Arky Michaels, David Reyne, Sandra Lillingston,
Ric Herbert
#joyous #VideodromeDiscothequeRemix #triggerTheRIGHTeousWrong
13.7.2023 13:16#joyous #VideodromeDiscothequeRemix #triggerTheRIGHTeousWrong #MillieJackson #Soul #Disco #SatireQueen #Rap #Country #Singer #Artist
13.7.2023 12:35#LostLegendsLiving #MillieJackson #Soul #Disco #SatireQueen #Rap #Country #Singer #ArtistWhen i need to laugh at grating infuriating news insanity…
13.7.2023 11:40When i need to laugh at grating infuriating news insanity…Growing up I sensed pressures to worship two conflicting ideals - the guarantee of limits and the power of transcending limits. An episode of streaming series “Black Mirror” s6 titled “Beyond The Sea” highlights these psychological battlefronts. The story cleverly interrogates an origin story of current politics via the 1960s- identity, security, trauma and belief come into sharp focus as “astronauts” confront a change in the order of things.
Collage Image Credits: PIRO4D, Egonetix_xyz, Pexels
24.6.2023 02:09Growing up I sensed pressures to worship two conflicting ideals - the guarantee of limits and the power of transcending limits. An episode...#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle
#saturdaycurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #QuestForFire #Jean-JacquesAnnaud #AnthonyBurgess #RaeDawnChong #RonPerlman Taking off from 2001 A Space Odyssey in my movie mind, Quest for Fire in 1981 was a revelation in film language, style and vision
17.6.2023 01:37#saturdaycurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #QuestForFire #Jean-JacquesAnnaud #AnthonyBurgess #RaeDawnChong #RonPerlman Taking off from 2001 A...#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #queenkong #1976 #TrashCinema
3.6.2023 04:12#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #queenkong #1976 #TrashCinema#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle
#1985 #1985MixTape OneOfTheLiving-TinaTurner, TooYoungForPromises-KooDeTah, InBetweenDays-TheCure, SkinDeep-TheStranglers, AllThroughTheNight-CyndiLauper, ColourMyLove- FunFun, LayYourHandsOnMe- ThompsonTwins, CrazyInTheNight-KimCarnes, VoicesCarry- TilTuesday, DareMe-PointerSisters, StillWaiting-UncannyX-Men, Bittersweet-HoodooGurus, InMyLife-Divinyls, LifeInANorthernTown-DreamAcademy, BoomBox-Vitabeats, Can’tWaitToSeeYou-Eurogliders, ElectionDay-Arcadia
#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #1985 #Screamplay #RufusButlerSeder #HorrorComedy
27.5.2023 04:28#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #1985 #Screamplay #RufusButlerSeder #HorrorComedy
25.5.2023 11:28 Mastodon=Connection+Expression+Pathways
#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle
“AmIHereYet(ReturnToSender)Billie Myers, “ShrunkenMan”TheThe, “Sky”Sonique, “WeThinksItsLove” LeahHaywood, “Weir”KillingHeidi,””BadTouch”BloodhoundGang, “Maria”-Blondie, “IDontKnowWhatYouWant…”PetShopBoys, “DeeperWater”Deadstar, “Cruel”HumanNature, “Awful”Hole, “Lever”Mavis’s, “YouGet…”NewRadicals, “Lonely”MerrilBainbridge, “BuildingAMystery” SarahMcLachlan, “PolyesterBride”LizPhair, “AllTornDown”TheLivingEnd, “PureMorning”Placebo, “HitTheSky”Screamfeeder
#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #Oddities
#FernandoArrabal #1983 #CarCemetary
#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle #1982MixTape
“Words”Missing Persons, “Vacation” GoGos, “Body &Soul” Jo Kennedy, “You Should Hear…”Melissa Manchester, “TakeTheL” Motels, “Blister in TheSun” Violent Femmes, “Controversy”Prince, “WithoutYou” Eurogliders, “UnderAttack” Abba, “How can I Live”Christopher Atkins, “Hold me” FleetwoodMac, “I Know What Boys Like” Waitresses, “Dirty Creature” SplitEnz
#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #Oddities #Eugenie1970 #JessFranco
13.5.2023 01:14#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #Oddities #Eugenie1970 #JessFranco#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle #1984MixTape “Wilder World” Dragon, “Believe in the Beat” Carol Lynn Townes, “Lost in Music” Sister Sledge, “Shake this City” Non Stop Dancers, “Dancing in Berlin”Berlin, “Catch Me I’m Falling” Real Life, “In the Mood” Robert Plant, “Why Me” Irene Cara, “Girl on the Wall” Jane Clifton, “Rush Rush” Debbie Harry, “Taking the Town” Icehouse, “Ghost Ships” The Saints, “Solo and More” QED, “ “Good Die Young” Divinyls, “Sweet and Sour” The Takeaways
6.5.2023 01:34#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle #1984MixTape “Wilder World” Dragon, “Believe in the Beat” Carol Lynn Townes, “Lost in Music” Sister...#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #Oddities #FadeToBlack #1980sGoth
6.5.2023 00:58#SaturdayCurio #ObscureFilm #Rarities #Oddities #FadeToBlack #1980sGothAnother great film review by Christos Tsiolkas in The Saturday Paper, love his writing on cinema
29.4.2023 02:54Another great film review by Christos Tsiolkas in The Saturday Paper, love his writing on cinema...#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle #1991MixTape “I Had You in Mind” by Mondo Rock, “If A Vow” by The Hummingbirds, “Tomorrow Wendy” by Andy Prieboy, “Tale O The Twister” by Chagall Guevara, “How Much is Enough” by The Fixx, “A Place with No Love” by The Choirboys, “Anthem” by Clouds, “911 is a joke” by Public Enemy, “Love Gets Rough” by Troy Newman, “Walk on” by Chantoozies, “Under My Skin” by Deborah Conway, “Lock It” by Falling Joys
29.4.2023 02:08#RetroMusic #SaturdayShuffle #1991MixTape “I Had You in Mind” by Mondo Rock, “If A Vow” by The Hummingbirds, “Tomorrow Wendy” by...