The United States is so ridiculous :kerbal
Got this in the latest #phibetakappa newsletter and I am beside myself. This almost got by me because the news is so full of news 😭
PLEASE sign and share this! Oppose an Amendment to Eliminate Funding for the NEH.
#humanities #history #ethics #creativity #literature
3.11.2023 14:58The United States is so ridiculous :kerbalGot this in the latest #phibetakappa newsletter and I am beside myself. This almost got by me...Have I posted this dufus here yet?
Adopted him last June. He's soooo sweet but raising an XL Bully who is under two years old is like raising a three year old boy who is also fourteen.
#pibble #staffie #pibblesofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #dogs #fedidogs
31.10.2023 18:03Have I posted this dufus here yet?Adopted him last June. He's soooo sweet but raising an XL Bully who is under two years old is like...Made a new mix!
I think I could have maybe bumped up the BPM on this a little, it definitely has a bit of a cough syrup flavor 😂
But I still like it a lot! Working on a new one now that is more around the 130bpm mark. Still don't have my studio set up tho, as my home renovations are going really slow while I work two jobs and dance mom.
#traktorDJ #girlsondecks #nativeinstruments #ukg
30.10.2023 20:23Made a new mix!I think I could have maybe bumped up the BPM on this a little, it definitely has a bit of a cough syrup flavor 😂But I...My social media game is really, really bad these days... I'm on Facebook with my friends and family and that's about it.
But, I still have a few people here, I think. It's been so long since I logged on that my "home feed" needs preparation now.
19.10.2023 11:49My social media game is really, really bad these days... I'm on Facebook with my friends and family and that's about it. But, I...So... I am about to start a job in AI. I honestly love this, because it is 1000% putting my liberal arts humanities degree to use, and the work I am doing is actually ethical.
There is no stopping AI. People with ethics need to be involved.
And, because I am old and was around since the 1337 days... information really does want to be free.
Alas, I am still an independent contractor, though a well-paid one.
24.6.2023 14:39So... I am about to start a job in AI. I honestly love this, because it is 1000% putting my liberal arts humanities degree to use, and the...Haven't been here in a minute - graduating, packing, moving to #greensboronc on Monday.
Just came here to bitch about the irony of taxpayers having to fund millions of dollars of search and rescue efforts for a bunch of billionaires.
#taxtherich and make their families pay now that they are all going to receive some big fat life insurance policies.
22.6.2023 20:03Haven't been here in a minute - graduating, packing, moving to #greensboronc on Monday.Just came here to bitch about the irony of...I was approached by someone on LinkedIn who wanted to connect about a job. I researched the company and it was pretty sketchy and responded that after consideration and research, I would defer since I wasn't interested in working for an MLM. Man he got a bit nasty, they get sensitive when you call "direct sales" an MLM.
6.6.2023 05:15I was approached by someone on LinkedIn who wanted to connect about a job. I researched the company and it was pretty sketchy and responded...I am causing trouble on TikTok and it's only my 3rd video 😂
27.5.2023 19:22I am causing trouble on TikTok and it's only my 3rd video 😂Also, i just done did the thing and graduated.
I'm 49 and I just earned my bachelor's degree lol... Fuck it, whatever.
I graduated magna cum laude from Smith yesterday.
Smith goes hard for commencement and I feel like I have been hit like a truck because old, but also can't believe I am now moving on to the next things (s) - fixing up an old farmhouse and finding a job while I fill out grad school applications because masochist.
23.5.2023 03:22Also, i just done did the thing and graduated.I'm 49 and I just earned my bachelor's degree lol... Fuck it, whatever.I graduated...I made this, intended to be a middle school history lesson.
I don't know much about other six graders, but I live with one who gets it and thinks it's funny but harsh and true. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Every day I wake up there's another reason I'll soon not be allowed in Florida.
23.5.2023 03:19I made this, intended to be a middle school history lesson.I don't know much about other six graders, but I live with one who gets it...The rich are shameless. Thank you, @ProPublica for this important exposé. I graduate (tomorrow) from a ridiculously expensive school that paid for literally everything, including family housing, and I needed it, as did most of my cohort. It pisses me off to no end that people with every means to send their kids to college do crap like this and steal from people who truly need it.
20.5.2023 17:20The rich are shameless. Thank you, @ProPublica for this important exposé. I graduate (tomorrow) from a ridiculously expensive school that...Has all social media just become completely stupid?
Let me preface this with this: I AM #QUEER. I am a queer woman. I mostly like other women.
#Facebook is very sensitive about men.
19.5.2023 14:41Has all social media just become completely stupid?Let me preface this with this: I AM #QUEER. I am a queer woman. I mostly like other...Well okay then, I am officially one of the newest members of Phi Theta Kappa.
Fully a rags to... Well, maybe not riches but definitely a bachelor's degree well done.
#education #phithetakappa #college #grad
14.5.2023 03:02Well okay then, I am officially one of the newest members of Phi Theta Kappa.Fully a rags to... Well, maybe not riches but definitely a...Well, crap - apparently I had auto-delete turned on here, and my Mastodon history is now gone. How did I not notice that?
2.5.2023 16:33Well, crap - apparently I had auto-delete turned on here, and my Mastodon history is now gone. How did I not notice that?#mastodonI took some crazy liberties with tempo in this new mix (which is much slower than my usual speed). This one is somewhere between 70-105BPM - it's an Afro-downtempo-psydub excursion... Wear headphones unless the bass on your system is excellent. And yes, she's smoking a gold-plated doobie because me and #midjourneyAI are best friends.
I'm not entirely sure if the tempo play works or not - lemme know -
#traktorDJ #djsofmastodon #electronicmusic #ukg #bass
2.5.2023 16:26I took some crazy liberties with tempo in this new mix (which is much slower than my usual speed). This one is somewhere between 70-105BPM -...Hey everyone - install this plugin on your browser and you'll be able to interact with people on other Mastadon servers - following them, liking/responding to/boosting their posts, etc. - without having to constantly sign in.
Find people you followed on the birdsite by using Debirdify here - scroll all the way to the bottom to generate a CVS file so you can batch (yeah I wish I'd seen that first):
#debirdify #twitterexodus #twittermigration
14.12.2022 16:12Hey everyone - install this plugin on your browser and you'll be able to interact with people on other Mastadon servers - following...