30 Jahre Kreditkartennutzung, dieses Wochenende zum ersten Mal Fraud - irgendwer hat bei mir 1900$ im Online-Casino verzockt. Yey. Netterweise kümmert sich die Bank jetzt drum aber zunächst hat man ja immer erstnal das Gefühl, dass die Kohle auch eventuell weg sein könnte...
4.3.2025 18:2330 Jahre Kreditkartennutzung, dieses Wochenende zum ersten Mal Fraud - irgendwer hat bei mir 1900$ im Online-Casino verzockt. Yey....Meine Mission dieser Tage: Weniger Geld in die USA geben, besonders auch mit Blick auf Onlinedienste.
✅ chatGPT Plus: gekündigt.
✅ Adobe Photographer: gekündigt.
✅ Amazon gegen Kobo und e-Leihe via Toronto Public Library getauscht
Wahrscheinlich erstmal weiter gesetzt ist YouTube Family Premium.
Netflix ist in Diskussion 🙂
Alder's Razor (Newton's Flaming Laser Sword): If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation, then it is not worth debating.
21.5.2024 10:37Alder's Razor (Newton's Flaming Laser Sword): If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation, then it is not worth...Popper's Falsifiability Principle: A hypothesis or theory should be considered scientific only if it is falsifiable.
21.5.2024 10:37Popper's Falsifiability Principle: A hypothesis or theory should be considered scientific only if it is falsifiable.👇Chesterton's Fence: Before you remove a fence (or any established practice or belief), understand why it was put there in the first place.
21.5.2024 10:37Chesterton's Fence: Before you remove a fence (or any established practice or belief), understand why it was put there in the first...Hume's Guillotine (Is-Ought Problem): One cannot derive an "ought" from an "is"; that is, statements of fact (what is) do not logically lead to statements of value (what ought to be).
21.5.2024 10:37Hume's Guillotine (Is-Ought Problem): One cannot derive an "ought" from an "is"; that is, statements of fact (what...Brandolini's Law (Bullshit Asymmetry Principle): The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.
21.5.2024 10:36Brandolini's Law (Bullshit Asymmetry Principle): The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to...Principle of Charity: When interpreting someone's statement, you should assume the best possible interpretation, considering the strongest possible version of their argument.
21.5.2024 10:36Principle of Charity: When interpreting someone's statement, you should assume the best possible interpretation, considering the...Parkinson's Law of Triviality: Organizations give disproportionate weight to trivial issues, neglecting important ones.
21.5.2024 10:36Parkinson's Law of Triviality: Organizations give disproportionate weight to trivial issues, neglecting important ones.👇The Arena Razor: Pay more attention to people who have skin in the game.
21.5.2024 10:36The Arena Razor: Pay more attention to people who have skin in the game.👇Hitchen's Razor: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
21.5.2024 10:36Hitchen's Razor: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.👇Grice's Razor: In conversation, say only what is true, relevant, and clear.
21.5.2024 10:35Grice's Razor: In conversation, say only what is true, relevant, and clear.👇Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.
21.5.2024 10:35Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.👇Dunning-Kruger Effect: The less competent someone is, the more they overestimate their competence.
21.5.2024 10:35Dunning-Kruger Effect: The less competent someone is, the more they overestimate their competence.👇Sunk Cost Fallacy: What you've invested is irrelevant to whether you should continue investing.
21.5.2024 10:35Sunk Cost Fallacy: What you've invested is irrelevant to whether you should continue investing.👇Occam's Razor: When faced with competing hypotheses, choose the one with the fewest assumptions.
21.5.2024 10:34Occam's Razor: When faced with competing hypotheses, choose the one with the fewest assumptions.👇Someone just sent me a list of principles for good decision making and I turned them into a #thread for your reference 🙂
21.5.2024 10:34Someone just sent me a list of principles for good decision making and I turned them into a #thread for your reference 🙂 👇Those who demand to #taxtherich do not see themselves as part of "the rich".
Those who are against it often believe they may have a shot to be rich themselves some day.
And both actually don't understand how modern capitalism works.
I personally believe we need to redistribute more wealth. However, chances are that most of us would actually need to pay more taxes and higher prices and consume less, all at the same time.
27.4.2024 15:00Those who demand to #taxtherich do not see themselves as part of "the rich".Those who are against it often believe they may have a...Und ja, die Domain https://schlanada.de war auch noch frei ;-) #KanadaUmzugsLeaks
17.11.2023 09:46Und ja, die Domain https://schlanada.de war auch noch frei ;-) #KanadaUmzugsLeaks