No matter how hard today is, remember you'll never have to do this day again. #dailyhappyreasons
7.10.2024 16:08No matter how hard today is, remember you'll never have to do this day again. #dailyhappyreasonsOn 4 Oct 1957 the first man-made satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched. Satellites are estimated to have saved around 250,000 lives worldwide thanks to their help in better forecasting natural disasters. #dailyhappyreasons
4.10.2024 16:06On 4 Oct 1957 the first man-made satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched. Satellites are estimated to have saved around 250,000 lives worldwide...On this day in 1990, Germany unified after four decades of Cold War division.
3.10.2024 16:03On this day in 1990, Germany unified after four decades of Cold War division.In WW2, the US had a special unit called the Ghost Army, made of artists, actors and set designers whose job it was to confuse enemy troops. They did things like drive small convoys of tanks round in circles to make it appear like a large fleet, and lounge around and gossip in cafés to be overheard. They even had props like inflatable fake tanks to help with their deception.
2.10.2024 16:00In WW2, the US had a special unit called the Ghost Army, made of artists, actors and set designers whose job it was to confuse enemy troops....I can almost smell the coffee in this wonderfully uplifting evocative poem #InternationalCoffeeDay
1.10.2024 15:42I can almost smell the coffee in this wonderfully uplifting evocative poem #InternationalCoffeeDayToday, a poem. Good Timber, by Douglas Malloch.
#goodtimber #poetrycommunity #adversity
6.9.2024 17:14Today, a poem. Good Timber, by Douglas Malloch.#goodtimber #poetrycommunity #adversityThere's someone out there that really *gets* you. If you haven't met them yet, you will.
#dailyhappyreasons #ThreeGoodThings #thingstobehappyabout
4.9.2024 17:02There's someone out there that really *gets* you. If you haven't met them yet, you will.#dailyhappyreasons #ThreeGoodThings...The collective noun for a group of ladybirds is a loveliness.
#languagenerdery #naturelovers #reasonstobecheerful
3.9.2024 17:00The collective noun for a group of ladybirds is a loveliness.#languagenerdery #naturelovers #reasonstobecheerfulMr Rogers personally replied to every piece of fan mail he received.
#kindnessmatters #positivity #thingstobehappyabout
2.9.2024 16:56Mr Rogers personally replied to every piece of fan mail he received.#kindnessmatters #positivity #thingstobehappyaboutBaby dolphins are being born at this time of year.
#dailyhappyreasons #dolphins #thingstobehappyabout #goodnews
1.9.2024 16:38Baby dolphins are being born at this time of year.#dailyhappyreasons #dolphins #thingstobehappyabout #goodnewsIn Istanbul there are vending machines where you can pay one plastic bottle to dispense food and water for stray dogs.
#goodnews #positivity #kindnessmatters
26.8.2024 17:01In Istanbul there are vending machines where you can pay one plastic bottle to dispense food and water for stray dogs.#goodnews #positivity...Here is a teeny-tiny tortoise trying to eat a strawberry.
#reptilelove #reptilesofmastodon #thingstobehappyabout
The last war Liechtenstein took part in was in 1866. They sent out 80 men for the Austro Prussian war. 81 returned - the original 80, unscathed, and a friend they'd made along the way.
#goodnews #positivity #cheerfulnessiscontagious #liechtenstein
24.8.2024 16:53The last war Liechtenstein took part in was in 1866. They sent out 80 men for the Austro Prussian war. 81 returned - the original 80,...There used to be a species of crocodile that could gallop. Your happy reason for today is that it is extinct. #DailyHappyReason #dailyhappyreasons #thingstobegratefulfor
23.8.2024 16:49There used to be a species of crocodile that could gallop. Your happy reason for today is that it is extinct. #DailyHappyReason...In Amsterdam, if someone passes away with no surviving close family, a poet will be asked to read at their funeral.
#humankindness #death #positivity
22.8.2024 16:46In Amsterdam, if someone passes away with no surviving close family, a poet will be asked to read at their funeral.#humankindness #death...Dogs feel vulnerable when they poop - so they look to their owners for protection, not knowing that humans find the eye contact a bit awkward.
#dailyhappyreasons #funny #dogs #dogsofmastodon
21.8.2024 16:44Dogs feel vulnerable when they poop - so they look to their owners for protection, not knowing that humans find the eye contact a bit...Hundreds of retired Japanese engineers volunteered to fix the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power station so that young people wouldn't have to be exposed to the radiation.
#reasonstobegrateful #positivity #goodnewstuesday #community
20.8.2024 15:39Hundreds of retired Japanese engineers volunteered to fix the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power station so that young people...Benjamin Franklin once wrote an essay called "Fart Proudly". It's exactly what it sounds like.
#funfacts #dailyhappyreasons #funny #silly
19.8.2024 15:36Benjamin Franklin once wrote an essay called "Fart Proudly". It's exactly what it sounds like.#funfacts #dailyhappyreasons...Roses are red, violets are blue. Today's #BadPoetryDay - over to you.
#dailyhappyreasons #mindfulness #silly
18.8.2024 13:32Roses are red, violets are blue. Today's #BadPoetryDay - over to you.#dailyhappyreasons #mindfulness #sillyPopsicles/ice lollies were invented by an 11-year-old who left a glass of soda with a stirring stick outside overnight. #reasonstobecheerful #dailyhappyreasons
17.8.2024 14:30Popsicles/ice lollies were invented by an 11-year-old who left a glass of soda with a stirring stick outside overnight. #reasonstobecheerful...