Just proudly taking a trump in the street.
Is this an amerikkkan or kkklanadian goose!?
Also just realized...this was (ahem) shot right outside a place called "Backdoor Mission".
This is a smart-assed goose.
Quackdoor Squishin'...
12.3.2025 01:27Just proudly taking a trump in the street.Is this an amerikkkan or kkklanadian goose!?Also just realized...this was (ahem) shot right...Unfuckingbelievable that outgoing KKKlanadian Prime Moistener #Trudeau had reserves of extra smarm to drizzle over his captive audience(s).
I hope and pray that whatever he does next, I don't have to hear the nauseating sound of him addressing the help.
#Wordle 1,360 5/6
This felt personal.
10.3.2025 05:09#Wordle 1,360 5/6⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩🟨🟩🟨🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩This felt personal.Just nauseating.
#Trudeau's self congratulatory liberal drivel is utterly predictable, as he whips himself into a nationalistic fervor in response to naked #MAGA fascism.
Oh dear God, now da little guy from Shawinigan is babbling.
The era of doddering old genocidal white men can't come to a close soon enough.
I fucking LOVE this new grassroots business model that's been (ahem) gaining traction lately. There's something so deeply poetic and liberatory about it, and while it carries more regulatory risk than I find personally acceptable, I laud the entrepreneurial "go get 'em" vivre of these emerging market disruptors.
9.3.2025 07:50I fucking LOVE this new grassroots business model that's been (ahem) gaining traction lately. There's something so deeply poetic and...Oh look...that's funny.
Carney's people seemed to be prepared for little miss scooty. #CarymaNgo
I wonder what tipped them off?
@Gigi 😆
Well...I'll admit I was wrong when I said Republicans would never solve school shootings.
In hindsight, being fixated on the removal of guns from the equation blinded me to the brilliant solution the orange mastermind has discovered by simply getting rid of the schools!
(When) do we think the Clanadians will march southward once again to torch the "White House"?
And what colour might it be when they then insist on rebuilding it?
Poor lil' PeeWee Trump just showed the whole world who he *really* is.
Trump just shot Clanada in the face, and Pierre Polypooh is framing it as "stabbing their best friend in the back". MAGA is *your* imagined bestie, Peepee; now fuck off, because nobody but St. Harper wants a nasty little fascist wannabe "Whine Minister" around.
Footage of the recent plane crash at Pearson makes it look pretty clear the right wing went into enough snow to shear it off and twist the plane over. Visibility was terrible - maybe a snowbank was invisible to the pilot who was struggling to see the runway.
19.2.2025 07:40Footage of the recent plane crash at Pearson makes it look pretty clear the right wing went into enough snow to shear it off and twist the...Clanada's answer to toxic amerikkkan nationalism?
Why, a sticky treacle of gag-inducing "Great(er) White North" nationalism, naturally.
Excuse me while I clean up my lunch that I just puked all over the place.
16.2.2025 21:13Clanada's answer to toxic amerikkkan nationalism?Why, a sticky treacle of gag-inducing "Great(er) White North" nationalism,...KKKlanadians fighting online about the 'appropriateness' of booing the amerikkkan anthem is a new level of special.
Keep playing at politeness...after all, it's what makes us better than those yankee assholes, am I right?
Israhell and ameriKKKa: "We are being unfairly victimized by the consequences of our criminal actions!"
2.2.2025 20:05Israhell and ameriKKKa: "We are being unfairly victimized by the consequences of our criminal actions!"Expect more planes to fall out of the sky, and other things like derailments and collapsing bridges, as the Orange Rumpsterfire cracks every last socioeconomic bone to suck out the marrow.
Currently predicting Mango Mussolini swings by the heels within 6-12 months at this rate.
Anxiously waiting to see if the new amerikkkan fuhrer's gang follow through with their fantasies of "deporting" a citizen, who is also a bishop, for doing a lawful and conscientious job. I mean...they'd be sending bishop Budde back to....Heaven, I guess...?
23.1.2025 04:07Anxiously waiting to see if the new amerikkkan fuhrer's gang follow through with their fantasies of "deporting" a citizen, who...Clearly the Trumpire, with all those Trump steaks and Trump hotels and even the Trump University, still needs a little help from "on high"...
Are you ready for the Church of Trump Triumphant!?
(Make Atheism Great Again? -ed)
22.1.2025 17:49Clearly the Trumpire, with all those Trump steaks and Trump hotels and even the Trump University, still needs a little help from "on...The real news today is that LEONARD PELTIER IS FREE!
20.1.2025 20:16The real news today is that LEONARD PELTIER IS FREE!Did I just hear that right?!
Premiers of all of Clanada's provinces are meeting to discuss a national strategy to address tRump's tariffs...except Alberta's premier Danielle Smith, who attended remotely...from her vacation in Panama!?
As a decolonial decapitalist, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
From the perspective of "citizen", I think we'd best annex Alberta and secure the southern border. Soon. Before we have uninvited amerikkkan troops "protecting" "our" oil.
(I wonder how much $USD is in that new Panamanian bank account.)
The usual disgusting zionist opinions about Muslims are running smack into the fact that the Magdeburg terrorist was one of theirs.
Israel is a terrorist organization; embrace its fascism at your own peril.
A biblical admonition comes to mind: "Judge them by their fruits."
Christia Freeland had to go because she's simply the wrong kind of nazi for kissing the orange T-rump; he's a big Putin fanboy, while Freeland is a Ukranian Banderite.
16.12.2024 18:25Christia Freeland had to go because she's simply the wrong kind of nazi for kissing the orange T-rump; he's a big Putin fanboy,...⬆️