If you're a mid-career neuroscientist or working in a related field in Denmark, you should definitely consider applying for membership in LFIN. I'm a member and it's fantastic!
From Lundbeck Foundation:
The Lundbeck Foundation Investigator Network (LFIN) seeks passionate early to mid-career scientists in Denmark across all neuroscience fields.
If you're committed to driving scientific success, send us your nomination by April 9, 2024: The Lundbeck Foundation Investigator Network https://lundbeckfonden.com/uddelinger-priser/ansoegere/apply-grants/the-lundbeck-foundation-investigator-network
LFIN members attend two annual two-day meetings: one for soft skills and career training, the other a neuroscience-focused scientific conference.
You'll receive tailored career training chosen by members, covering grant writing, job talks, lab leadership, commercialization, non-academic paths, public engagement, and diversity and inclusion.
Join us in advancing neuroscience research!
Contact Senior Scientific Programme Manager Anette Høye (ah@lundbeckfonden.com) or
Senior Scientific Programme Manager Line Vilbrad Kristensen (lvk@lundbeckfonden.com) for any questions regarding your nomination.
📢 Hiring a postdoc (or highly qualified PhD student)!
We need your ideas and enthusiasm at the @DRCMR for a 2-year postdoc (or 3-year PhD) in cognitive computational neuroimaging.
Great lab in the most liveable city in the world!
Get in touch with @dav_meder or just apply.
4.1.2023 13:06📢 Hiring a postdoc (or highly qualified PhD student)! We need your ideas and enthusiasm at the @DRCMR for a 2-year postdoc (or 3-year...#introduction Just migrated from a different server, here we go again:
I am a cognitive computational neuroscientist at the DRCMR in Copenhagen.
I am interested in the workings of the dopamine system in health and Parkinson's disease. I mainly use fMRI, 7T structural MRI and Bayesian methods, but am also involved in projects using TMS and EEG.