After all that work to pack the bench; I bet they are PISSED. Lol.
We currently have the most evil administration in the history of the United States.
The biggest problem with Elmo is that his greed and hubris far exceed his intelligence.
12.3.2025 17:43The biggest problem with Elmo is that his greed and hubris far exceed his intelligence.Support Ukraine.
Petition in support of Iranian film makers jailed in Iran
Seriously? None of you "stable geniuses" 😂 see anything wrong with this? JFC, a person who calls themselves a Democrat co-sponsored this.
I don't have any personal* problems with crypto, I even have a crypto wallet. BUT, I do have issues with using money stolen from everything else to pay for it.
*However I do have ethical questions and issues with it's massive environmental impact. (My crypto can be mined on a cell phone and I have not put any real money into it. Which is the only reason I got into it. Even if it fails, I am not out anything.)
We're not the only ones who hate the orange cockwomble.
China studies impact of solar farms on desert environment. The results are surprising and encouraging.
Positive effects of dam removals.
The orange cockwomble and his Elmo are rattling sabers, while firing actual active military and cutting benefits to the ones we have already broken.
So far, the only thing that they have accomplished is uniting the rest of the Free World AGAINST US.
Slightly stoned observation
Occasionally doing Duolingo while stoned gives you a different perspective on the translations
Musk came here on a student visa, but quit after only a couple weeks. At which point, he should have gone home. But he didn't. He stayed. As far as inventing goes, he is most like Edison, buys in, takes over and then buys out or kicks the actual inventors to the curb.
Edison, who was a salesman first and foremost, destroyed Tesla, just because he could. Musk using Tesla's name while practicing Edison shady business practices is a total insult to the genius of Tesla.
Oh, and Elon, I tested in the 99th percentile on the PSAT test. What was yours?
Oh, damn, I just remembered what I wanted to say...
On The Big Bang Theory, Howard meets Musk in a soup kitchen and is a total Fanboy.
I have issues with that.
1. There is no documentation of Elon ever physically doing ANYTHING for the poor, especially the homeless.
2. Howard has a Master's degree. Elon only got a Bachelor's.
3. Based on Elon's public posts, he doesn't believe in subsidies, unless he is the one receiving them.
All I know is that if I don't get my SS, the Feds won't be getting my student loan payment.
11.3.2025 00:42All I know is that if I don't get my SS, the Feds won't be getting my student loan payment.Consider for a minute, what if the death of two people could save the lives of thousands, and even possibly restore our national pride and international reputation?
11.3.2025 00:01Consider for a minute, what if the death of two people could save the lives of thousands, and even possibly restore our national pride and...Amphibious mouse?
Just like everything else, this hurts the smaller farms the most. Basically, everything so far is geared towards saving the biggest and richest, at the expense of the littlest. And all he has to do is stretch the freeze out a little bit longer, so the little farmers go bankrupt then his cronies can come in and grab all the little farms for pennies. All for the 1%, paid for by you and me.
Trump golf resort vandalized 😊
And since he fired the people who do the actual testing for avian flu... Oops.
If you have a farmer's market relatively close, get your eggs there. They may be as expensive as the big stores, but you can ask them directly whether they test for avian flu regularly.
Read "Trump’s Latest Repost On Truth Social, Called “Shut Up About Egg Prices,” Is Going Viral, And It NEEDS To Be Hung At Grocery Stores Nationwide" on SmartNews:
PSA: Cat food recall
Stand up for Science