RT @KhoaVuUmn
"You can do this in R, and R is free!"
3.5.2023 05:31RT @KhoaVuUmn"You can do this in R, and R is free!"R:RT @mrmikerobson1
The Robson lab begins! Let the genomic tinkering commence!
RT @matthewcobb
70 years ago, 3 papers appeared in @Nature under the title ‘Molecular structure of nucleic acids’. In an article in Nature today (link at end) @nccomfort and I shed new light on ‘what Watson and Crick really took from Rosalind Franklin’. This thread summarises our findings. 1/23
RT @guillaumeandrey
A lot of fun digging into the convoluted research history of all these loci! Thanks for this fun and instructive collab @Duboule https://twitter.com/duboule/status/1650745519315058688
RT @ewers_helge
Bericht im Spiegel zu neuer Arbeit der Gruppe von Florian Heyd @FU_Berlin @FUBiochemistry ! Glückwunsch zu der tollen Arbeit! https://twitter.com/mrs_heyd/status/1644626061253066760
Very sad news! Why withdraw funding from such a good institute? But I'm sure the stellar scientists will prevail!
Despite our scientific success @novonordiskfond will close CPR due to new funding strategy. #forskpol #DKforsk
We applaud our visionary leader Jiri Lukas for creating a global flagship in protein research whose pioneering spirit will live on #CPRlegacy. How did he do this? 👇🧵
is anyone feeding Hi-C maps to an AI innorder to determin what a TAD is? #itsaquestionnotacomment
15.4.2023 13:15is anyone feeding Hi-C maps to an AI innorder to determin what a TAD is? #itsaquestionnotacommentRT @VallierLab
@VallierLab Looking forward to the visit of Robert Schwartz and his talk on April 24, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm at the BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT). Everyone welcome. Please register below
14.4.2023 14:49RT @VallierLab@VallierLab Looking forward to the visit of Robert Schwartz and his talk on April 24, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm at the BIH...Family Tradition - Frohe Ostern everyone.
9.4.2023 15:27Family Tradition - Frohe Ostern everyone.is NFATc1 involved in many different processes, do I just have the feeling it pops up in many studies, or is it an easy gene name to remember? probably it is a very interesting factor..
RT @eLife
The progenitor cells that form articular cartilage express a gene for a protein called NFATc1, which stops articular chondrocytes from developing too early in the joint. https://elifesciences.org/articles/87355?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=soci…
RT @PavelTomancak
Useful short write-up about how language models work.
this looks amazing! love the birth-related expression changes!
RT @JShendure
Excited to share our lab's latest preprint, led by @CXchengxiangQIU, @bethkarenmartin & Ian Welsh of @jacksonlab.
We set out to build a single cell roadmap for all of mouse prenatal development, from single cell zygote to free-living pup.
Preprint: https://tinyurl.com/2nhe4mm9 1/n
RT @kazu_maeshima
Excited to share our new paper @ScienceAdvances:
Dual-color imaging of two neighbor nucleosomes reveals that nucleosomes in euchromatin form condensed domains with ~150 nm diameter. Nucleosomes locally fluctuate in the condensed domain like a liquid. 1/
RT @Alexis_Verger
Functionally distinct promoter classes initiate transcription via different mechanisms (distinct PICs) reflected in focused versus dispersed initiation patterns @AlexanderStark8 @LeoSerebreni @lisaminusmarie @FilipNemcko https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/embj.2023113519
RT @JKI_Bund
Durchbruch am JKI! #Klimawandel bringt mehr #Starkregen. Immer häufiger werden Ackerflächen überflutet. Unseren Züchtungsforschern ist es nun gelungen, ein Fisch-Gen in Weizen einzukreuzen und ihn so flutresistent zu machen. Zudem ist der #Omega3-Gehalt deutlich erhöht.🐟+🌾=👍
RT @josh_brickman
Very grateful to @ERC_Research for the #ERCAdG - SENCE: Signaling decoded in ENhanCEr states – a molecular basis for plasticity in development and differentiation. A fantastic opportunity to delve into transcription factor(TF) persistence and plasticity in regulative development.
RT @MPI_MolGen
🙌 Our scientist Alexander Meissner #MeissnerLab receives an #ERC Advanced Grant! He will use it to decipher the cancer #epigenome with clues from #DevelopmentalBiology
#ERCAdG @ERC_Research
30.3.2023 11:19RT @MPI_MolGen🙌 Our scientist Alexander Meissner #MeissnerLab receives an #ERC Advanced Grant! He will use it to decipher the cancer...RT @Chromatin_MPIMG
Come join us tomorrow for an exciting Chromatin Club Campus Germany! 👇 https://twitter.com/epigenetics_pod/status/1638523170838773760
RT @epigenetics_pod
My dear CHROMATIN friends near and far please RT this!
Join us for the next round of CCCG next week on March 30th featuring @Chromatin_MPIMG, @ShivKSingh6, Lisa Weber and @MareikeAlbert, hosted by @Lovin_Chromatin. #epigenetics
RT @MPI_MolGen
Patrick Cramer @CramerLab, President Elect of the #MaxPlanckSociety visited our Institute. We are grateful that you shared your views on the core values of our community and look forward to make our joint visions come to life!