My city now:
27.4.2022 01:28My city now:Heh as a treat.
27.4.2022 01:20Heh as a treat.Time to study apologetics.
26.4.2022 17:54Time to study apologetics.This dialectical dance.
26.4.2022 17:51This dialectical dance.Mastodon is heavenly.
26.4.2022 17:45Mastodon is heavenly.Looking for messianic anarchists-followers of the way.
26.4.2022 17:42Looking for messianic anarchists-followers of the way.A reverse kenosis: emptying ones self into God
26.4.2022 17:13A reverse kenosis: emptying ones self into GodA reverse kenosis.
26.4.2022 17:02A reverse kenosis.Resist pseudo-katechon.
26.4.2022 16:56Resist pseudo-katechon.How do I verify my mastodon account?
26.4.2022 16:54How do I verify my mastodon account?Jesus invented distituent power.
26.4.2022 16:52Jesus invented distituent power.A shame Agamben never made a twitter.
26.4.2022 16:49A shame Agamben never made a twitter.Any academic theologians want to follow and discuss philosophical theology?
26.4.2022 16:48Any academic theologians want to follow and discuss philosophical theology?Slurrrp.
26.4.2022 16:40Slurrrp.Excuse my typos.
26.4.2022 06:45Excuse my typos.ThiS totAlity is SpilLing into reality.
I fear trump will be reelected weith Musk buying twittter and opening it for free hate speech again.
heh as a treaat.
26.4.2022 06:37heh as a treaat.This fault filled totality lies in shambles.
:Me talking about twitter.
We are all pseuds on this blessed day.
26.4.2022 06:03We are all pseuds on this blessed day.