Je viens de faire mon #eXit! L’exode de X est massif. Ne perdez pas un seul de vos abonnés. Grâce à #HelloQuitX j’ai inscrit 1798 nouveaux passagers pour partir vers #BlueSky & #Mastodon. Retrouvez automatiquement vos communautés le #20Janvier via !
22.1.2025 08:28Je viens de faire mon #eXit! L’exode de X est massif. Ne perdez pas un seul de vos abonnés. Grâce à #HelloQuitX j’ai inscrit 1798...Je viens de faire mon #eXit! L’exode de X est massif. Ne perdez pas un seul de vos abonnés. Grâce à #HelloQuitX j’ai inscrit 1798 nouveaux passagers pour partir vers #BlueSky & #Mastodon. Retrouvez automatiquement vos communautés le #20Janvier via !
18.1.2025 23:14Je viens de faire mon #eXit! L’exode de X est massif. Ne perdez pas un seul de vos abonnés. Grâce à #HelloQuitX j’ai inscrit timeline on twitter is completely unusable since yesterday. completely. just crap images, videos and texts, which have little to do with what was there usually.
13.1.2023 10:13my timeline on twitter is completely unusable since yesterday. completely. just crap images, videos and texts, which have little to do with...could those with #HTR / #OCR ground truth for #Paleoslavonic and #Cyrillic please raise their hands and point me their data-repositories so we could train some open source #eScriptorium cum #kraken models?
13.12.2022 16:49could those with #HTR / #OCR ground truth for #Paleoslavonic and #Cyrillic please raise their hands and point me their data-repositories so...We just finished an intensive introduction into #eScriptorium, the #opensource platform #OCR / #HTR at the PSL-week with lovely projects in Latin, French, German, Chinese, Vietnamese, ...
Lovely to discover a couple of new open generalized models trained by others:
#Latin #manuscripts and #incunabula 8th to 15th century.
#French 16th to 21st century:
Finetuning on these will lead to quick success. Especially with the new PASSIM txt2txt alignment.
Please welcome @fmrey on mastodon.
Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira and much more
20.11.2022 21:26Please welcome @fmrey on mastodon. Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira and much moreIt is so nice to see so many good people around here!
19.11.2022 21:21It is so nice to see so many good people around here!as EM does his best to kill the other platform I will move my main activity over here.
19.11.2022 11:28as EM does his best to kill the other platform I will move my main activity over here.yeah already following 6 people.
27.4.2022 19:34yeah already following 6 people.We need to convince some of the big shots we like to read to move here
26.4.2022 16:09We need to convince some of the big shots we like to read to move hereHi Yonatan. Let's see how this works!
26.4.2022 15:59Hi Yonatan. Let's see how this works!⬆️