Saturday Night At The Movies:
Nomadland, Channel 4, 10.00pm
In her third Oscar-winning role, Frances McDormand plays Fern, a widow who travels from state to state and job to job in her van, "not homeless, just houseless".
My review -
Do I have to go out?
30.12.2023 08:33Do I have to go out?Good morning and welcome to Wednesday, the 3rd Day of Twixmas, 2023.
I'm on breakfast duties again this morning on @kfmradio 7 to 10am.
If you're around, I'd love your company 🎙️📻
Feet up. This afternoon's film is a classic Western from 1965.
26.12.2023 14:48Feet up. This afternoon's film is a classic Western from 1965.I hope you had a lovely day. I am so full and so mellow right now but bed will be calling soon.
In the morning when you stumble down the stairs, click on the light and the kettle, stick on @kfmradio
Good tunes and the usual bits and bobs as we ease you into St. Stephen's Day 🎙️
After 37 years does anyone know if Chris Rea made it home?
25.12.2023 20:22After 37 years does anyone know if Chris Rea made it home?Almost time for bed. Santa will be here soon. Holly is tired too and heading to bed.
I hope Santa brings you everything you wish for. Chat tomorrow.
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
It's not Christmas until you've had one...
24.12.2023 20:33It's not Christmas until you've had one...The situation is deteriorating. I hope everyone is ok
24.12.2023 20:08The situation is deteriorating. I hope everyone is okOh oh! #BreakingNews from the Nakatomi office in Los Angeles
24.12.2023 19:29Oh oh! #BreakingNews from the Nakatomi office in Los AngelesGood start to Christmas! ⭐
23.12.2023 21:59Good start to Christmas! ⭐Tomorrow, whatever you're doing, wherever you are, join me from 11am to 2pm on @kfmradio
I'll have lots of #FestiveFavourites #SeasonalSongs and some of the best Christmas No 1s of all time.
It's the perfect soundtrack for prepping vegetables or wrapping the last pressies 🎄🎁📻
Good morning on this Eve of Christmas Eve . I'm on the wireless from 11 to 2 with your #MoreMusicSaturday @kfmradio
I'll take a look at today's front pages at 11.30 followed by a great Christmas tune by our own @ColPmusic . Chat to you from 11.
Friday afternoon, pottering around, candles lighting and West Side Story on the TV. I love this time of year 🎄
22.12.2023 16:14Friday afternoon, pottering around, candles lighting and West Side Story on the TV. I love this time of year 🎄Angry looking sky this morning as Holly and I have our dawn walk. It's a bit of a struggle this morning as I'm a little under the weather. Still, it's great to be out in the fresh air - before the rain arrives.
Have a lovely Friday everyone ⭐
Insomnia and antibiotics.
That's it. That's the post.
Have a lovely Friday everyone
Join Starfleet they said. You'll have fun they said, drink a little Romulan Ale.
21.12.2023 21:47Join Starfleet they said. You'll have fun they said, drink a little Romulan Ale.Thanks for all the tips and offers. I'm going to make it from scratch.
It doesn't look so hard...
Puff pastry sold out everywhere. I'm not looking for much but every shop is out of stock. Is there a pandemic I missed?
Thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Also, tips for shops that have stock - we're talking Kildare
Thanks ❤️🎄