Excited to be included on “Quiet in Studio,” a compilation from <1 that features several of my favorite artists, including Malady of Knots, Mike Watt, Vacant Possession, The Museum of Viral Memory, and Quatrefoil. Each participating artist was randomly allocated one sound-bed created by Relay Station to utilize as they wished in their audio interpretation.
3.3.2025 14:28Excited to be included on “Quiet in Studio,” a compilation from <1 that features several of my favorite artists, including Malady of...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Ud5AkhcLE
3.3.2025 00:45https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Ud5AkhcLEhttps://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/784418592328992384
25.2.2025 16:17https://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/784418592328992384https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2QppFjzzgM
15.2.2025 03:17https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2QppFjzzgMhttps://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/rduckshow/episodes/2025-01-29T08_00_00-08_00
31.1.2025 02:06https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/rduckshow/episodes/2025-01-29T08_00_00-08_00https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb3w28Il_r4
30.1.2025 03:32https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb3w28Il_r4Thank you to the legendary Mike Watt for having me as a guest on The Watt From Pedro Show. It was an incredible experience to be able to have a conversation with one of my biggest musical heroes:
Thanks to @hairylarry for including a few of my tracks on his always excellent show, Something Blue:
Behind the Boughs reviewed by George Bidwell in Weirdo’s Weekly: https://substack.com/home/post/p-154258217
7.1.2025 00:25Behind the Boughs reviewed by George Bidwell in Weirdo’s Weekly: https://substack.com/home/post/p-154258217https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m7TQvZhkKQ
3.1.2025 14:27https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m7TQvZhkKQListening party tonight at 8:00pm EST
If you've ever wanted to tell me, in real time, that I overuse reverse delay, rely too heavily on augmented 4ths, and ask me if I will ever again allow myself to play anything in meter, this is a perfect opportunity. Or just come hang out with us and quietly listen to the full album before release day. Up to you.
28.12.2024 21:03Listening party tonight at 8:00pm EST https://fearofhorses.bandcamp.com/album/behind-the-boughsIf you've ever wanted to tell me, in real...Releases January 3rd on CD & digital
Eclectic Fantastic Episode 30, curated by Signalstoerung:
Thank you to Mike Watt for playing all the tracks from "Cooperatively: Volume 1" on the 12/4/24 episode of The Watt From Pedro Show
28.11.2024 20:38https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3wK88okPUkhttps://daviddellacroce.bandcamp.com/album/cooperatively-volume-1
22.11.2024 19:00https://daviddellacroce.bandcamp.com/album/cooperatively-volume-1Eloïse Decazes et Eric Chenaux - Le deuil d'amour
Since there’s never a bad time to express gratitude (and this feels like it might be a particularly good time for it), I’d just like to say that I appreciate you wonderful people of the fediverse. You make my life better. Thank you.
7.11.2024 20:48Since there’s never a bad time to express gratitude (and this feels like it might be a particularly good time for it), I’d just like to...My friends/collaborators Randolph and Richard are back on the Watt From Pedro Show: https://www.twfps.com/past-episodes/on-air-guests-again-randolf-carter-from-eugene-or-richard-fenton-from-long-sutton-england-via-skype
5.11.2024 16:19My friends/collaborators Randolph and Richard are back on the Watt From Pedro Show: ...Fall back