For whomever can answer this:
When you migrate your account to another server, what do you need to do?
I think you don't lose your followers, but not sure what other effects there are?
And your old posts, are they then only viewable by searching, since they won't be on your new host?
19.12.2022 20:05For whomever can answer this:When you migrate your account to another server, what do you need to do?I think you don't lose your...Some people need to stop seeing Mastodon like an insurance policy or a modest lifeboat.
It’s an opportunity to rebuild the things that we loved about Twitter so much we were still willing to put up with all the things we routinely hated.
Yes, it’s more work in some ways than it used to be, but you can’t build something great if no one is willing to put in the effort.
Learning anything new can be frustrating at first. Just like life, the attitude you have will make it easier or harder.
18.12.2022 19:00Some people need to stop seeing Mastodon like an insurance policy or a modest lifeboat.It’s an opportunity to rebuild the things that we...I gotta say, @Atreyu makes a mean Peppermint Martini. 🍸
17.12.2022 05:14I gotta say, @Atreyu makes a mean Peppermint Martini. 🍸It literally took me 2 minutes of seeing the kind of tweets Twitter was trying to push to me while I was checking my DMs for me to feel fantastic about getting the hell out of there.
Feels like when you get out of an abusive relationship and you wonder why you stayed in it so long.
15.12.2022 17:11It literally took me 2 minutes of seeing the kind of tweets Twitter was trying to push to me while I was checking my DMs for me to feel...I know it ain't happenin' cause I don't know anyone at Disney World, but man I would kill for one of these mugs. So insanely cool. 😍
15.12.2022 06:01I know it ain't happenin' cause I don't know anyone at Disney World, but man I would kill for one of these mugs. So insanely...Don’t worry if you start to see some gray in the mirror.
It could just be a slow transformation to your ideal form.
🐺: Foster
14.12.2022 23:09Don’t worry if you start to see some gray in the mirror.It could just be a slow transformation to your ideal form.🐺: FosterHelping people as I can is a priority in my life, which makes it tough because there's just one me with very limited resources, even time wise.
It never feels good when someone needs way more than you can give, much more so when that someone is very close to you, but it's something you have to come to terms with in your life.
Your best will never be good enough for a lot of people, but you have to learn how to embrace that it's good enough for you and the people who are right for you.
13.12.2022 19:25Helping people as I can is a priority in my life, which makes it tough because there's just one me with very limited resources, even...I know what it's like to be young and eager for friends, to try your best to make a good impression.
I still remember that.
But you gotta go through it. You have to take the long way, there are no shortcuts. It's trial & error.
If you're a young person, the best thing you can do is have a good attitude, have a LOT of patience, be respectful and don't get discouraged easily.
Many older people don't have patience to deal with immaturity, so if someone older talks to you respectfully, listen.
13.12.2022 19:14I know what it's like to be young and eager for friends, to try your best to make a good impression.I still remember that.But you gotta...*sigh*
Well-meaning, eager and obviously young person finds my Telegram and asks to be friends.
Considered just ignoring because I know how this song goes, but that feels rude, so I responded honestly that friendship isn't something you just request, & that I am already very busy.
People say to treat kids with respect, give them a chance, and I try to do that, but I have to say it doesn't often work very well. They just don't have the experience to understand because life teaches you that.
13.12.2022 19:11*sigh*Well-meaning, eager and obviously young person finds my Telegram and asks to be friends.Considered just ignoring because I know how...For those of you up too late, I will share something I found quite interesting, and you might if you're a fan of Danny Elfman..
..namely, his appearance with a fledgling Oingo Boingo in 1976 on the infamous Gong Show, complete with cute dragon mascot.
10.12.2022 10:31For those of you up too late, I will share something I found quite interesting, and you might if you're a fan of Danny Elfman....namely,...We were talking about late night food and Denny's and I just about lost it when my not completely sober friend said they wanted a GLAND SAMRICH. 😂 🤣
9.12.2022 08:42We were talking about late night food and Denny's and I just about lost it when my not completely sober friend said they wanted a GLAND...Does anyone else get food fatigue?
Basically I need variety. If I eat a particular thing multiple times (like thai food or cereal), I don't want it again for a little while.
It's kinda similar to the feeling you get when you're full from eating and see delicious food or pictures of it, it doesn't really look appetizing. If I eat something too many times in a short span, it loses it's appeal to me.
8.12.2022 17:56Does anyone else get food fatigue?Basically I need variety. If I eat a particular thing multiple times (like thai food or cereal), I...“No, you’re supposed to PUNCH it, not…
Oh nevermind, you goofball.” 🙄
6.12.2022 20:21“No, you’re supposed to PUNCH it, not…Oh nevermind, you goofball.” 🙄When I got here and discovered that anyone could have a "verified" checkmark, I thought that was cool, even though it kinda renders them as just decoration rather than any utility.
But because of what happened on that other site, I actually don't know if people have been soured on checkmarks, so I took it out.
What say you, current viewer?
Content warning:CW: fursuit in underwear
If you're not gonna give back the covers, then get yer tail over here and keep me warm! 😉
29.11.2022 23:29Content warning:CW: fursuit in underwearIf you're not gonna give back the covers, then get yer tail over here and keep me warm! 😉I'm not going to tell anyone how to post, but I will pass along something that has been very useful to me.
There are people who I generally like and agree with but who tend to boost a lot of discontent over things that are rightfully upsetting. You can turn off boosts for people without needing to mute their tweets if you're getting a lot of content you don't really want that isn't really their main focus.
Twitter still exists if people want to mostly be angry.
29.11.2022 21:18I'm not going to tell anyone how to post, but I will pass along something that has been very useful to me.There are people who I...Hello to all the recent new followers and old birdsite followers!
You can expect a heavy dosage of fursuits, silliness and deep introspection from me.
What you won't see is a whole lot of misery about politics and world events. Not because those things aren't important to me, but because I prefer to focus on things that give me hope, things I feel I can positively impact.
That's one of the things I don't miss about Twitter and don't want here. We don't need to soak in misery the way we did.
29.11.2022 21:14Hello to all the recent new followers and old birdsite followers!You can expect a heavy dosage of fursuits, silliness and deep introspection...Sorry guys, I’ll have to get back to you, my physical therapist is here.
(🌭: C) (yes just C)
28.11.2022 17:05Sorry guys, I’ll have to get back to you, my physical therapist is here.(🌭: C) (yes just C)I always look forward to Thanksgiving because I get to host @panda_paco and @KoidelCoyote for a few blissful days of movies, food and relaxation.
Thankful for two wonderful and wonderfully talented friends. I hope those of you who celebrate the holidays were able to spend it with someone you care about. 💚
(First sketchbook pic by Paco, Second by Koidel)
26.11.2022 23:13I always look forward to Thanksgiving because I get to host @panda_paco and @KoidelCoyote for a few blissful days of movies, food and...Today I decided I didn't want to be on Twitter anymore.
I'm tired of bad news and people whose only goals are finding people to hurt and control.
It doesn't feel good giving up on what it took over 10 years to build, but Elon's ego already wrecked it, so there isn't much left anyway.
No more looking back, no more cynical drama, no more bad faith arguments, no more slow emotional suffocation.
I'm ready to be part of a place where people want each other to be happy and want to help them do it.
26.11.2022 22:43Today I decided I didn't want to be on Twitter anymore.I'm tired of bad news and people whose only goals are finding people to hurt...