There we go, printed, painted and varnished. Enjoy Ajani! He’s gonna be sitting on my desk at the office.
11.12.2023 21:54There we go, printed, painted and varnished. Enjoy Ajani! He’s gonna be sitting on my desk at the office.Hey! I randomly got royalties for selling a few more copies of my book. If you purchased it let me know so I can send you some digital goodies including a pronunciation guide!
4.12.2023 16:31Hey! I randomly got royalties for selling a few more copies of my book. If you purchased it let me know so I can send you some digital...Well I am officially on medical leave of absence.
Begin internal screaming.
16.10.2023 21:07Well I am officially on medical leave of absence. Begin internal screaming.Now in glorious color. Wasn’t intending to color out the flats before surgery this week, but whoops, I was just too inspired!
What do you think?
15.10.2023 20:15Now in glorious color. Wasn’t intending to color out the flats before surgery this week, but whoops, I was just too inspired!What do you...I was experimenting with base colors, but I don’t know that I’m sold. While I’m all for blue and gold, it suddenly feels like my state flag LOL
Any thoughts or ideas? I’d enjoy high contrast, but open to suggestions!
15.10.2023 14:37I was experimenting with base colors, but I don’t know that I’m sold. While I’m all for blue and gold, it suddenly feels like my state...Final lines for Adrian!
14.10.2023 23:53Final lines for Adrian!Man. I can’t believe surgery is in 5 days. Time is invalid.
14.10.2023 00:13Man. I can’t believe surgery is in 5 days. Time is invalid.There we go! Adrian’s base design is done. Biggest dude I’ve drawn by a mile. Still need to accessorize some and add markings eventually. Refined the brow and eyes more, shoulders, hands and staff too.
I want him to eat me. … wait did I say that out loud…
Hope ya like!
12.10.2023 23:03There we go! Adrian’s base design is done. Biggest dude I’ve drawn by a mile. Still need to accessorize some and add markings...Tonight’s update to this big fella. Reworked a lot of the face and musculature to have a lot more definition. Next, to deal with the digitigrade legs *shudder* - something else I haven’t much drawn lol.
12.10.2023 00:40Tonight’s update to this big fella. Reworked a lot of the face and musculature to have a lot more definition. Next, to deal with the...You want a hunky boy? Of course you do.
Have this WIP of a new, massive character I’m working on. His name is Adrian. And he will break you in half.
(First time truly drawing bara, and this will be full body)
10.10.2023 23:36You want a hunky boy? Of course you do.Have this WIP of a new, massive character I’m working on. His name is Adrian. And he will break you...Another figurine printed and painted. I wanted to update the designs of one of my characters, Adrian. So I used this to test out my new color scheme thoughts. I quite like it!
8.9.2023 22:58Another figurine printed and painted. I wanted to update the designs of one of my characters, Adrian. So I used this to test out my new...Oh man. This turned out wicked! I knew a resin printer would be good, but I wasn’t expecting this! Yet alone for my first major print!
Leoren Design by Witchsong Miniatures
27.8.2023 01:17Oh man. This turned out wicked! I knew a resin printer would be good, but I wasn’t expecting this! Yet alone for my first major...Content warning:Medical Diagnosis
Goodness me pardon the number of typos in this
22.8.2023 22:42Content warning:Medical DiagnosisGoodness me pardon the number of typos in thisContent warning:Medical Diagnosis
CW: Medical
Some serious news on my front regarding issues with my spine.
22.8.2023 22:33Content warning:Medical DiagnosisCW: MedicalSome serious news on my front regarding issues with my spine.This is one of my personal faves. The colors just work so well, and I love the metallic spots. Also a commission.
11.8.2023 21:43This is one of my personal faves. The colors just work so well, and I love the metallic spots. Also a commission.An older piece for Altin
11.8.2023 21:42An older piece for AltinDragon cat? Dragon cat.
11.8.2023 21:42Dragon cat? Dragon cat.This was a fun piece I did for a friend of a tiger I created on the fly for them on short notice. A spears man by the name of Flick, who had a celestial mace weapon.
11.8.2023 21:41This was a fun piece I did for a friend of a tiger I created on the fly for them on short notice. A spears man by the name of Flick, who had...This was a super fun dynamic piece I did for another lion. Never tried drawing a wrestling something before, and I think I nailed it. Especially the perspective.
10.8.2023 17:33This was a super fun dynamic piece I did for another lion. Never tried drawing a wrestling something before, and I think I nailed it....One of my major reference sheets. This one was for Dataderg over on Twitter
10.8.2023 17:32One of my major reference sheets. This one was for Dataderg over on Twitter