currently trying the #mastodon app and #metatext for iOS. Having odd results.
#metatext seems to miss toots between my previous session, and the session I just started.
#mastodon app has a “load missing posts”. Sometimes I need to do multiple loads. It keeps me located at the top of the loaded posts so I have to scroll down to see the new posts instead of loading the posts above my current location so I can continue through the toots in time order.
#help file or config change suggestions?
9.11.2022 02:47currently trying the #mastodon app and #metatext for iOS. Having odd results.#metatext seems to miss toots between my previous session, and...Welcome @abangser.
31.10.2022 23:23Welcome @abangser.I use Tweetbot for reading the bird site. Is there a functionally comparable app for Mastodon? iOS/iPadOS.
31.10.2022 02:02I use Tweetbot for reading the bird site. Is there a functionally comparable app for Mastodon? iOS/iPadOS.