If you are unplugging your PAX, please swing by the Pandemonium booth and check things out! (Tons of games on sale there, including my very own Hope is Not a Plan.)
2.12.2023 22:42If you are unplugging your PAX, please swing by the Pandemonium booth and check things out! (Tons of games on sale there, including my very...I'm starting to plan now for a campaign a year from now, and I'm kind of bummed that I pretty much have to decide Kickstarter or Gamefound before I decide anything else.
3.4.2023 18:42I'm starting to plan now for a campaign a year from now, and I'm kind of bummed that I pretty much have to decide Kickstarter or...I'm taking a course on business strategy right now. According to Porter's "Five Forces" model (rivalry from existing firms, threats of new entrants, threats from substitute products, the bargaining power of suppliers, and the bargaining power of customers) there's no way anyone should be involved in publishing TTRPG materials at all.
22.2.2023 01:40I'm taking a course on business strategy right now. According to Porter's "Five Forces" model (rivalry from existing...Anyone know a store that still has the offset print copies of Worlds Without Number in stock? I am full of regret now for not getting in on that.
23.1.2023 00:43Anyone know a store that still has the offset print copies of Worlds Without Number in stock? I am full of regret now for not getting in on...It’s live! Get you to an Itchery, go!
20.1.2023 14:12It’s live! Get you to an Itchery, go!https://itch.io/b/1692/solo-but-not-alone-3Just had a playtester for Expotition tell me she could feel the stress leaving her brain as she played.
Coming soon to the Solo But Not Alone Bundle…
18.1.2023 05:25Just had a playtester for Expotition tell me she could feel the stress leaving her brain as she played. Coming soon to the Solo But Not...“Substantial similarity” is copyright lawyer talk for “it looks like you copied it, even though it isn’t word for word.”
9.1.2023 21:48“Substantial similarity” is copyright lawyer talk for “it looks like you copied it, even though it isn’t word for word.”Paragraph X.A says that if their stuff happens to look like yours, that’s okay.
X.B says that they won’t try to claim ownership of works made under the OGL1.1, but they can use it in any way they want, anywhere, forever, and they don’t owe you a dime.
X.C repeats an earlier section for fun, reminding you that they own their stuff.
Section X basically says “What’s ours is ours, and also what’s yours is ours.”
9.1.2023 21:43Paragraph X.A says that if their stuff happens to look like yours, that’s okay. X.B says that they won’t try to claim ownership of works...Who do we like for mailing list services these days? I’m going to try and market stuff this year, but really not sure if there’s much difference between services, other than “who will let me do the most before they start charging substantial fees.”
#marketing #mailinglist #ttrpg #publishing
9.1.2023 21:20Who do we like for mailing list services these days? I’m going to try and market stuff this year, but really not sure if there’s much...Well, this will probably be my personality for the foreseeable future. Launching as a "preview edition", so that I can include it in the Solo But Not Alone bundle this year, my #CartaSRD game based on the original Winnie-the-Pooh.
I present, Expotition!
Now I really need to figure out marketing.
31.12.2022 22:16Well, this will probably be my personality for the foreseeable future. Launching as a "preview edition", so that I can include it...Time for an Affinity Tip!
In Affinity Publisher, you can add "decorations" to a paragraph style. Decorations are lines which can be placed top, bottom, left and right. They can be set to reference the margins, the column, or the text, and then distance adjusted for placement. (It makes box text really easy)
Yesterday I noticed you can do a pressure profile on the line, which means you can do a classic separator like this as a style!
#AffinityPublisher #Affinity #ttrpg
26.12.2022 22:47Time for an Affinity Tip!In Affinity Publisher, you can add "decorations" to a paragraph style. Decorations are lines which can be...Okay. I have an idea and a plan that leads from now through a Kickstarter in early '24. What I don't know about is marketing. Pretty sure I need a mailing list. How do I even?
26.12.2022 15:56Okay. I have an idea and a plan that leads from now through a Kickstarter in early '24. What I don't know about is marketing. Pretty...Trying to make a Carta game. Did you know, you have to write words _before_ you lay them out? This sucks.
18.12.2022 22:32Trying to make a Carta game. Did you know, you have to write words _before_ you lay them out? This sucks.Affinity V2 includes some features I've *reallllllly* been waiting for. Surprised there's not a cheaper update path, but looking forward to finally having text warp.
9.11.2022 23:53Affinity V2 includes some features I've *reallllllly* been waiting for. Surprised there's not a cheaper update path, but looking...