Super fun time with @CaptainSharky at #FanExpo #denver this weekend #costuming as Snowtroopers with the #501st: #mountaingarrison, #rebellegion, and #cerarclan and raising money for #makeawish through #r2kt! Always fun interacting with the kids and watching the adults get into it just as much (though my feet hurt so bad and I'm still bummed my costume didn't arrive in time for the prisoner run)
📸 Credit (2nd Photo) to Nathan Duncan
#fanexpodenver2023 #starwars #colorado #mandomercs #pikespeaksquad #rebellegionmtnbase
📸 CW: direct eye contact, prop weapons
6.7.2023 18:31Super fun time with @CaptainSharky at #FanExpo #denver this weekend #costuming as Snowtroopers with the #501st: #mountaingarrison,...Long Post: Introduction
I guess now that I'm figuring out this platform I should do an #introduction
I'm a #pagan #witch and #druid who just married my husband, @CaptainSharky, late last year. We also have two rescue #cats. My pronouns are she/her and I have a #history degree and work as a substitute teacher. I'm also a #barbershop #chorus singer (though I'm on break from that right now) and a #501st volunteer costumer.
My spouse and I regularly attend conventions and enjoy #anime #cosplay #videogames #gaming #boardgames #dnd #jeeping #hiking and #zumba. I also enjoy #manhwa #manga #reading #curlyhair care and #weightlifting. I'm also a #furry!
I consider myself a #gaulishpolytheist, French-American Folk Practitioner, and #cottagewitch. I'm an #AODA (Ancient Order of Druids in America) Candidate, a #GCC (Gnostic Celtic Church) Novitiate, and an #ADFdruidry (A Druid Fellowship) member.
#witchcraft #folkwitch #frenchfolkwitch #paganism #druidry #teaching #education #costuming #colorado #starwars
📸 CW: direct eye contact, prop weapon
6.7.2023 06:24Long Post: IntroductionI guess now that I'm figuring out this platform I should do an #introduction I'm a #pagan #witch and #druid...