I would highly recommend this free event being held in #StAndrews #fife #scotland on Sunday. It’s a great day out for the family. https://impact.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/engagement-with-research/mind-and-matter-2024/
22.10.2024 14:52I would highly recommend this free event being held in #StAndrews #fife #scotland on Sunday. It’s a great day out for the family. ...Why don’t #phones offer #parents the ability to setup two PINs, one for adults using the phone and one for kids using the phone? A phone visiting a website or app could then notify the site or app that the user is under 18, and legislation could be introduced preventing an adult from sharing their PIN, much as laws tend to restrict adults from exposing minors to certain movies. Are there #privacy concerns with this, or #technical reasons it is not possible? #ageverification #minors #onlineharm
20.2.2024 06:30Why don’t #phones offer #parents the ability to setup two PINs, one for adults using the phone and one for kids using the phone? A phone...On poverty in the #UK.
25.11.2023 18:43On poverty in the #UK. https://theconversation.com/its-not-a-cost-of-living-crisis-its-a-poverty-pandemic-218474#SDG1 #NoPoverty #SDGs“In most climates the #solar energy incident upon a house’s wall and roof surfaces greatly exceeds its total annual energy demands for space and domestic hot water (DHW) heating, space cooling, ventilation, appliances, and lighting.”
Such a lovely, inspiring article https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2019.08.034
I would highly recommend a blog called “Protons for Breakfast”. If you are interested in domestic #insulation, #HeatPumps, #SolarPV, or #batteries, this is a brilliant personal account of Dr Michael de Podesta’s journey to #decarbonise his home. https://protonsforbreakfast.wordpress.com
23.1.2023 14:32I would highly recommend a blog called “Protons for Breakfast”. If you are interested in domestic #insulation, #HeatPumps, #SolarPV, or...Here I am in St Andrews (2005) prepping for an experiment. I was the token biologist in a laser lab. I enjoyed my post-doc days immensely.
19.12.2022 09:10Here I am in St Andrews (2005) prepping for an experiment. I was the token biologist in a laser lab. I enjoyed my post-doc days immensely.Hello everybody - here’s my #introduction.
I was a #research #scientist for many years working on #cryobiology, artificial #liver systems, #lasers, #microscopy, and #OpticalTweezers.
I now work as a #grant #funding research development manager. I spend my days reading grant applications and working with hundreds of fantastic #academics in the beautiful town of #StAndrews #Scotland.
I am interested in #sustainability and how we can make the world a better place.
18.12.2022 23:19Hello everybody - here’s my #introduction. I was a #research #scientist for many years working on #cryobiology, artificial #liver...