wondering whether you can actually program intelligent evil
15.3.2021 16:00wondering whether you can actually program intelligent evileverything is freeeee 😤🤡
31.1.2021 08:21everything is freeeee 😤🤡what's on offer, you ask?
* divination (tarot, I Ching, astrology transits)
* astrology birth charts (interpreted as a story, a fairytale, a myth - turning you into a hero)
* casual writing partner (long-form emails are great for exchanging poetry, spinning a story, philosophising)
* photo editing, doing your zine's/book's layout, turning your thought system into a neat graphic or info chart...
* magic metaphysical collaboration
more to come?
request any of these, panicarcadia@protonmail.com
just. ugh. embodying my values, yeah? fuck money. everything I'm gonna offer the world is gonna be free and if people wanna chuck a few bucks at me afterwards I won't say no. but just. doing things For money feels actually gross at this point
31.1.2021 08:16just. ugh. embodying my values, yeah? fuck money. everything I'm gonna offer the world is gonna be free and if people wanna chuck a few...a good system proves itself to be true through its practical application
truth cannot be enforced
testing my game out btw taught me that people are very, very hung-up on being objective, while completely forgetting that they are subjective beings and that anything you say is tinged by your humanity
31.1.2021 01:28testing my game out btw taught me that people are very, very hung-up on being objective, while completely forgetting that they are...Sophia Perennis in action my luvs 💪
31.1.2021 01:27Sophia Perennis in action my luvs 💪gotta combine it with a couple concepts from other belief systems but shhh
31.1.2021 01:27gotta combine it with a couple concepts from other belief systems but shhhturns out, if you break #astrology down enough (going as far as returning to the 7 planet system, instead of the 10 planets in use today) it turns into an incredibly logical, symmetric (!), algorithmic system of values, which turns into a customisable map of the soul's development throughout life
31.1.2021 01:26turns out, if you break #astrology down enough (going as far as returning to the 7 planet system, instead of the 10 planets in use today) it...the systems you teach and apply transmit your values; this is a simple truth with wide-reaching implications
31.1.2021 01:13the systems you teach and apply transmit your values; this is a simple truth with wide-reaching implicationscome up with an astrology keyword system that teaches people values and Then go into all the fun astrology projects
31.1.2021 01:06come up with an astrology keyword system that teaches people values and Then go into all the fun astrology projectsit is midnight, it is my dream anniversary, two years ago on this night I had the prophetic dream that sent me on my way to London
31.1.2021 00:05it is midnight, it is my dream anniversary, two years ago on this night I had the prophetic dream that sent me on my way to Londona space without principles requires rules
removing rules can only happen when there are principles
officially going by Sophia now btw
change in social media profiles coming up tomorrow
time makes angels of us all...
30.1.2021 19:53time makes angels of us all...death
y'all SOPHIE died this morning when she slipped while trying to get a good view of the moon, this is the Weirdest Timeline
30.1.2021 19:35deathy'all SOPHIE died this morning when she slipped while trying to get a good view of the moon, this is the Weirdest Timelinethe birth of meaning comes at the dawn of peace
29.1.2021 10:38the birth of meaning comes at the dawn of peaceI just broke my friend's brain with my board game, really fucking glad that it's actually working
my tl is dead anyone got recs for cool people to follow? x
28.1.2021 07:38my tl is dead anyone got recs for cool people to follow? xmornin fediiii ~*
it's a full moon in Leo tonight hope y'all are ready for my power to increase exponentially :3c