I keep receiving various supermarket offers in my mailbox, and I am thinking of repurposing their paper for various DIY projects. Is there a way to make it stiffer (i.e. more cardboard like) so it won't bend that easily?
!Do It Yourself
!Do It Yourself
I keep receiving various supermarket offers in my mailbox, and I am thinking of repurposing their paper for various DIY projects. Is there a way to make it stiffer (i.e. more cardboard like) so it won't bend that easily?
!Do It Yourself
!Do It Yourself
#Senson #Luftqualität #lärm #diy
11.11.2023 09:09!Do It YourselfThis seems really neat. I tink I'll put it on my list of things to do after creating a GPS tracker for my own bike
24.10.2023 08:25This seems really neat. I tink I'll put it on my list of things to do after creating a GPS tracker f...Splitter - Das Magazin für Reparaturfans
7.7.2023 17:51Initiativen finden, unterstützen und gründen | Netzwerk Reparatur-Initiativen