“It’s unfortunate the commissioners looked at this issue very narrowly and departed from their own stated mission and values of ensuring public safety. They are failing to regulate a dangerous, nascent industry.
Los Angeles is next.”
Justin Kloczko
"There is abundant evidence that many patients are negligently injured while being treated."
Public Citizen
This is why we continue to work towards Medical Board of California reform.
San Diego Doctor Charged with Murder In Patient’s Death Shows Failure Of California’s Doctor Discipline, Patient Disclosure Laws
Why CA’s Oil Refiner Accountability Law Is A Big Deal
Corporations Are Making a Last-Ditch Effort to Stop Californians from Taking Control of Their Personal Data
Get Big Oil’s hands off my money
Governor Gavin Newsom and California Legislature It’s time to hold polluters accountable. Pass #SBX12 to keep gas prices low and affordable for Californians as we transition off fossil fuels. #StopBigOilGreed #PeopleNotProfits
Governor Gavin Newsom & legislators are to be congratulated on a deal that gets needed information into the hands of regulators to prevent the price spikes that have targeted Californians and to arm the regulators with the power of penalty when price gouging occurs.
20.3.2023 22:26Governor Gavin Newsom & legislators are to be congratulated on a deal that gets needed information into the hands of regulators to...Executives And Insiders At CA Big 5 Refiners Cashed Out $590 Million In Company Stock During 2022 In Wartime Profiteering while Californians were being treated as an ATM by #BigOil
15.3.2023 13:11#Breaking Executives And Insiders At CA Big 5 Refiners Cashed Out $590 Million In Company Stock During 2022 In Wartime Profiteering while...PBF Energy, Last of California’s Big Five Refiners To Report 2022 Results, Finishes Parade Of Windfall Profits In California https://www.consumerwatchdog.org/energy/pbf-energy-last-californias-big-five-refiners-report-2022-results-finishes-parade-windfall
21.2.2023 16:38PBF Energy, Last of California’s Big Five Refiners To Report 2022 Results, Finishes Parade Of Windfall Profits In California..."After nearly a year of rulemaking and over 1,000 pages of public comments later, the country’s first dedicated data privacy agency on Friday approved regulations aimed at giving consumers unprecedented control over their private data." Justin Kloczko
11.2.2023 02:40"After nearly a year of rulemaking and over 1,000 pages of public comments later, the country’s first dedicated data privacy agency...Chevron Doubles 2022 Profits, Reveals Extensive Gas Price Gouging In The West
“Chevron’s profit reports are the poster child for why we need a price gouging penalty on excessive profits. Chevron’s pocketed billions of dollars too much off Californians’ hard earned money and made them choose between paying rent and filling up their tank. With 30% of the California market and an 85 cents per gallon profit margin, Chevron would have paid a multi-billion dollar penalty if the price gouging penalty had been in effect and would have had to return the money to consumers.”
"The price gouging penalty has already worked and it's not even in law.
Imagine how much Californians will save once a penalty is enacted!"
Oil chief's resignation came after pressure over permitting spike
We hope Ntuk's resignation is a sign Gov Gavin Newsom will appoint a successor who will crack down on new well approvals that threaten vulnerable communities.
https://www.bakersfield.com/news/oil-chiefs-resignation-came-after-pressure-over-permitting-spike/article_be775f32-99af-11ed-b41a-27eee961f4b8.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=user-share via @Bakersfieldcali
80 Environmental Advocacy Groups Support Price Gouging Penalty On California Refiners
SBX 1 2 will set a penalty on California refiners when gas prices and the profits refiners make per gallon off consumers become abnormally high.
#bigoil #makebigoilpay #california