In today's #mondog, Hank once again thinks you can't drive.
17.7.2023 15:27In today's #mondog, Hank once again thinks you can't drive.I am considering writing an investigative journalism piece entitled "How Is Dog so Long?"
#mondog #hankthedog #pitbull
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival...I'd say it was impossible to take a bad photo but I managed it. Still, it was very, very hard. #skagitvalley #skagitvalleytulipfestival #tulips
27.4.2023 15:09Skagit Valley Tulip Festival...I'd say it was impossible to take a bad photo but I managed it. Still, it was very, very hard....And a very derpy #mondog to you.
10.4.2023 15:52And a very derpy #mondog to you.Day 60, the last day of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - a runner up song that almost made it on another day of the challenge. I was actually regretting my choice for a song people should listen to at my funeral, so I'm taking this opportunity to pick a new one. The new Depeche Mode album is...blows kiss. #30daysongchallenge #depechemode
Depeche Mode - Ghosts Again
day #59 - my personal one-hit wonder. How about Republica, Ready to Go, a song I long mis-heard the lyrics to as "Where do we go," then forgot about, then remembered thanks to #yellowjackets #30daysongchallenge
Day 58 - my rage song. Nine Inch Nails works for almost every rage-requiring situation. #30MoreSongsChallenge #30daysongchallenge #NIN
Day 57 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - an emblamatic 2010s song. 2010 was a chaotic decade for me. I left not one but two jobs, and in fact left behind the whole corporate rigmarole...I moved out of NYC...other personal things...then there were politics... #30daysongchallenge #kaetempest
Kae Tempest - Europe is Lost
Day 56 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - an emblematic Noughties song. I pick this one both for the message and the memory of trying to find some weird outdoor amphitheater on the Lower East Side where they were playing a free summer show back very early in their career.
#30daysongchallenge #vampireweekend
Vampire Weekend - The Kids Don't Stand a Chance
Day 55 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - a wanderlust inspiring song. So many! I have entire playlists devoted to wandering. Here's a highlight. #30daysongchallenge #wanderlust
Arcade Fire - No Cars Go
Day 54 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - this song reminds me of home.
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Home
When you're trying to take a romantical picture but it's 30 degrees (Fahrenheit) out... #CherryBlossoms #TidalBasin #spring
22.3.2023 13:29When you're trying to take a romantical picture but it's 30 degrees (Fahrenheit) out... #CherryBlossoms #TidalBasin #springDay 53 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - a song from a favorite movie. The movie 187 came out while I was living in Moscow, and I don't know if it was the movie, or the music, or seeing it while living somewhere else, but all together it made a deep impression. Definitely a mood. #30daysongchallenge
Galliano - Slack Hands
For #ThickTrunkTuesday and for #spring here's a photo of a gnarly cherry tree on the #TidalBasin in Washington DC. Love this tree.
Missed a few days for an adventure. Resuming today with Day 52 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - a song by an acclaimed artist that I just don't get. I just can't get past this artist's voice. Fully recognize that I'm in the small, small minority here.
Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone
Day 51 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - a song for my funeral. Presented without explanation.
More Than This - Roxy Music
Bonus picture from the same walk as the #waterfallwednesday shot. A cross-country skier trying to make do with two inches of snow, because that's the kind of winter we've had in Upstate NY. #fingerlakes #photography #lostcat
15.3.2023 13:34Bonus picture from the same walk as the #waterfallwednesday shot. A cross-country skier trying to make do with two inches of snow, because...For #waterfallwednesday here's a random one by the side of the Black Diamond Trail in Ithaca, NY. There's just something about waterfalls in the snow. #fingerlakes
15.3.2023 13:30For #waterfallwednesday here's a random one by the side of the Black Diamond Trail in Ithaca, NY. There's just something about...Day 50 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - a song that reminds me of a favorite activity. For hiking,
Spoon - Wild
Day 49 of the #30MoreSongsChallenge - a song that reminds me of night. This is the first one that popped into my head. Not only does it have night in the title, it also just kinda feels like a spooky night to me. PS, if you haven't seen the twins' YouTube review, it'll make you chuckle.
Phil Colins - In the Air Tonight.