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Last post for a while. I don't think masto is "the answer", we don't have "the answer" yet. I've looked at a...

Last post for a while. I don't think masto is "the answer", we don't have "the answer" yet. I've looked at a few instances in the last few days and the mood and tenor of them all is, "nice people, dull party."

There are interactions I've had on various social media that have translated to IRL spark. People I met on the now defunct MacIDOL, people I met on OKCupid when it was still a research project. (The latter was a social medium more than any dating site. It was AWESOME. The former was pretty effing awesome for an early precursor of soundcloud, too.)

Please take no offence. The boredom I feel here stems from the difficulty I've always had in finding my kind of people. I can't walk into a room and make friends quickly. There has to be that hook, like MacIDOL (hey, we're all would-be songwriters reviewing each other's music!) or OK Cupid (hey, we're getting to meet real matches and helping with psychology research, too!)

Thank you for having me, being gentle with me when my mistakes were minor and firm but gentle when they weren't. Not that there were many. I don't think.

Anyway, I'm off to explore if there might be other, more natural ways to make our online interactions more genuinely social, even less "platformed" (yes, peeps, Masto is a platform), more protocolled, and IRL relationships are protocolled, not platformed - that's the distinction. That's why Twitter has to press buttons and why Facebook has to manipulate. It's false engagement.

Without those pushes, platforms don't generate excitement. Without real human connection our friends won't follow us. So, I'm going to put a time limit on all of my posts and lock myself out of this account and fade away over 90 days. I have work to do, try and find the real solution to the mess that is platformed social media.

Truth is, with my self taught skills, you'll never hear of me again. But I have to try! Somebody does!

31.7.2023 00:49Last post for a while. I don't think masto is "the answer", we don't have "the answer" yet. I've looked at a...

This is the car industry Australia needs - retrofit or restore older cas as electrics, with government...

This is the car industry Australia needs - retrofit or restore older cas as electrics, with government subsidies.

29.7.2023 13:30This is the car industry Australia needs - retrofit or restore older cas as electrics, with government...

Ever wondered how Joni Mitchell got some of her guitar sounds?

Ever wondered how Joni Mitchell got some of her guitar sounds?
Just listen 🙂

Also, Page's basis for "Kashmir"

29.7.2023 02:33Ever wondered how Joni Mitchell got some of her guitar sounds?

I'm an atheist, I'm also accepting of the need for faith that many have. However, it seems to me that the folks most likely to ask,...

I'm an atheist, I'm also accepting of the need for faith that many have. However, it seems to me that the folks most likely to ask, "What would Jesus do to solve this" when witnessing injustice and poverty, are the atheists, and only a handful of true Christians. I wrote this song in 2007

Listen here...

"First Church of Christ Communist"

Jesus was a socialist,
What's "suffer little children"?
What's faith, hope and charity?
Sounds like the welfare state to me

Jesus was a file sharer,
He turned the water into wine.
Just like music sharing now,
He shared the riches of his time.

Jesus was a Communist,
Threw the lenders from the temple,
He stood up for the working man.
It really was that simple.

Jesus led the revolution,
It's why the Romans killed him,
And why the priests stood idly by,
To protect their common interests.

Jesus was an atheist,
At least just as he died.
"Why hast thou forsaken me?"
He gasped, then expired.

29.7.2023 02:19I'm an atheist, I'm also accepting of the need for faith that many have. However, it seems to me that the folks most likely to ask,...

"You wouldn't steal an iPad......go download one instead!"

"You wouldn't steal an iPad...

...go download one instead!"

27.7.2023 05:59"You wouldn't steal an iPad......go download one instead!"

I just did this survey."Monotropism Score: 189 / 235Average: 4.02This score means that you are more Monotropic than about 36% of...

I just did this survey.

"Monotropism Score: 189 / 235
Average: 4.02

This score means that you are more Monotropic than about 36% of autistic people and about 93% of allistic people."

Top end of level 1? Guess I'll never know.

Was way cheaper (free) than what the psychs are charging for a diagnosis (upwards of $1300) for work, mental health or such, and as I don't need a diagnosis for work or mental health matters, this "confirmation" of what I've suspected for long time will do me fine, thank you.

27.7.2023 05:24I just did this survey."Monotropism Score: 189 / 235Average: 4.02This score means that you are more Monotropic than about 36% of...

#hulksmash Regarding all the propaganda about masto not being "secure", if security is important, take your DMs to Signal....

Regarding all the propaganda about masto not being "secure", if security is important, take your DMs to Signal. Don't use any platform-based, inbuilt messaging service. Do you imagine the agents of Twatter or Farcebook can't read your DMs. Remember, you're not the client on those platforms, you're the product. At least here, we have a wall to hang our public stuff on. If you're worried about security, I say again, take it to Signal or similar.

The internet has so many tools and most people just pick up a hammer and ignore the array of power tools laid out before them. I know this for a fact, I used to also be a workplace trainer for 20 of my 27 years in radio production ops.

26.7.2023 04:22#hulksmash Regarding all the propaganda about masto not being "secure", if security is important, take your DMs to Signal....

Meanwhile, back in October 2006, Hobart band, The Breed, released this little number. Recognise the bassist? You know him if you're...

Meanwhile, back in October 2006, Hobart band, The Breed, released this little number. Recognise the bassist? You know him if you're reading this in your feed.

25.7.2023 11:23Meanwhile, back in October 2006, Hobart band, The Breed, released this little number. Recognise the bassist? You know him if you're...

To my fellow musicians, Mary talks sense. My sales at bandcamp run to about a beer a month (not that I actually drink much beer these days,...

To my fellow musicians, Mary talks sense. My sales at bandcamp run to about a beer a month (not that I actually drink much beer these days, dicky ticker) but I'll be 350 before I get to US$50 (the minimum draw amount.) But let Mary 'splain, she does better than me.

25.7.2023 11:16To my fellow musicians, Mary talks sense. My sales at bandcamp run to about a beer a month (not that I actually drink much beer these days,...

#cold #melbourne #yeahIknow #aussiisdontknowwhatcoldis #thisisinside!!! The temp in my studio/workshop, a converted garage that is within...

!!! The temp in my studio/workshop, a converted garage that is within the walls of the house and has an insulated front wall, rather than a garage door now. When's the coming heatwave due to start?

20.7.2023 22:08#cold #melbourne #yeahIknow #aussiisdontknowwhatcoldis #thisisinside!!! The temp in my studio/workshop, a converted garage that is within...

@mrcippy I just read your masto on R Pi article you did for ZDNet. Thank you, mate, Gives me the confidence to press an old Mac mini into...

@mrcippy I just read your masto on R Pi article you did for ZDNet. Thank you, mate, Gives me the confidence to press an old Mac mini into service (Masto has probably the best Mac install instructions I've ever seen on github.) If Masto works on a Pi 4, it's gotta work on a Mac Mini, surely. Well written article, makes me think a home instance is a worthwhile exercise.


19.7.2023 11:51@mrcippy I just read your masto on R Pi article you did for ZDNet. Thank you, mate, Gives me the confidence to press an old Mac mini into...

@Codeberg Maybe it's not just codeberg, maybe it's Gitea, but I need a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down after this...

@Codeberg Maybe it's not just codeberg, maybe it's Gitea, but I need a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down after this morning's hassles.

19.7.2023 03:25@Codeberg Maybe it's not just codeberg, maybe it's Gitea, but I need a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down after this...

Well, the @Codeberg experiment is dead, I'm staying at github a little longer, until I can find something better or roll my own. Endless...

Well, the @Codeberg experiment is dead, I'm staying at github a little longer, until I can find something better or roll my own. Endless "wrong branch" errors, one today that cost me an hour's work. On repos that only have the main branch as well as other repos, but always the error happens on main. I'm happy to support community enterprises, but not if the infrastructure is buggy enough to keep effing me over.

19.7.2023 03:24Well, the @Codeberg experiment is dead, I'm staying at github a little longer, until I can find something better or roll my own. Endless...

No spoilers, but you'll _LOVE_ who the only member of the general public has ever been allowed to fly this...

No spoilers, but you'll _LOVE_ who the only member of the general public has ever been allowed to fly this plane...

18.7.2023 05:06No spoilers, but you'll _LOVE_ who the only member of the general public has ever been allowed to fly this...

@MorpheusB Thanks for sharing that, I'm hoping the idea finds real traction, and sharing this as widely as can be might help make this a...

@MorpheusB Thanks for sharing that, I'm hoping the idea finds real traction, and sharing this as widely as can be might help make this a reality.

18.7.2023 04:07@MorpheusB Thanks for sharing that, I'm hoping the idea finds real traction, and sharing this as widely as can be might help make this a...

And to @oakes@github, I say, dude, you are a god. Your little learning project shines a light on the way out of this mess the virtual world...

And to @oakes@github, I say, dude, you are a god. Your little learning project shines a light on the way out of this mess the virtual world lives in. I dunno if you know how far ahead of the curve you were, but you have created a future with more of Asimov's optimism than Gibson's despair. Nightweb shows a way to save humanity from allowing itself to be enslaved to a corporate Goa'uld.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!

18.7.2023 03:47And to @oakes@github, I say, dude, you are a god. Your little learning project shines a light on the way out of this mess the virtual world...

#p2p #peer2peer #i2p @i2p #bittorrent #socialmedia #codingthefuture #nightweb@manyver_seNo, Wired, #activitypub won't "save"...


No, Wired, won't "save" the internet,, but it _IS_ a transition to a safer internet. Federation is a step away from centralised, corporate ivory tower services but, like forums of old, they can still be affected by "madmins." A safe place can become an unsafe place.

The future is (and there are already teams working on this, they don't all rely on bogus crypto) peer-to-peer. You, your device and an app at are the centre of your friends and fam. Pick one of those friends at random, they and their app are at the center of their network. And so, on...

This decentralised model is as simple as an instant messaging app, but that instant messaging app has a timeline, uses bittorrent to share posts and DMs, along with attached media, and does it all via the invisible internet protocol, I2P. So, don't get too cozy. The death of the central server is coming, even Masto is likely to go the way of extinct, hairy pachyderms.

And the new model is as simple to use as your address book. One even existed in 2014 and still works. It's crude, requires you to open a port on your broadband router and requires a tab in your browser for the user interface, but it works and runs on all major platforms but iOS. It's called Nightweb. You can find the Android APK or the desktop Java apps here...

...under "Releases" on the right-hand side of your browser.

** -> If you often need tech help, you're not going to find it works for you. <- ** That's a promise at this stage.

If you're a bit of a coding player, maybe you could take over the project and modernise it. It's no longer maintained. Use it as a framework. I'm trying to do that, you real hackers out there will probably beat me. Go ahead, give it a red-hot go, we have to. One problem, the flag button generates a URL that has been taken over by another, unrelated website. It's nothing a bit of copy-paste-edit-recopy-paste won't fix to try the app out, and the app generally works, it's just primitive.

This kind of app is how we break capitalism's back. This kind of app is how black lives can organise and not fear the cops. This app kills Elon Musk's and Mark Zuckerberg's business models stone dead. This kind of up gives every user control over their communications and timeline. No madmins, no Musk. (I love that "musk" can be euphemism for "stink.")

The backend protocols are I2P and bitTorrent, this means any app can be made to work with anybody else's app if we work together to standardise the sharing model.

The security is encryption (GPG), scrambled (I2P) and untraceable. (BT) Onboarding as simple as a URL https://<your.public.ip>:<chosen port*>/<your hash and @handle> (*4407 for Nightweb as it stands) This link could be hidden behind a button and abstracted. You can block anybody, anybody can block you, we are all safe.

What more could we ask for?!

18.7.2023 03:37#p2p #peer2peer #i2p @i2p #bittorrent #socialmedia #codingthefuture #nightweb@manyver_seNo, Wired, #activitypub won't "save"...

OK, another #codeberg and #github question...I have a couple of repos I want to mirror from codeberg to github. Codeberg asks for user and...

OK, another and question...

I have a couple of repos I want to mirror from codeberg to github. Codeberg asks for user and pass, but github no longer accepts user and pass for pushes from a remote main to github mirror. Anybody know of any workarounds? This is important, especially for my Arduino library.

18.7.2023 02:14OK, another #codeberg and #github question...I have a couple of repos I want to mirror from codeberg to github. Codeberg asks for user and...

Content warning:Anti Comm Games Rant - good riddance.Not going to piss on any sports fans' actual posts, but I am gunna say, covid...

Content warning:Anti Comm Games Rant - good riddance.

Not going to piss on any sports fans' actual posts, but I am gunna say, covid isn't over and we don't need thousands of sports tourists (fans as well as competitors) coming from all over the world to bring us more strains. Victoria can't afford the health impact.

18.7.2023 02:04Content warning:Anti Comm Games Rant - good riddance.Not going to piss on any sports fans' actual posts, but I am gunna say, covid...

Thanks for the follow @projectgus

Thanks for the follow @projectgus

17.7.2023 05:20Thanks for the follow @projectgus
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