Edit: Information found, thank you!
Hey hive mind, this is driving me insane because the internet is not being helpful!
I'm looking at batting for a quilt.
Can anyone tell me if 160g/sqm is high or low loft?
And does anyone know of a weight chart?
Thank you in advance!
6.9.2024 17:14Edit: Information found, thank you! Hey hive mind, this is driving me insane because the internet is not being helpful!I'm looking at...I made a thing I'm really pleased with, so I made many and now have an etsy shop!
The thing in question? Oak Leaf and acorn bookmarks :)
24.8.2024 15:36I made a thing I'm really pleased with, so I made many and now have an etsy shop!The thing in question? Oak Leaf and acorn bookmarks...Ok, I know it’s not craft related, but on my bookish alter ego account I made a video that shows what my imagination looks like when I read
I won’t cross pollinate much (don’t want to say never), but I wanted to share this.
My pictorial imagination is limited, and learning about Aphantasia... it explained so much for me. Especially concerning spatial reasoning and sewing.
So I'm fascinated, what happens in your imagination when you read/ plan things out?
I tell you what, the colourwork you guys manage in your #knitting is just 🤯
7.4.2024 16:47I tell you what, the colourwork you guys manage in your #knitting is just 🤯IT'S DONE! IT'S DONE! #LordOfTheRingsCatBlanket is DONE and she loves it 😁😁🥳
(I've put the knitting chart up for free on my Ko-fi page if you want to knit it)
I'll try and get a better pic for the colours when the weather improves, but it is not this day!
Please tag me if you do make it 🙏
#Knitting #LOTR #LordOfTheRings #Crafting #Cat
3.4.2024 08:36IT'S DONE! IT'S DONE! #LordOfTheRingsCatBlanket is DONE and she loves it 😁😁🥳(I've put the knitting chart up for free on...This week I tried a magnolia petal, watched gambling horses, walked to an errand through muddy fields, made a book cover for a book I'm near the end of the 3rd first draft with, and finished sewing my first skirt!
I now have 2 chocolate cakes waiting for icing!
It's been a lovely week
did you know magnolia flowers taste like ginger?
30.3.2024 16:42did you know magnolia flowers taste like ginger?#food #foragingI err, used sharpie to cover a knitting mistake in my colour-work (black and blue)
I would have unpicked, but by the time I noticed it would have been days of work for such a small problem.
But the sharpie worked! I can now no longer see my mistake :D
I’m at the archway for #LordOfTheRingsCatBlanket but will I have enough yarn????
17.3.2024 15:58I’m at the archway for #LordOfTheRingsCatBlanket but will I have enough yarn????#LordOfTheRingsCatBlanket getting there!
I just have bags that I stash my current wip in. It helps that I'm a one project at a time gal... well, I say that. Also writing, and sometimes also drawing. The shrapnel of one hobby can go far enough, but add in more and well, it can get out of hand real quick XD
11.3.2024 11:11I just have bags that I stash my current wip in. It helps that I'm a one project at a time gal... well, I say that. Also writing, and...Any #Knitting folk suffer from aching elbows when you #knit
10.3.2024 19:20Any #Knitting folk suffer from aching elbows when you #knitChanged the bedding today and feathers went everywhere.
There were several holes in the duvet.
Were, because I fixed em!
Turned a scissor holder pattern from something that would hold one measly pair of snippers, to 4!
Behold my scissor storage :D
3.3.2024 16:41Turned a scissor holder pattern from something that would hold one measly pair of snippers, to 4!Behold my scissor storage :D#SewingLads, hot chocolate with a spoonful of cocoa, a drop of vanilla, and a bit of cinnamon!
You can just have the cocoa, but I find that too bitter. It tastes and smells SO GOOD!
29.2.2024 10:19Lads, hot chocolate with a spoonful of cocoa, a drop of vanilla, and a bit of cinnamon!You can just have the cocoa, but I find that too...Ok peeps, am bitten by the curiosity bug; What are you making at the moment?
I'm making progress on my LOTR cat blanket, although I had to frog 31 rows so I could redesign the lower branches.
28.2.2024 18:58Ok peeps, am bitten by the curiosity bug; What are you making at the moment?I'm making progress on my LOTR cat blanket, although I had...Had to frog 31 rows because I didn't like the look of the tree branches and had a redesign...
Eh well.
I got tired of trying to find relevant videos for everything I need to learn for #sewing so I got ‘The Sewing Book by Alison Smith’, and omg it looks amazing!
I’ve never before found a book that promises to teach you everything you need to know and actually delivers in a coherent way.
Seriously, if you’re learning to #sew this is the book.
Other half’s mum (a well seasoned sewer) looked through this and said “I wish I’d had this all those years ago.”
Saw a pigeon excitedly racing out the door of a bakery with a crumb in its beak which it immediately dropped down a grate!
A tragic comedy in life
19.2.2024 17:05Saw a pigeon excitedly racing out the door of a bakery with a crumb in its beak which it immediately dropped down a grate!A tragic comedy in...