Winter arrives in Winnipeg before fall is finished. #earlywinter #Winnipeg
27.10.2023 13:15Winter arrives in Winnipeg before fall is finished. #earlywinter #WinnipegThe Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Heritage Collection has over 1,000 pieces of art & culturally-significant artifacts displayed throughout its beautiful space. So glad I visited. #Indigenousculture #ExploreMB #onlyinthepeg #art #Winnipeg #Indigenousart #Manitoba
Have you heard of junk playgrounds? This article talks about the and the first one built in Copenhagen in 1943 by Carl Theodor Sorensen. Seeing the pictures made me think of all the accidents wanting to happen, but also how exciting my 7-year-old grandson would find it. #playgrounds
21.3.2023 15:08Have you heard of junk playgrounds? This article talks about the and the first one built in Copenhagen in 1943 by Carl Theodor Sorensen....I'm looking out at all the white snow in my front yard and thinking about the brilliant spring blaze of colour at Carlsbad Ranch Flower Fields in California. #lovetotravel #springblooms #VisitCalifornia #CarslbadRanch
16.3.2023 16:17I'm looking out at all the white snow in my front yard and thinking about the brilliant spring blaze of colour at Carlsbad Ranch Flower...Hé Ho. Lunchtime entertainment at Festival du Voyageur in Winnipeg, Manitoba. #Winnipeg #FestivalduVoyageur #joiedevivre #ExploreMB #music #StBoniface
22.2.2023 20:50Hé Ho. Lunchtime entertainment at Festival du Voyageur in Winnipeg, Manitoba. #Winnipeg #FestivalduVoyageur #joiedevivre #ExploreMB #music...I finally had a chance to write about my visit to The Leaf, the newest attraction in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The conservatory features tropical and Mediterranean biomes and a butterfly garden. The heat and humidity are quite a contrast to the winter weather outside. #winnipeg #TheLeaf #ExploreMB #conservatory #tropicalgarden #Manitoba
19.2.2023 16:33I finally had a chance to write about my visit to The Leaf, the newest attraction in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The conservatory features...My latest blog post at Destinations Detours and Dreams is about the Agowiidiwinan Centre at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The exhibit is all about the treaties made between First Nations and the British Crown in Canada, both the history and contemporary implications. Lots of things you should know but maybe don't. #winnipeg #CanadianHistory #treaties #CanadianTreaties #TheForks
9.2.2023 16:28My latest blog post at Destinations Detours and Dreams is about the Agowiidiwinan Centre at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The...Game changers: my 7 1/2 year old grandson can now buckle his own seatbelt and my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter has figured out how to get her thumb into the thumb part of her mittens. Makes sitting days easier. #grandparenting #milestones
5.2.2023 14:38Game changers: my 7 1/2 year old grandson can now buckle his own seatbelt and my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter has figured out how to get her...I finally got around to writing up my top ten reads of 2022. #books #reading #toptenreads
19.1.2023 18:26I finally got around to writing up my top ten reads of 2022. #books...In my latest blog post I have some thoughts on #toilets and #travel - Going on the Go.
13.1.2023 15:40In my latest blog post I have some thoughts on #toilets and #travel - Going on the Go....Every year Santa brings us a new wall calendar. This year's theme of Dad Jokes is going make for a lot of groans in 2023 for my husband's family and friends. #DadJokes #HappyNewYear #winnipeg #calendar
1.1.2023 15:59Every year Santa brings us a new wall calendar. This year's theme of Dad Jokes is going make for a lot of groans in 2023 for my...Tree in front of our house is pretty this morning. Covered in hoar frost. #winnipeg #winterwonderland #winterbeauty #manitoba #hoarfrost
31.12.2022 15:47Tree in front of our house is pretty this morning. Covered in hoar frost. #winnipeg #winterwonderland #winterbeauty #manitoba #hoarfrostMerry Christmas. Turkey is roasting in the oven. Gluten-free stuffing in the bird. Gluten stuffing in the crockpot. #Christmasdinner #turkey
25.12.2022 19:39Merry Christmas. Turkey is roasting in the oven. Gluten-free stuffing in the bird. Gluten stuffing in the crockpot. #Christmasdinner #turkeyLast evening I attended my first school winter concert as a grandparent. Felt a tiny bit emotional about that at first. Once concert started it felt very much like the concerts I attended as a parent 2 decades ago. It was stressful for my daughter whose 2-year-old found it all a bit much. #schoolconcert #winterconcert #Winnipeg #grandparentjoy
21.12.2022 15:21Last evening I attended my first school winter concert as a grandparent. Felt a tiny bit emotional about that at first. Once concert started...My latest blog post is about a visit to Nonsuch Brewing Co. taproom in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The microbrewery offers Belgian-style beer and tasty food in its centrally-located taproom. #Winnipeg #ExploreMB #craftbeer #Manitoba
Today (December 10) is Human Rights Day. Admission to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba is free for the day. Here is my guide to the museum: #Winnipeg #HumanRights #museum #Manitoba #CMHR
10.12.2022 15:55Today (December 10) is Human Rights Day. Admission to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba is free for the day. Here...Caribière, Nonsuch Brewery's delicious offering for Hot Beverage Week in the Exchange District of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. A blend of their strong malt beer Bière de Garde and Shiraz. #HotBeverageWeek #ExchangeDistrict #warmingdrink #Winnipeg
9.12.2022 22:47Caribière, Nonsuch Brewery's delicious offering for Hot Beverage Week in the Exchange District of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. A blend...