“The effects of monopoly power and path dependency in search design and benchmarks on the homogenized search paradigm: evaluations, expectations, and experiences”
Who is writing / wrote this?
19.11.2024 16:23“The effects of monopoly power and path dependency in search design and benchmarks on the homogenized search paradigm: evaluations,...2. See also these statements (but is there structural alignment?) from founders of You Search and Andi Search that I like highlighting:
(a) "“Gone are the days when one monolith controls what we see online and sells our data while making trillions of dollars and hoarding the profit for themselves,” says
Socher" via https://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2022/12/15/want-to-experience-the-future-of-search-go-to-youcom/?sh=2ec7ec19a445
(b) "“There’s a way to do GenAI search that benefits both the user and producers of media”" via https://searchengineland.com/andi-search-semantic-content-engine-430029
1. @rajeshbilimoria's "Can a search engine have good VIBES?" (2022)
[with a look at (currently defunct) Neeva]
6.5.2024 18:28___1. @rajeshbilimoria's "Can a search engine have good VIBES?" (2022)[with a look at (currently defunct)...What might a search engine with good VIBES look like?
"Ideally, when structurally aligned, Values (informed by Stakeholders), shape the Information model, Business model and Experience model to serve Stakeholders well."[1]
Maybe a mashup of something like the intended ahref's Yep Search alignment with content creators[2], Kagi Search's et al.'s alignment with searchers via subscription, Mojeek's focus on privacy, & openness from Stract Search / Mwmbl? Where is innovation in governance models?
6.5.2024 18:28What might a search engine with good VIBES look like?"Ideally, when structurally aligned, Values (informed by Stakeholders), shape the...What is the story about why Google & Microsoft have Yandex while Apple has Ecosia?
Default search engines offered:
Safari: Bing, Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia
Edge: Bing, Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Yandex
Chrome: Bing, Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Yandex
How do you write about examples of LLM "hallucination" without poisoning the well? How do you link to them without deceiving folks?
I looked in my dissertation at how data engineers view web search as a "solitary and private professional endeavor".
With tools like ChatGPT Enterprise, will the dynamic shift? Could this change how employers perceive the use of such info/knowledge/skill gap-augmentation-tools?
28.8.2023 18:26I looked in my dissertation at how data engineers view web search as a "solitary and private professional endeavor".With tools...TIL: how to put full citation in-line for pandoc
use-case: creating syllabus
searched [put full citation in line (for syllabus) csl]
found: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63564839/is-it-possible-to-format-in-text-citations-with-author-title-and-date-in-markdow
Interestingly, search is a different story. If you search a phrase across line breaks (not looking at end-of-line hyphenation here):
Adobe: finds the match
Skim: fails
Voice Dream: fails
Preview: finds the match (b/c matches the terms to a page, not the query as an exact string search, highlights all matching terms)
Note: these are all in the default settings, I haven't looked for options to change the defaults.
TIL: (on MacOS) When selecting and copying text from a PDF that has line numbers[1], Adobe and Voice Dream Reader segment the main text from the lines (the selection does not get 'polluted'[2] by the numbering). Selecting in Apple's Preview and Skim includes the line numbers (and the watermark).
1. At least for this particular PDF I am looking at, different PDFs may perform differently.
2. Pollution here is clearly a user intent specific word. Some use cases may want line numbers included.
TODO: a list of all papers I've cited, w/ context of citation.
Have people seen anything like that?
19.12.2022 06:06TODO: a list of all papers I've cited, w/ context of citation.Have people seen anything like that?Wayback Machine: "The capture will start in ~1 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds because we are doing too many captures of twitter.com right now."
19.12.2022 05:40Wayback Machine: "The capture will start in ~1 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds because we are doing too many captures of twitter.com...Ah! I failed to talk about go-links in my dissertation. Ahhh! Such a fascinating counter/alter-search approach.
TODO: corrigenda
December: Finalized my dissertation. Received verbal approval. Filed.
Now working on more applications for academic positions, a couple reviews, figuring out plans for the spring, and spending more time with my 11-week-old.
And, filed. “Situating Web Searching in Data Engineering: Admissions, Extensions, Repairs, and Ownership”
17.12.2022 03:19And, filed. “Situating Web Searching in Data Engineering: Admissions, Extensions, Repairs, and Ownership”Setting this down here so I can focus on my dissertation... I have several bits that engage with this question but cannot pursue it further at this moment. Interested in looking more into collectivist/mutualist epistemologies, or how speech-acts and artifacts can reinforce conceptions of knowing as a shared endeavor. More than knowing or expertise as embedded in networks or distributed across people and artifacts, but how folks might respect and responsibilize around such an onto-epistemology?
14.12.2022 19:49Setting this down here so I can focus on my dissertation... I have several bits that engage with this question but cannot pursue it further...14… 13… 12… 11… days until the diss filing deadline
Sent the completed draft to committee.
Now we wait and see.
And work on applications, and do the dishes and the laundry and don’t look back. But stay flexible for edits and don’t trip over ourselves.
15 days until the diss filing deadline
One thing that's really nice is reading back over papers and books that I love.
16 days until the diss filing deadline
Figuring out what's left. A lot.
Also tried to get ChatGPT to help me fix my pandoc headers so the sections were not in ALL CAPS and it kept suggesting I use \MakeSentenceCase{ on the page number... So, fancyhdr docs FTW, again.
1. The [Had a seizure Now what?] search screenshot on Twitter https://twitter.com/soft/status/1449406390976409600
2. While we look at Twitter interactions, both accounts are already established on Mastodon.
Edit: We shared this also on Twitter:
And here again is the link to our paper, open access: