Another report has just been released that has come from the work I was doing with UNICEF and Data for Children Collaberative last year - the Children's Climate Risk Index for Least Developed Countries -
8.3.2023 09:37Another report has just been released that has come from the work I was doing with UNICEF and Data for Children Collaberative last year -...It's been 1 year since Venus's gotcha day! Fair to say, it's been a big transformation from the dog who would only walk and lie on the rug on day 1, to the dog who now spends her life roaching on the sofa! #greyhound #greyhoundsofmastodon #adoptdontshop
31.1.2023 13:38It's been 1 year since Venus's gotcha day! Fair to say, it's been a big transformation from the dog who would only walk and lie...Has anyone ever looked into whether there is statistical significance between the timing of getting flu and having time off? 😂
10.1.2023 12:32Has anyone ever looked into whether there is statistical significance between the timing of getting flu and having time off? 😂In other, lighter-hearted news, an email thread debating the mystery of the missing office chair within the department (including forensic before and after photos) has at least cheered me up a bit. Although I do feel sorry for the victims glutes and quads given his situation. #AcademicLife #MissingChair #RewardOffered
9.12.2022 16:26In other, lighter-hearted news, an email thread debating the mystery of the missing office chair within the department (including forensic...I always take the train where I can within the UK, mostly due to the carbon footprint. After my last few trips, I can fully understand why people take planes though. And this is a non-strike day.
9.12.2022 16:23I always take the train where I can within the UK, mostly due to the carbon footprint. After my last few trips, I can fully understand why...Rare that I'll post on current events that aren't science related here, but this is worth an exception. Doddie Weir is someone I respect immensely, not just because of his rugby career, but for everything he has done since. Rather than link a news article about his death, I'd rather link to his charity. I'm not asking you to donate, but if you're struggling for a Christmas present for a rugby fan, they have a shop with money going to help research MND cures. RIP Doddie.
26.11.2022 19:04Rare that I'll post on current events that aren't science related here, but this is worth an exception. Doddie Weir is someone I...Just discovered that one of the methods of climate adaptation that is proposed from #COP27 is called "community-based adaptation", or CBA for short, and there is something so bitterly ironic about that... #climatechange #climatescience
22.11.2022 16:58Just discovered that one of the methods of climate adaptation that is proposed from #COP27 is called "community-based adaptation",...In a brief pause (paws?) from climate related toots: I present the longdog! #DogsOfMastodon #Greyhound #Rescue #AdoptDontShop
21.11.2022 15:58In a brief pause (paws?) from climate related toots: I present the longdog! #DogsOfMastodon #Greyhound #Rescue #AdoptDontShopAnd finally (for now - there may be more later!) the project I'm now working on! The Tomorrow's Cities project, which aims to bring bring multi-hazard disaster risk management to the centre of urban policy and practice in expanding cities across the globe. My work will look to quantify risk, assess how to best communicate potential future risk and pass on these frameworks to allow cities to further develop. See for more! #hazards #risk #tomorrowscities
20.11.2022 16:06And finally (for now - there may be more later!) the project I'm now working on! The Tomorrow's Cities project, which aims to bring...As part of the work towards the index, we also had a SAGEs summer student, Kate Sargent, who looked at the change in mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, Dengue and Zika with climate - her work resulted in this paper which came out a couple of weeks ago as well! #climatescience #climateimpacts #malaria #disease
20.11.2022 16:00As part of the work towards the index, we also had a SAGEs summer student, Kate Sargent, who looked at the change in mosquito-borne diseases...I also took part in a panel Q&A hosted by the Data for Children Collaberative in Edinburgh, alongside Sophie Lee from UNICEF, Dr Gary Watmough from Edinburgh and Professor Craig Hutton from the University of Southampton, in which we discussed the Index, and answered questions from children living all over the world. You can watch the panel at alongside more information about the work that has been done since the report. #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatescience
20.11.2022 15:55I also took part in a panel Q&A hosted by the Data for Children Collaberative in Edinburgh, alongside Sophie Lee from UNICEF, Dr Gary...I've mentioned the UNICEF & DCC heatwave report that came out last month - this was preceeded by the Children's Climate Risk Index just before COP26 which looked at not just heat, but a variety of climate hazards such as flooding, vectorbourne disease, cyclones, air pollution and more. 1 billion children are in countries at extreme risk of impacts from climate change. The main report and new interactive atlas can be found at #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatescience
20.11.2022 15:50I've mentioned the UNICEF & DCC heatwave report that came out last month - this was preceeded by the Children's Climate Risk...Going to be putting some of my recent research/output/projects on here whilst I wait for the rain to go away so I can get back out to the garden! #ClimateScience
20.11.2022 15:45Going to be putting some of my recent research/output/projects on here whilst I wait for the rain to go away so I can get back out to the...After years of broken promises, inaction and frustration, any deal from COP27 is some form of progress. But from the early reporting, whilst getting all countries to agree to a loss/damage fund is huge, I feel like a lot of detail and actual decisions on it are being kicked down the road to deal with later. Would be ecstatic to be proved wrong, but I'm not convinced. #ClimateCrisis #COP27 #ClimateChange
20.11.2022 10:19After years of broken promises, inaction and frustration, any deal from COP27 is some form of progress. But from the early reporting, whilst...Yesterday it rained. A lot. Here's a snapshot of the 36-hour accumulated rainfall from SEPA rain gauges across Scotland. It's no surprise we saw flooding. What's difficult is working out how much the impact was worsened through human influences, and how much the impact can be lessened through adaptation techniques. #Flooding #Rainfall #HumanImpact
19.11.2022 08:33Yesterday it rained. A lot. Here's a snapshot of the 36-hour accumulated rainfall from SEPA rain gauges across Scotland. It's no...Whilst I'm still figuring this all out, let me introduce our latest report in conjunction with UNICEF, DCC and various universities in the UK - a report highlighting the dangers of Heatwaves to children around the world both now and in the future. #ClimateScience #ClimateImpacts
18.11.2022 21:51Whilst I'm still figuring this all out, let me introduce our latest report in conjunction with UNICEF, DCC and various universities in...Well, a new jump into the abyss.
Bear with me whilst I figure this all out - at some point the previously twitter-bound feed of interesting science, academia, future climate change, climate impacts, expanding cities, disaster risk reduction, puns, rugby, pizza and travel will recommence...
18.11.2022 11:41Well, a new jump into the abyss. Bear with me whilst I figure this all out - at some point the previously twitter-bound feed of interesting...